Test 4. 2023-2024 уч.год
тест по английскому языку (7 класс)

Андрианова Анастасия Эльмировна

 2023-2024 уч.год


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Spotlight 7. Test 4

A. Match the words in Column A to the words in Column B.

1.wash …..

a painkiller

2.eat .......

a cool pack on your forehead

3. get .......

a light meal

4. put .......

plenty of fluids

5. take .......

with cold water

6. drink .......

some rest

B. Fill in the gaps with apartbehind or out.

  1. Tim has fallen ................ with Sam because he broke his MP3 player.
  2. She fell ................ with her schoolwork when she was ill.
  3. The bookcase fell ................ as soon as we placed some books on it.

C. Use the prompts to complete the phrases.

throw, lose, argue, move, sit, practice

  1. to ................. an exam  
  2. to .................. a party
  3. to .................... house 
  4. to .............. something valuable
  5. to ...................... with someone

D. Use the prompts to complete the sentence

sore, sprain, ache, hurt, chip

  1. Jane didn’t go to work today as she had a stomach ...................... .
  2. Tom has ...................... his back and has to rest.
  3. Can I have some tea with honey, please? My throat is ......................... .
  4. What’s wrong with your wrist? Did you ....................... it?
  5. You have to go to a dentist when you ........................ a tooth.

E.  Underline should or shouldn’t.

e.g. You should/shouldn’t take your raincoat. It’s going to rain.

  1. Alex should/shouldn’t pick up that heavy box. He is going to hurt his back.
  2. I should/shouldn’t do more exercise to feel better.
  3. You should/shouldn’t be nervous. You revised well for the test.
  4. We should/shouldn’t panic. There is still plenty of time to get there.
  5. They should/shouldn’t wear their sunglasses or they will get sore eyes.
  6. I think I am getting a cold. I should/shouldn’t take some vitamin C tablets.
  7. She should/shouldn’t go to the doctor. She doesn’t look well.
  8. Paula should/shouldn’t worry. She always does well at Maths.
  9. If you are tired, you should/shouldn’t go to bed early tonight.
  10. We should/shouldn’t fight. We are best friends!

F. Write the correct form of the verb in brackets.

  1. If you do your homework, we______ (go) to the cinema.
  2. If Kate __________(not/study), he will fail his exams.
  3. If it _________(be) rainy next Sunday, we won’t go to the park.
  4. If you heat water at 100 degrees, it ________(boil).
  5. If my parents go to the concert, I _________(stay) at home to look after my sister.
  6. If I ___________(hear) from him, I will let you know.
  7. If Bill rings me up, I __________(tell) you.

G. Choose the correct response.

e.g. Have you been to the doctor yet?                                F

  1. Are you all right? .......

A Everything will be all right. You revised well.

  1. Is something wrong? .......

B Yes, I’m fine thank you.

  1. Doctor, how bad is it? .......

C Let me help you.

  1. I’m worried about the exams. .......

D No. Why? Do I look stressed?

  1. I don’t have time to finish this by myself!

E It’s nothing serious.

F Yes. He gave me antibiotics

E. Read the text and mark the sentences T (True), F (False) or DS (Doesn’t Say).


Do you have difficulty waking up in the morning? Do you find it hard to concentrate in class?

Does your mood change often or do you sometimes feel sad without a reason? Then, maybe you are not getting enough sleep.

Most teens need about 8 to 9 hours of sleep each night. This is necessary for anyone who wants to do well in exams or play sport and don’t feel exhausted afterwards. However, many teens usually go to bed late. This may be because the hormone that regulates sleep appears later at night during a young person’s teenage years.

In some schools, middle and high school classes start later to help teens get more sleep. If your school doesn’t do that, try to get more sleep. Relax your mind, avoid drinks with caffeine and stay away from bright lights before you go to bed. This will help both your body and mind work better!

42 Changes in your mood can stop you from concentrating in class.

43 Teens need less than 8 hours of sleep each night.

44 Hormones affect teens’ sleeping patterns.

45 Teens start lessons later in some schools.

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