Готовимся к ОГЭ по английскому языку. Страдательный залог.
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс)

Ирина Николаевна Кулакова

Раздел "Лексика и грамматика".

Повторяем тему: " Passive voice".

Материалы сайта ФИПИ. 


Microsoft Office document icon Passive voice. Материалы сайта ФИПИ. 26.5 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

 I can’t call them because of this,” he pulled his phone out of his pocket and showed it to me – the screen __________________ and the phone was obviously dead.


I checked the window – it __________________.


Michael was really surprised to find out that the first personal computer __________________ in the 70s of the last century.


It was very cold out-of-doors and everything __________________ in snow but Kim’s mother walked in all weathers.


Everyone says I’ve got talent,” she said to herself, looking at the magazine where an article about the competition __________________.


The test was really long – the tasks __________________ on both sides of the page!


The house __________________ by Simon himself, with a bit of help from his friends. The result is impressive.


As a result, now people __________________ to walk around the monument but they can’t come up very close to it.


One of her regular passengers was a guitar player. Every Friday night he got on the bus carrying his guitar. The guitar __________________ of wood, not plastic, and Dana liked the way it sounded.


He put on a sweater, jacket, gloves, boots and a hat, and opened his front door. Everything __________________ with snow. A cold wind blew inside.


Tim sat at the table. Emma had some papers in her hands but Tim couldn’t read what __________________ there – the letters were too small.


My car was absolutely new! It __________________ only a week ago.”

Martin went up to the window, saw the car and understood that he would lose his job anyway.


Soon everything __________________ and he started to get dressed.


Alison took her jewellery box from the table. The box __________________ of wood and had colourful stones on the top.

“You know you must never touch it, right?” Alison said.

It was an unusual, but interesting French class. The poem __________________ on the board, our new teacher read it and then we discussed the poet’s message, choice of words and other poetical things.




The sky __________________ with heavy dark clouds. But the weather didn’t make our parents change their plan.


It took the girls half an hour to make a list of guests. Each name __________________ carefully on glossy paper.


The territory of the zoo was large, and the animals __________________ in large enclosures that imitated their natural environment.


The building we can see today opened in 1825. It __________________ by architect Andrei Mikhailov who was also the architect of the Maly Theatre.


Roald Dahl started as an adult writer. His first book __________________ in 1942.


In fact, all the scripts and programmes for our school events __________________ by Jane. We helped her as much as we could but she always did most of the work.


Amazingly, many of the houses __________________ centuries ago!


The collars of some dogs __________________ with medals.

The contest started, and the judge threw a ball.


Most people love jokes. A good joke can break the ice and make the conversation enjoyable.   My friend’s hobby is collecting jokes. When he  hears   a good joke, he writes it down on a special card.

The cards __________________ in a box in his room.


His shoulders __________________ with protective suntan lotion, but they looked red anyway.


A few years ago I was on a camping holiday in Bristol. There were_lots of other girls from around the UK, but I was the only one from Scotland.

The camp __________________ in the woods, not far from the river.


Everyone says I’ve got talent,” she said to herself, looking at the magazine where an article about the competition __________________.


His expedition started in 2001. It __________________ to draw attention to the African forests. During his expedition Mike Fay made several films about the beauty of the forests.


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