Внеклассное мероприятие по теме"Защита окружающей среды".
методическая разработка (8 класс) по теме

    Хотелось бы поделиться опытом проведения мероприятия по теме "Защита окружающей среды".Проходило оно в актовом зале,стены которого были украшены плакатами и стенгазетами,содержание которых отражало проблемы экологии.В глубине сцены висело изображение Фемиды,а сама сцена напоминала импровизированный зал суда.Судья был одет в мантию и судейскую шапку.

   Этот материал учителяанглийского языка смогут использовать в своей работе при изучении темы "Защита окружающей среды".


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Предварительный просмотр:

                        Nature’s Judge Upon Society.

Secretary: Ladies and gentlemen, dear guests and schoolchildren! Today we are going to examine the relations of man with nature. Stand up, the hearing is about to begin.

The Judge: We are listening to the case about the ecological problems of our planet, the environment’s pollution. Nature charges Society, Man with polluting the air, the Earth and the water .But at the same time, Society is a power, that can drain swamps, revive dead waters and irrigate the deserts . Man discovers unknown treasures of Nature. I want you to investigate this case impartially, to listen to both sides, witnesses, and to pass a just sentence.

Secretary: Nature is asked.

 Nature: Since ancient times, Nature has served Man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years, people lived in harmony with the environment, and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. Unfortunately, later our technological civilization, thinking only of material goods, succeeded in destroying Nature and creating ecological crisis on our planet.

Secretary: Mankind is invited.

Mankind: About two hundred years ago, man lived in greater harmony with his environment because industry was undeveloped .Today the situation is quite different.

The Judge: Now we shall listen to the first witness.

The first witness: Every ten minutes, one kind of animal, plant or insect disappears. If nothing is done about this, over one million species will disappear in twenty years from now.

The second witness: The seas are in danger. They are filled with poison: industrial and nuclear waste. The Mediterranean is already nearly dead; the North Sea is following. If nothing is done about this, one day nothing will be able to live in the seas.

The third witness: The tropical rain forests, which are the home of half the Earth’s living things, are being destroyed. If nothing is done about this, they will disappear in 20 years.

The Judge (к адвокату Природы): Are there any things that have negative influence on man’s health?

Nature’s Barrister: Farmers often spray chemicals on crops to protect them against pests. These chemicals are called pesticides. Scientists have found that these pesticides. Often end up in our food. Pesticides can cause health problems, especially for kids.

  The Judge (к адвокату Общества): What is being done by man to prevent these problems?

Society’s Barrister:  Here is the good news: the governments of different states are helping farmers to find ways to protect crops without using many pesticides.

Secretary: The next witness is invited.

The fourth witness: It may seem funny to you, but man needs protection and care as much as animals do. People’s habitats, their homes, towns and cities – must be kept ecologically clean. In the places where people drink poisoned water, eat bad food and breathe polluted air; they suffer from series diseases; their children are born weak. No medicines prescribed by doctors can help them. This problem becomes more and more serious with every passing day. The modern way of life when people have little physical activity, use cars instead of walking, watch television for many hours, and work on computers is turning them into the legless creatures. We have to change the situation for better.

Secretary: The floor is given to mankind’s barrister.

Barrister: You see I must solve a rather difficult problem- to justify mankind’s activity on our planet. I shall begin from different discoveries, which made brighter the labour and life of man. It’s difficult to imagine our life without electricity.  We wouldn’t have lights, radios, or television in our flats. We wouldn’t be able to use the underground, trams and trolleybuses. We also know that it’s very necessary to use x-rays in medicine.

Secretary: The High Court leaves the hall for deliberation.

The Judge: The High Court has admitted that there are global problems between the relations o9f Man and Nature. In order to solve this problem, Society must promote education about the environment by creating programs for students of all ages. We must try to make people more aware of environmental issues.

    We are all part of natural environment, and need to be responsible for our interactions with our environment.

  We must recognize the importance of our planet’s natural systems and variety of life. We need to think about our part in the environment and how our actions, such as our use of water, production of rubbish and energy consumption, can directly destroy our wildlife and natural habitats.

  If we don’t begin to change our behavior, we will have no world to live in. You can cycle, walk or ride, plant a tree and appreciate the beauty of the nature around you.

  So, in spite of everything, we believe that the Earth is our common home, a big green home. All its inhabitants- people, animals and birds- need to live in peace and harmony (all together).

  Then all the participants sing M .Jackson’s song ‘’ Heal the World”.

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