Tag- questions+ Reflexive Pronouns - июнь 2024
рабочие листы по английскому языку (8 класс)

Данный материал может быть использован при подготовке обучающихся 8-х классов  с целью формирования грамматического навыка по темам "Виды вопросов в английском языке" и "Разряды местоимений"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Grammar: Reflexive Pronouns+ Tag Questions

1. I opened the door and found___facing a stranger.

 2. Go and see it for___if you like.
3. Bob looked at _________ in the mirror and smiled.

4. We protect___from the cold with warm things.

5. She burnt ___ironing a dress.

6. Don’t blame___, boys. It is not your fault.

7. They have nobody to thank but _____.
8. She dried___with a blue towel.

9. They introduced _______ to the audience.

10. Soon I found ______ in a strange place.

11. Make ________ at home.

12. Behave ______!

Task 2. Use the proper tenses in the Active or Passive Voice.

English 1) _______ (speak) originally in Britain by the Anglo-Saxons 1500 years ago, but it 2) _______ (differ) a lot from the language we 3) ________ (know) today. In fact, we would have great difficulty understanding Old English now.

Since then, the English language 4) ________ (change) a lot.  It   already 5) ________ (spread) all over the world and it 6) _________ (speak) as the first language in the UK, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa and the Carribean, and it 7) __________ (use) as an official language in more than 70 countries. A lot of different forms and varieties of English 8) _________ (use) not only across the world, but even within the British Isles. It 9) ________ (teach) as a foreign language in several countries. More and more people 10) _________ (use) English when travelling and doing business abroad. It seems that English is becoming the language of international communication.

Task 3. Ask tag- questions.

You are a student, ____________?

It isn't too cold today, ______________?

He was at the concert, ________________?

You like chocolate, _________________?

She arrived too late, _________________?

Tom couldn't find the place, __________________?

Henry and Juliet have just arrived, _________________?

Your little Angie can't walk yet, ___________________?

When you arrived, she had already left, _____________________?

10 You would never tell him, ___________________?

Task 4. Ask tag-questions.

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