New Year Resolutions.
материал по теме

Степанова Анна Сергеевна

Этот материал можно использовать:

1) при работе над грамматическим материалом "to be going to";

2) перед Новым годом предложить ученикам написать свои New Year Resolutions.


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Предварительный просмотр:

New Year’s Day is less popular in Great Britain than Christmas. But it is also celebrated there.

Not all English people celebrate New Year.
Those who do, celebrate it on the 31
st of December.
A lot of people go to Trafalgar Square to see the Christmas tree.
They have a New Year party at home.
On that day they wish their dearest and nearest a “Happy New Year”.
When Big Ben strikes twelve the people drink a toast to the New Year.
English and American people often make New Year’s resolutions.
Children make New Year’s resolutions, too.
This year
I am going to help Mum about the house.
This year
I am going to be nice to my little sister.
This year
I am going to do exercises every morning.
This year
I am going not to be late for school.
My Mum
isn’t going to eat chocolates, bread or spaghetti.
is going to play tennis every day.
My Mum and Dad usually keep their resolutions but I don’t.
And about you?
Do you make New Year’s resolutions?

    New Year’s Day is less popular in Great Britain than Christmas. But it is also celebrated there.

Not all English people celebrate New Year.
Those who do, celebrate it on the 31
st of December.
A lot of people go to Trafalgar Square to see the Christmas tree.
They have a New Year party at home.
On that day they wish their dearest and nearest a “Happy New Year”.
When Big Ben strikes twelve the people drink a toast to the New Year.
English and American people often make New Year’s resolutions.
Children make New Year’s resolutions, too.
This year
I am going to help Mum about the house.
This year
I am going to be nice to my little sister.
This year
I am going to do exercises every morning.
This year
I am going not to be late for school.
My Mum
isn’t going to eat chocolates, bread or spaghetti.
is going to play tennis every day.
My Mum and Dad usually keep their resolutions but I don’t.
And about you?
Do you make New Year’s resolutions?

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