Внеклассное занятие Olympic games
план-конспект урока (8 класс) на тему

Внеклассное занятие Olympic games, 8 класс


Предварительный просмотр:

Внеклассное занятие в 8 классе

Задачи обучения:

  1. повторить в неформальной обстановке изученный материал по истории олимпийских игр, о достижениях российских спортсменов, о национальных видах спорта Великобритании и США,
  2. научить переносить знания в новую ситуацию общения.

Задачи развития:

  1. способствовать развитию памяти и логического мышления,
  1. способствовать развитию интереса учащихся к изучению иностранного языка.

Задачи воспитания:

  1. воспитывать инициативность и активность учащихся,
  2. воспитывать чувство патриотизма,
  3. формировать чувство организованности, трудолюбия.


  • компьютер с мультимедийным комплексом,
  • документ POWER POINT с содержанием викторины,
  • импровизированные медали победителям.

ВРЕМЯ ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ:  в конце изучения темы «Спорт»


  • в викторине 3 раунда,
  • в каждом раунде принимают участие равное количество учащихся,
  • на каждый вопрос викторины все пишут свои варианты ответов на листочках,
  • когда ответы написаны, каждый показывает свой вариант ответа,
  • выигрывает в каждом раунде ученик, ответивший правильно на большее количество вопросов.


  1. Начало игры. Орг.момент.

Good afternoon! You all are fond of sport: watching sport competitions on TV or going in for different kinds of sport. So, today we are going to have a lesson devoted to history of Olympic Games. It is a sports quiz consisting of 3 rounds. The topics of them are: “The History of the Olympic Games”, “The Olympic Champions of my country”, “National sports of Great Britain and the USA”. Every round will have its winners. Be attentive and polite. Write your answers on papers, please.

  1. Проведение игры.
  1. Итог игры.


1-st round “The History of the Olympic Games”

(1-st slide)

  1. When and where did the Olympic Games begin? (777 BC, Ancient Greece)
  2. How did they take place? (every 4 years)
  3. Why did the Olympic Games become the symbol of peace and friendship? (For the period of games all the wars stopped)
  4. When and where did the first Olympic Games take place? (In Athens, 1896)
  5. What is the central policy-making body of the Olympic movement? (The International Olympic Comitee)
  6. What is necessary besides sports competitions for the Olympic Games? (a cultural programme of concerts, exhibitions, festivals)
  7. When did Russia join the Olympic movement? (1952)
  8. Where and what did Olympic Games take place in our country and when? (the 22-nd Olympic Games, Moscow, 1980)
  9. What does the Olympic motto mean? (the motto of the Olympic Games is “Citius, Altius, Fortius” - Faster, Higher, Stronger)

Thanks for your answers. Our winner in this round is...

Let’s start the 2-nd round.

2-nd round “The Olympic Champions of my country”

(2-nd slide)

I will name some Russian sportsmen and you must up the number of kind of sport they are.

(учитель называет имя спортсмена, детям нужно вспомнить, какой вид спорта представляет этот спортсмен; виды спорта даны в слайде)

  1. Olga Slusareva – Cycling
  2. Alina Kabaeva – Free exercises
  3. Vladislav Tretyak – Hockey
  4. Aleksandr Karelin – Greek-Rome Fighting
  5. Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze – Figure-Skating
  6. Aleksei Nemov – Gymnastics
  7. Maria Kiseleva – Synchronized Swimming
  8. Dmitri Berestov – Weight-lifting
  9. Aleksei Yagudin – Figure-Skating
  10. Vyacheslav Fetisov - Hockey
  11. Svetlana Khorkina – Gymnastics
  12. Gaidarbek Gaidarbekov - Boxing

Thanks for your answers. Our winner in this round is...

Let’s start the 3-rd round.

3-rd round “National sports of Great Britain and the USA”

(3-rd slide)

  1. Which game is the most popular game in GB and in the world? (Soccer-football)
  2. What club is the biggest football club in the world? (“Manchester United”, England)
  3. What kind of sport is Derby connected with? (Horse racing)
  4. What kind of sport is Wimbledon connected with? (All-England and International Tennis Championships)
  5. What is a “walking” game in Britain? (golf)
  6. When and where was basketball invented? (by a teacher at a sports school in Springfield, USA, 1891)
  7. What kinds of sports were originated in the USA also? (volleyball, wind-surfing, skate-boarding, triathlon)
  8. What does triathlon include? (swimming, bicycle racing and long-distance-running)

Thanks for your answers. Our winner in this round is...

This is the end of our sport quiz and we have … winners. They are ... They are awarded special medals of winners. Good luck.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

1-st round “The History of the Olympic Games”

Слайд 3

1. When and where did the Olympic Games begin? 777 BC, Ancient Greece

Слайд 4

2. How did they take place? every 4 years

Слайд 5

3. Why did the Olympic Games become the symbol of peace and friendship? For the period of games all the wars stopped

Слайд 6

4. When and where did the first Olympic Games take place? In Athens, 1896

Слайд 7

5. What is the central policy-making body of the Olympic movement? The International Olympic Comitee

Слайд 8

6. What is necessary besides sports competitions for the Olympic Games? a cultural programme of concerts, exhibitions, festivals

Слайд 9

7. When did Russia join the Olympic movement? 1952

Слайд 10

8. Where and what did Olympic Games take place in our country and when? the 22-nd Olympic Games, Moscow, 1980

Слайд 11


Слайд 12

2-nd round “The Olympic Champions of my country”

Слайд 13

1. Boxing 2. Synchronized Swimming 3. Figure-Skating 4. Free exercises 5. Gymnastics 6. Greek-Rome Fighting 7. Weight-lifting 8. Cycling 9. Hockey

Слайд 14

3-rd round “National sports of Great Britain and the USA”

Слайд 15

1. Which game is the most popular game in GB and in the world? Soccer-football

Слайд 16

2. What club is the biggest football club in the world? England

Слайд 17

3. What kind of sport is Derby connected with? Horse racing

Слайд 18

4. What kind of sport is Wimbledon connected with? All-England and International Tennis Championships

Слайд 19

5. What is a “walking” game in Britain? golf

Слайд 20

6. When and where was basketball invented? by a teacher at a sports school in Springfield, USA, 1891

Слайд 21

7. What kinds of sports were originated in the USA also? volleyball, wind-surfing, skate-boarding, triathlon

Слайд 22

8. What does triathlon include? swimming, bicycle racing and long-distance-running

Слайд 23

Game is over. Good luck!

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