Проверочная работа по грамматике. Пассивный залог.
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Итоговая работа в 5 вариантах.


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Предварительный просмотр:

1 variant           Passive Voice                  ____________________________
Date: ____________________________

1  Fill in the verbs in Passive.

  1. A lot of newspapers___________________ ( to print) every day.
  2. The telegram _________________ (to receive) tomorrow.
  3. This article ___________________ (to discuss) now.

2 Change the sentences into Passive.

  1.  This writer wrote a lot of books.
  2. You will buy this CD tomorrow.
  3. The police were following him until he got to the office.
  4. The doctor had already told him to go on a diet.
  5. You must tidy your bedroom.
  6. The hotel servants didn't iron the shirts.
  7. Young people play basketball in Turkey.
  8. Did the school master invite the children to dinner?

3 . Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Меня часто спрашивают на уроках.
  2. Новую больницу только что построили.
  3. Телеграмму бабушке отправят завтра.

2 variant           Passive Voice       ____________________
Date: ____________________________

1 Fill in the verbs in Passive.

  1.  Too many mistakes __________( to make) in the last dictation.
  2. The room _______________ (to clean) yesterday.
  3. The film __________ (to watch) at 6 o’clock yesterday.

2 Change the sentences into Passive.

  1.  We watch interesting films on TV every day.
  2. Students take examinations at the end of each term.
  3. They haven’t brought back my skates.
  4. The author is writing a new book.
  5. She brought me some oranges.
  6. The manager didn't start the program.
  7. We eat a lot of ice-cream in summer.
  8. Didn't the doctors keep him in hospital?

3 . Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Концерт транслировали по ТВ весь вечер вчера. ( broadcast)
  2. Его пригласили на вечеринку на прошлой неделе.
  3. Послушай! Играют очень знакомую мелодию.

3 variant    Passive Voice   ______________________
Date: ____________________________

1 Fill in the verbs in Passive.

  1. A gold medal_____________ (to win) by our team next year.
  2. She showed me the picture which ____________ (to paint) by her father.
  3. I hope that the tickets ________________ (to give) me by 4 o’clock tomorrow.

2 Change the sentences into Passive.

  1. They are looking for the girl everywhere.
  2. The waiter will serve you breakfast in five minutes.
  3. They are repairing the clock now.
  4. You can use the saucepan for cooking spaghetti.
  5.   A car hit my dog.
  6. The workers didn't paint the kitchen.
  7. We wear warm clothes in winter.
  8. Will Susan decorate the bedroom tomorrow?

3 . Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Дети не ложились спать, пока елка не была украшена.
  2. Самые важные новости печатаются в газетах.
  3. Вас обслужат через пять минут.

4 variant           Passive Voice    __________________________________
 Date: ____________________________

1  Fill in the verbs in Passive.

 We’re late. The game already ______________________( to play).
Fried potatoes _______________________ (to be often) with fish.
Don’t worry! The dinner ________________________ (to cook already).

2 Change the sentences into Passive.

  1. They offered me a cup of tea.
  2. We have just sent for the doctor.
  3. He had interrupted me.
  4. Somebody stole my wallet yesterday.
  5. The lawyer sent the letters yesterday.
  6. People don't use this road very often.
  7. Did the snowball hit the man?
  8. Has Simon sent the invitations yet?

3 . Translate the sentences into English.

  1. После обеда посуда была вымыта.
  2. Результаты уже объявили.
  3. Письмо было написано вчера к пяти часам.

5 variant           Passive Voice     _________________
Date: ____________________________

1 Fill in the verbs in Passive.

This match _______________(to see) by millions of people at this time yesterday.
The situation ______________________ (not to improve) yet.
He _______ (to bring) new textbooks next week.                

2 Change the sentences into Passive.

  1. We have lost the game today.
  2. The lights went out when they were serving the meal.
  3. I will have read this book by 10 o’clock tomorrow.
  4. Edward has not recorded a new song.
  5. A woman left a small purse in the telephone box.
  6. They produce Tofaş cars in Bursa.
  7. Did the school master invite the children to dinner?
  8. Do they produce oil in Spain?

3 . Translate the sentences into English.

Обед готовился вчера в 2 часа.

Домашнее задание будет сделано завтра к 8 часам.

Английский язык изучается в школе уже в течение нескольких лет.

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