Конспект урока-День Благодарения
план-конспект по теме

Конькова Ольга Фёдоровна

Конспект урока к американскому и канадскому празднику "День Благодарения"


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Предварительный просмотр:

                                                     Задачи урока:

  1. учебный аспект:

- формирование умения употреблять лексический материал по теме Thanksgiving  Day и обеспечение его первичной тренировки в серии речевых и языковых упражнений;

- совершенствование правильности произношения английских звуков и слов; правильной интонации;

 - обучение умению давать свою оценку прослушанному;

  1. способствование повышения мотивации учения при помощи интерактивных средств обучения; 
  2. формирование умения учащихся осуществлять поиск необходимой информации.;
  3. обучение оформлению поздравительных открыток.
  4.     развивающий аспект:

развитие творческих способностей учащихся, эмоциональности, активности, быстроты реакции, трудолюбия.

  1. воспитательный аспект:

воспитание чувства доброты, желания доставить радость другим.

-   социокультурный аспект:

предоставление возможности для коммуникативного использования английского языка.    

Оборудование: Компьютер, проектор, экран, презентация, посвящённая атрибутам дня благодарения, раздаточный материал по теме урока.  

Ход урока:

  1. Организация класса.

Сообщение целей, задач и плана работы на уроке.

G ood morning, children. We begin our lesson. You know much about traditions of British festivals: about Christmas, Easter, St.Valentine’s Day, about Halloween.

But today we’ll speak about one of the American holiday- Thanksgiving Day. You’ll know about history, symbols and about traditions of this day.

  1. What holiday shall we speak today about?
  2. Is Thanksgiving Day a British holiday or an  American holiday?

II Речевая зарядка.

We begin with the phonetic drill. (доска) Repeat after me, please.

[i] give, in, tradition, beginning, Pilgrims, Indians, build, big, Thanksgiving, dinner.

Pilgrims had a very big Thanksgiving dinner.

[i:] beans, people, TV, season, three, eat.

                                                       [i] - [i:]

                                               dinner – people

        Thanksgiving      – three

                            Thanksgiving dinner lasted three days.

[ǽ] thanks, national, cranberry, mashed, relax, family.

[e]  American,  together, bread, special.

                                                        [e] - [ǽ]

                                                American – family

                                                 together – national

                                                     special – relax

                   American families come together for a special dinner.

(please, read the words with the sound [i]……..)

III.Основной этап

The next task, please.       Card № 1 (grey)

Take grey cards & read out words & word combinations which refer to Thanksgiving Day. (grey card)

Festival, card, thanks, to decorate the house, to colour eggs,  to buy chocolate eggs, don’t go to work, to come together, special dinner, to put presents under the Christmas tree, to eat beans, to eat traditional meals, to relax, the Native Americans, Thanksgiving parade, to send Thanksgiving cards, the Pilgrims.

Card № 2 (yellow)      Now take yellow cards and match the words to form word combinations, please.

Match the words to form word combinations, please.




turkey and pumpkin pies




with turkeys, flowers and vegetables

to come


to eat


to watch


to decorate



to America from England


special dinner

to have

to plant corn, to hunt, to fish,

to build houses



the most popular

for help

The next task. Watch my presentation about Thanksgiving Day and fill in the gaps in your blue cards. (презентация без пропусков)

Card № 3      Watch the presentation about Thanksgiving Day and fill in the gaps in your green cards.

  1. One hundred Pilgrims came on board the ship _____________ in ________

to _______________ from ______________.

  1. The Native Americans showed the Pilgrims how to _____________.
  2. In the autumn of 1621 the Pilgrims had a ____________  for ______________.
  3. The members of the family meet together on Thanksgiving Day and have a ______________________.
  4. People eat ______________________________________________ on Thanksgiving Day.
  5. People like to watch a _______________________________ on TV.
  6. There are many decorations on Thanksgiving Day. ___________________________________________________ are among them.
  7.  One of the traditions on Thanksgiving Day is a ________________ in New York City.
  8. People send ________________________________ each other.

(презентация с пропусками: каждый слайд после того, как дети прочитают своё предложение)

Let’s correct your answers.  (Presentation without gaps)

Who hasn’t got any mistakes?


Now you know that one of the traditions of Thanksgiving Day is to send greeting cards. And now, please, sit at the computers and try to make Thanksgiving cards. You’ll work in publisher. You’ve got cards with addresses. Write down these addresses on Thanksgiving cards and then write down one of  the Thanksgiving poems. (You’ve got only 10 minutes)

(Дети выполняю работы в Publisher             почтовая карточка          праздники)

(работаем за компьютером) (проектируем изображение на экран) (разбираем на примере одной работы)

What do you wish your pen-friend?


Please, read the text about Thanksgiving Day on your white cards. And then read out some new information.

Thanksgiving Day is on the last Tuesday in November. It is an American holiday. Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday, so most people don’t go to work. The families come together for a special dinner. They eat turkey, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pies, nuts, beans, corn bread and sauce made from cranberries. After dinner people relax, talk and watch a football game on TV. Football is the most popular game on the day. Usually there are several football games to watch on TV.

Every Thanksgiving Day there is a very big parade in New York City. Santa Claus arrives at the end. His coming marks the beginning of the Christmas season.

Shops, classrooms and homes are decorated with turkeys, pilgrims, Indians, flowers and vegetables.

Thanksgiving Day started over 380 years ago with Pilgrims. 1620 one hundred Pilgrims came to America from England. They came on board the “Mayflower”. The first winter the Pilgrims were hungry, sick and cold. Their life was difficult and full of danger. But the Native Americans helped the Pilgrims. They taught the Pilgrims to plant corn, to build houses, to hunt.

In the autumn of 1621 the Pilgrims had their first harvest. It was rather good. The Pilgrims decided to have a special dinner. They had a thanksgiving dinner for all the people. It lasted three days. They thanked the Native Americans for their help.

The Pilgrims – a first small group of people who came to America many years ago for religious freedom.

IV. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов:

Dear children, it’s a pity, but our lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Have you liked our lesson? Tell me, please. Use these sentences.

                   It was interesting because……..          

 I know about Thanksgiving Day in America.

 I like to work at the computer.

 I can make Thanksgiving cards.

I liked the presentation about Thanksgiving Day in America.

                   It wasn’t interesting because………

I don’t like working at the computer.

I haven’t understood some new words at the lesson.

Our lesson was boring.

Дмашнее задание:

Your home task is to make simple publications about Thanksgiving Day. We’ll have a kind of competition. The information you may get in Internet on the web-sites. The addresses are:



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