Online safety
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Чекушева Нурия Джиганшаевна

Презентация поможет учителям провести беседу о безопасности в сетях. Также   способствует  развитию  устной речи на уроках  английского языка.


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Слайд 2

Online Bullying Making Friends Online Gaming Welcome Page Sharing Information Loading …. The Internet is amazing when used safely and correctly. Here are some simple rules that will help you stay safe online. Press to enter! Be smart and safe by making the right choices.

Слайд 3

Online Bullying Making Friends Online Gaming Welcome Page Sharing Information STOP - Stop what you are doing. Do not click on the page or reply to any messages . CLOSE - Close the laptop. Put your phone or tablet down. TELL - Tell a trusted adult. If you see something online that upsets you:

Слайд 4

Online Bullying Making Friends Online Gaming Welcome Page / onlinegaming Sharing Information Always ask a trusted adult before you play games on line . Use a username instead of your real name when playing games online. It is important to be nice to people so that you don't upset them. Remember to treat others how you would like to be treated. Online Gaming

Слайд 5

Online Bullying Making Friends Online Gaming Welcome Page / makingfriends Sharing Information Only talk to people you know online. If someone you don’t know sends you a request or message, ask a trusted adult. Never agree to meet someone in person that you met online. Some people on the Internet might not be who they say they are. Making Friends

Слайд 6

Online Bullying Making Friends Online Gaming Welcome Page / onlinebullying Sharing Information Online bullying is a type of bullying. It can take place when playing games or talking to people online. If someone says something that upsets you, tell a trusted adult, such as a teacher or parent, and block the bully. Online Bullying Show whatever you receive to a trusted adult, so they can help you. Don’t keep online bullying to yourself! Te ll a trusted adult. People want to help you and make it better.

Слайд 7

Online Bullying Making Friends Online Gaming Welcome Page / sharinginformation Sharing Information Never share any of your personal information online, such as your name, address or school. Instead of using a photograph, use an avatar to represent your face. Before you share a photograph of you or your friends online, check with a trusted adult. Sharing Information If you get sent a photograph that upsets you, tell a trusted adult.

Слайд 8

Online Bullying Making Friends Online Gaming Welcome Page STOP CLOSE TELL Sharing Information STOP - Stop what you are doing. Do not click on the page or reply to any messages . CLOSE - Close the laptop. Put your phone or tablet down. TELL - Tell a trusted adult.