Слова ,которые мы часто путаем!
тест (8 класс) на тему

Женетль Гошнагу Теучежевна

Слова ,которые мы часто путаем!


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(слова, которые вы часто путаете)

Цель пособия:

 коррекция лексических ошибок, возникающих в результате недотренированности языкового материала.

 Анализ и отбор материала позволил сформировать группы слов, внутри которых ошибочная семантизация происходит наиболее регулярно.

Ошибочная семантизация происходит наиболее часто из-за близости звучания и написания слов:

Alone; along; among

Thick; thin; thing

Опыт показывает , что наличие большого количества лексических ошибок является сдерживающим фактором для развития навыка разговорной речи.

Предлагаемое пособие может служить вспомогательным средством более четкого осознания и дифференцации. лексики и перевод ее в активный вокабуляр учащихся.

Group 1

  1. about-о,об(чем-либо,ком-либо);около,почти,приблизительно
  2. above-над(над предметом,выше предмета,не нависая над предметом);свыше,выше,вверху

c.around-вокруг(указывает на движение чего-либо или нахождение чего-либо вокруг предмета);кругом,всюду,вокруг.

Glad to meet you ,Mrs.Smith.I have heard a lot a about you.

When did you travel by train last,Jane?

About three months ago.

I don't like picture hanging above the piano.

But I do.

To understand the story better read the notes given above.

The places around Sochi are wonderful.It's a pleasure to have a rest there.

The fog is so dense today that it's impossible to see anything around.

Test on group 1

Insert: a) about, b)above, c)around.

1.-What are you going to do in the garden,Mike?

 -I'll cut the grass....the apple-trees.

2.Will Mary join our walking trip tomorrow?

-Oh,no,she'll be busy....head as usual.

3.Peter can talk....himself for hours.

-What a bore!

4.Jack is only tnirty-five.

-Is he? He looks....fifty.

5.What's the temperature now?

-It is ten....zero.

6. Does your brother and his family live in the country the whole year?

-Yes,tney do.They have a nice little house with a garden....it there.

7.I can't read the book.It is ....my understanding.

8.-Where are you going to hang this shelf,Nick?

-.....my desk.


  1. age-возраст; вечность,долгий срок(разг.речь).
  2. ago-тому назад
  3. again-снова, опять
  4. against-против

My grandmother is seventy.But she looks fine for her age.

-Can you play chess?

-Once I could.But I haven't played for ages.

I saw Ann first in 1999.Then I met him again a year ago.

-If I were you, I shouldn't see too much of Sandy.

-What have you up against him?


Insert: a)age,b)ages,c)ago,d)again,e)against.

1.-Hello,Mike! I haven't  seen you for.... .How are you getting on?

-Thank you,fine.

2.What's happened to Jane? She should have been here long...

3.Have you insured your house ..... thieves,Mr.West?

No,I haven't.And I am not going to.

Why not?

Because I rely on my bulldogs.

4.I say,Helen,Mike is going to visit us tonight.

I'll be very happy to see him....

Miss Brown looks fine.What her.... might  be,I wonder ?

She is fifty.

6.Tom and Ted haven't been too friendly of late.

Have they guarreled... .

Yes,it looks like it.

7.I say,Mike,Jane wants to come and stay with us for a week or so.

I have nothing...it.


  1. almost-почти,едва не
  2. always-всегда
  3. also-тоже,также
  4. although-хотя

Nick was reading a book in the train and he almost missed his station.

My friend always brings me flowers for my birthday.

Does your brother also study at the Institute?

No, he doesn't.He is an engineer already.

Doctor to his patient:

Although you feel a little better, you have to take this medicine for another week.



1.Charlers was rather a bore tonight.

-Isn't he...?

2.Your brother was a great theatre-goer when he was a student.Does he go to the theatre now?

-Yes, he does...not very often.He is busy with with his thesis.

3.I am glad you've come back at last.Have you had a good journey?

Terrible!I got to the station late and ... missed my train.Then the passengers spoke too loud and I could not read my paper.

We are going to have a picnic on Sunday.

Can't we ... come?

Please,do!The more the merrier.

Group 4

  1. alone-один
  2. along-вдоль,по
  3. among-среди,между

When can I see you alone,Mary?

After tea,perhaps.

Excuse me,could you direct me to Mr.Brown's house?

Go straight along this road till you see a big green cottage.That'll be the house you need.

There is no place like home,is there?

No,there isn't.And I'm so happy to be at home and among my  friend again.

Test on group 4


Your luggage is too heavy .You can't carry it...Shall I call a porter for you?


Why didn't you go for a walk with them?

It's better to be...than in a bad company.

What kind of cottage have the Smiths bought?

Just a lovely cottage...the trees.

Oh,Mother,look!Isn't it Aunt Polly walking...the garden path?

Really,it must be Aunt Polly herself.

Where did you spend summer holidays,Kate?

In a little village...the hills.

Group 5

  1. bag-сумка,портфель
  2. to beg-просить,умолять

What have you done with your bag?It's so dirty!

I beg your pardon for my being late.

That's all right.

Test on group 5


Where is the new...,Mother?I'm going to do some shopping.

Oh,the very book I want to read so much!I...you to give it to me for some days.

Sorry,but I can't.The book isn't mine.



b.bed-кровать ,постель

c.to go to bed-ложиться спать

It’s very bad news.Ican’t believe it.

Is Kate out?

No,she is still in bed.

You look tired.Go to bed earlier tonight.

Test on group 6

Insert:bad;bed;to go bed        

Is there a...in Nick's room?

No,there isn't.He sleeps on the sofa.

Why did you...late yesterday?

Because I watched the hockey match.

A joke:

It's nine o'clock and you are not in....What will father say when he comes home?

"Supper!""What's for supper?"

How is your grandfather?

He is rather....He gets older and weaker.






In the evening he likes to take a hot bath.

It's a pleasure to bathe on a hot day.

Do you like to read Dickens or Thackeray?

I like to read both of them.

What is your place of birth,Kate?

It’s Klin.

Test on group 7


What language is spoken in Canada-English or French?

As far as I know…of them are spoken in Canada.

Where is Jack?

He is still in the...

He likes to take a shower in the morning.

Never cross the street without looking…ways:first to the left then to the right.

Whose portrait is that?

Which do you mean:who painted the picture or who is painted in it?

I’d like to know…

What will I fill in here?Just ordionary thing:date and place of…,profession and address.

Will you...,Sally?

No,I won't.I'll just sit in the shade.

Group 8

  1. cause-причина
  2. of cause-конечно
  3. because of-из-за
  4. because-потому что

What is the cause of the car accident?

Oh,It's completely the driver's fault.He was driving at crazy speed.

Where are you going after the lessons?

Home,of cause.

Does Pam join us in our trip?

No,she's giving up all her former plans because of her marriage.

A joke:

Why are you writing the letter to your friend so slowly?

It's because he can't read quickly.

Test on group7

Insert: cause , of course ,because of ,because

Why was Andrew away from the previous lesson?

No idea , but there must be some serious…for it.

Do you remember the day we first met?

…I do.

How long had you lived in New York then?

For twenty years.

Is painting your hobby, Lulu?

Why do you think so?

…I see many pictures in your room.

Oh,no.It is my elder brother’s hobby.

… the absence of the atmosphere the temperature changes on the Moon are very great.

Many buildings in London have such a strange look.They are white in some parts and black in others.

It ‘s all… rain, smog and dust.

Would you like to watch TV this evening?

I would but I can’t.

Why not?

…I haven’t finished my work yet.





Which is the shortest way to the centre of the city?

Take a number 9 tram and go as Nevsy Avenue.

Mendeleev's Periodic Table is spoken of as one of the greatest discoveries of the 19th century.

Is England the only name for that country?

 Test on the group 8


The basic law of our… is its constitution.

Is football played in winter in your…?

It is played all the year round.

The Westminster Palace must be some centuries old.

Oh, nothing of the kind.It was build in the 19th….

The last… was called the age of steam.

The scientific… is well-known in the world.




How long will it take us to get to the station?

Half an hour,they say.

Do you think we'll get there in time?

Certainly!We have a lot of time left.

A joke:

Introducing a witty friend.

A certain playwright,introducing his friend,a well-known comic actor, to a famous theatre star said:"Madam,this is Mr.B. who is not such a fool as he looks"."True,madam",said the comedian,"and that  is the principal difference between my friend and me.


a.change-1.менять,изменять,2.разменная манета,мелочь


A proverb:”A wise man changes his mind, a fool-never.”

Сhoose an author as you choose a friend.(a proverb)

Test on the group 10


Can you give me change for a one pound note?

Sorry, no… at all.

You are dressed too lightly.It’s rather windy outside.

Is it? Then I’ll… into my warm overcoat.    




At a college examination a professor asked:"Does the question embarrass you"."Not at  all,sir",replied the student,"not at all.The question is quite clear. It's the answer that bothers me".

b.Bill's wife always laughs at his jokes.

-They must be very clever.

-No, she is.

Test on the group 11


Have you heard the weather forecast for today?

Why, certainly.We’re going to have a… day.

What sort of man is he?

They say he is a… fellow.

What lovely weather we are having!

Yes, the sky is quite… today.




May I speak to Miss Jonson,please?

I am sorry, but Miss Jonson isn't in the office at the moment.Could you please phone back in an hour or so?

Yes, certainly.Does the office close for lunch?

Yes,from twelve to two o'clock.

How can I get to Pushkin Theatre?

Oh,it's quite close by.It is in the square close to Nevsky Avenue.

Test on the group 12

Insert: to close, close, closed

Unfortunately, the dinning-room is… .

What a pity!

He was a … friend of mine.

What are you doing?

Can’t you see? I’m trying… my bag.

Let’s go shopping,shall we?

No,use doing it now.

Why so?

Most of shops are… by 8 o’clock.

Group 13

  1. cross-пересекать,переходить
  2. across-поперек
  3. crossing-participle 1 от глагола to cross-пересекать

I never expected there was so much traffic in your small town .I was nearly run over twice.

It is really very heavy especially during the rush-hours!

Sometimes it takes you rather long to cross the street.

Now you need not reach across the desk to get the book, you have it at hand.

What’s the matter? Why is the policeman stopping all the cars?

Oh, it's because some children are crossing the street.

Test on the group 13

Insert: cross, across, crossing

The boy was swimming very fast… the river.

Nick swims very well.He can… the river in 5 minutes.

Pete!You are always absent-minded.Please, be careful… the street.

All right, don’t worry.





I've got a terrible headache.

What about a cup of strong tea?

Yes,please, it might help.

What colour is your new cap?

It's red and it suits me.

I hope, it does.

I shall have my hair cut again.It has grown so quickly.

Test on the group 14

Insert: cup, cap, cut

Have you some time for a… of coffee?

No,I’m afraid I have no time for it?

What have you done to your hair, Ann?

… it short and dyed it red.

Is this… all right?

Yes, but it doesn’t go with your coat.

What are you going to do in the garden now?

I want to… the grass and water the trees.

I feel very tired.

Shall I make a… of tea?




b.different- различный,другой

c.difficulty - трудность,затруднение

d.difficult - трудный

Is there any difference between sports and games?

I think, there is.

The time of the day is different in different countries,if they are not on the same meridian.

You can't finish your work.Where is the difficulty?

It's rather a difficult question.I can't answer it now.

Test on the group 15


Is it easy or… for you to learn something by heart?

Did you have any… in finding my house?

Not at all.

I quite agree with you.This work can be done in a… way.

Try to see any… between these two photos.

Why don’t you want to help your brother over his first…in physics?

He didn’t ask me about this.

These two plans are quite… .Which do you like better?

What do you prefer: to read about… places or to travel there?

It makes no… if you come or not.

The examination paper consists of translation.It is long and rather… .

Group 16

  1. disappear-исчезать
  2. appear-появляться
  3. disappearance-исчезновение
  4. appearance-появление;внешний вид

Fashion disappears and appears rather quickly.Yet some people do their utmost to follow it.

A joke:That's funny.It was there just now when I wanted to clean it with the vacuum cleaner.

Can you explain its disappearance,then?

Sergey's appearance at the evening party in a sport suit surprised us greatly.

Mars shines with reddish light.Its appearance varies from year to year.

Test on group 15



Never judge people by their...

They say this book will...next month.

If you want to remove a grease spot(жирное пятно) from your dress,you must rub it with this liguid untill it...

If we want to learn about person's...,we ask:"What does he or she look like?"

Inn's,the forerunners of modern hotels,...many centuries ago.

Was Miss Robins's party a success yesterday?

At first it was, but the unexpected...of her brother spoil the fun. Such a strange man!

The... of Oleg Popov on the ring, his foolish behaviour tricks always make the audience laugh.

Group 16

  1. either-также(при отрицании)
  2. either...or...-либо...либо...
  3. other-другой, иной

What time is it by your watch?

Sorry, I have no watch.

Will you ask Boris then?

Boris has no watch either.

Do you speak either French or German?

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