Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 11 классе
методическая разработка (11 класс) на тему

Зарипова Гузалия Азгаровна

Итоговая контрольная работа состоит из трех заданий по грамматике: задание 1- раскрыть скобки и поставить глагол в нужном времени, задание 2- выбрать правильную форму модального глагола, задание 3 формата ЕГЭ- преобразовать слова, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Итоговая контрольная работа  по английскому языку в 11 классе

                                          Variant 1.

Task1.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. ”What you (do)?”- I(read). I(read) for already two hours. I already (read) 100 pages.

2. ”You ever(be) to the new stadium?”- “Yes, I(be) there last Saturday.”

3. If he (ring) me up tomorrow, I (tell) him all about it.

4. At last the reply from my grandmother came, and my mother (tell) me she (come) soon.

5. He (help) his mother every day?- Yes, he … .

Task 2.Choose the correct modal verb.

1. … you help me with this task?                             A) could      B) must      C) may

2. I’m sorry I’m late.   … I come in?                         A) must       B) should    C) may

3. It’s raining. You … take an umbrella.                  A) can’t       B) don’t have to   C) should

4. I’m afraid I … come to the party on Monday.   A) can          B) can’t        C) may  

5. “ … I smoke here?”- “ No, you mustn’t.”           A) must       B) may          C) should

Task 3.Read the text and put the words in the correct form.

         The United States has strong political and military ties to governments in all                   areas of the world. America’s alliances _______(1) by its formidable military and                       nuclear forces. Over 2 million_______(2) are members of the armed forces. About                     one _______(3) of the United States military personnel serve overseas. Most of its             overseas  forces_______(4) in Western Europe under provisions of the NATO. This military alliance _______(5) the defense of member nations. Since 1949, when the alliance _______(6), the United States _______(7) as Western Europe’s military leader.

          America’s  political and military strength ________(8) by its powerful economy. Although it is neither the world’s _______(9) nor_______(10) nation, its economic  output is twice Russia’s, three times Japan’s, and six times Germany’s.                                                                    

  1. back                          6. create
  2.  man                          7. act
  3.   four                         8. generate
  4. concentrate            9. large
  5.  guarantee              10. populous

Итоговая контрольная работа  по английскому языку в 11 классе

                                          Variant 2.

Task1.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. When you (see) him last?- It (be) some days ago.

2. ”You (find) your book?”- “No! I still (look) fot it. I already (look) for it for 2 hours.”

3. If she (come) to school tomorrow, she (take part) in the competition.

4. “ You ever (spend) your holidays in the Crimea?”- “Yes, I … . I (be) there last year.

5. “When he usually (get up)?”- “He (get up) at seven o’clock.

Task 2.Choose the correct modal verb.

1. I looked everywhere for the book but I … find it.          A) couldn’t      B) mustn’t      C) shouldn’t

2. You … drive carefully on a busy road.                              A) can               B) should        C) may

3. I don’t feel well today. … I leave a bit earlier?               A) may              B) must           C) should

4. Yesterday I stayed at home because I … help my father.   A) can         B) must         C) had to  

5. You … use my dictionary as long as you like.                 A) must              B) may           C) have to

Task 3.Read the text and put the words in the correct form.

         Thanks to the Internet, we are now living in a _______(1) village. We have more _______(2) about other countries than ever before. We know as much about the_______(3) in the US as in Russia. _______(4) which is produced in one country will affect other countries, too. For example, nuclear power is not _______(5) only for one country but is an _______(6) problem. If we do not take action soon, the _______(7) of a nuclear disaster is very real. We should all ________(8) our rubbish- not hope ‘green’ people will do it for us.

          Some people think _______(9)resources will go on forever, but they won’t. We all have an_______(10) to protect the environment.                                                                    

  1. globe                          6. nation
  2. inform                        7. possible
  3. situate                        8. cycle
  4. pollute                        9. nature
  5. danger                       10. oblige

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