ПЛАН КОНСПЕКТ УРОКА английского языка в 11 классе «WORK FOR A LIVING».
план-конспект урока (11 класс) по теме

Самбурова Юлия Владимировна

ПЛАН КОНСПЕКТ УРОКА  с презентацией


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Предварительный просмотр:

ПЛАН КОНСПЕКТ УРОКА  английского языка  в 11 классе «WORK FOR A LIVING».

Цель урока: Формирование коммуникативной компетенции по теме «Работа. Выбор профессии».



  1. введение и активизация в речи лексических единиц и речевых образцов;
  2. развитие коммуникативных умений и навыков.
  3. совершенствование речевой активности, развитие практических речевых умений и навыков аудирования.


  1. развитие интеллектуальных способностей  учащихся
  2. развитие коммуникативных и  социальных компетенций
  3. формирование умения  выделять главное, сравнивать и анализировать.
  4. Развитие  логического и ассоциативного мышления, умения систематизировать и обобщать полученные знания;
  5. развитие общекультурных умений при систематизации и обобщении информации.


  1. содействие профориентации учащихся.
  2. формирование лингвистической и тематической компетенции, познавательной активности учащихся;
  3. формирование картины окружающего мира;
  4. развитие личности учащихся, умения работать в группе,  в процессе изучения английского языка.

Оборудование: магнитофон, компьютер с оборудованием для презентации в формате power-point, раздаточный материал.

 Ход урока.

  1. Вводная часть

T:  Hello, everybody. Glad to  see you all at our “WORK FOR A LIVING” lesson. Many times during your school years you were asked the question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”  Now you understand that the time to make a very important decision   what profession to chose has come. To make the right choice, you should take into account different factors such as traits of your character, inclinations, promotion prospects, job conditions and money.  

  1. Основная часть

T: Now, look at these pictures and say if any of you has had experience of  working in these places, or would like to  work in these places and why?  Which would be the best palce to work? Why? Which would be the worst palce to work? Why? Is there a job you would be good at?

Слайд 3. На доске картинки с  изображениями рабочих мест: аэропорт, отель, ресторан быстрого питания, школа, стройплощадка, социальный приют social asylum ,  дом престарелых nursing home. Учащиеся сначала обсуждают вопросы в парах, затем  классом.

T: What jobs do people do in these places? Match the places and jobs. (porter, lift attendant, civil engineer, bell-boy, ground crew, air traffic controller, cook, doctor, nurse, ambulance driver, social worker,  surgeon, waiter, cashier, miner, flight attendant, cleaner).

Слайд 3. На доске написаны названия профессий,  в том числе и тех, которых нет на картинках. Учащиеся подбирают  профессии к картинке.   

T: To be a specialist in this or that sphere you need to have certain qualifications , skills, abilities and traits of character. Look at the board   and say which  of   them are necessary  for the jobs. Explain your choice.

Слайд 4.  На доске написаны следующие свойства, умения и качества:

 Be good with figures,  be a people person,  be a good listener, have a “can do” attitude, work well in a team, have an eye for detail, get the best out of other people,  be good at using your own initiative, be able  to meet tight deadlines, keep calm under pressure, interpersonal skills,  financial skills, managerial skills, artistic skills, language skills, patient, physically strong, emotionally strong, well-organized, caring, calm, clean and tidy, punctual, honest.

Учащиеся называют черты характера, умения и навыки, необходимые для выполнения работы по профессиям и объясняют свой выбор.

T: Now read the passage  and decide  with a partner  which job is being described. Explain the reason for your decision.

To be  a ……..  you need  to have a good education and interpersonal skills. You don’t need any degree, but you have to  do a special training course. Driving skills may be useful and you have to be emotionally strong, patient, honest and physically strong. A …….. needs to be calm in a crisis and quick thinking. They are usually tall, well-built and need to be caring to people. (A policeman)

T: People are talking about  their occupations. Identify each occupation and give  at least  five words  or phrases which helped  you to decide.

Работа в группах (2-3 человека). Студенты работают над лексическими упражнениями по карточкам.

  1. Most of my customers are very  particular. They want  wide lapels or narrow  lapels, a single vent or a double vent or no vent at all, turn- ups or  plain bottoms. Flare trousers are out nowadays, so are tapered. Everyone wants them straight. Some people are even fussy about the lining. Everyone wants to be trendy.(Tailor)
  2.  We get  the latest weather  briefing  from the meteorologists an then we board. We say hello to the cabin crew, do a complete  cockpit check, then wait for instructions through the headphones  to start taxi-ing  out to the runway. (Pilot)
  3. I picked up a fare at the station today. I was in the rank. Smartly-dressed chap. I wanted  St Michael’s Church. “Going to a wedding?” I said. “Yes, and I’m late. Step on it,” he said. I did my best and as I dropped  him off I said, “Doesn’t look as if they’ve started yet.”  “They can’t ,” he said, “I’am the bride groom.” And he didn’t give me  a tip! (Taxi driver)
  4. We’re fully dressed in  our helmets and protective clothing by the time we arrive. Then we start unrolling the hoses and getting the ladders ready in case they’re needed. The worst things are  hoax alarms. You can never be sure till you get there whether a call is genuine or not. Some people  think it’s fun to dial 999…..(Fireman)
  5. I flashed my  torch at where they were supposed to go, but they went further down the aisle and along the wrong row. Luckily  it was  only during the credits  or trailer or something, so they didn’t disturb people too much . It’s usually a pretty routine  job, but last week the projectionist fell asleep just before he was supposed to change reels! (Cinema usher)

Аудирование по теме «Собеседование в агентстве по трудоустройству».

T: What are the ways of finding  a job ? (newspapers, web sites, acquaintances, relatives, job agencies (a company which  specializes  in matching  job vacancies to people who are looking for work). Which is the quickest and the most effective?

Now listen  to an interview  at a job agency and complete  the missing  details on the form . Слайд  5.


Student /Temporary  job application

Name:  Lucy……………… (1)

Address:………………. (2) Conway Street, Cambridge

Subjects Studied: ………………………….(3)

Skills and experience/ Please tick.



Foreign Languages


Waiting at table








Typing/WP skills


Shop assistant






Work with children


Office work



1) Bennet                2) 15                3) Italian        4) Yes                5) No                6) Yes                 7) No        

8)  Yes                9) Yes                10) Yes                11) No                12) No                13) No                14) No

Using the information from the interview  discuss which  of the jobs in the advertisements  would be appropriate for Lucy? Why? What job would you recommend to  Lucy? What questions   Lucy might ask   about the job?

III. Заключение.  Подведение итогов урока.  Задание на дом: 1) Описать профессию по образцу,  не называя ее. 2)  Составить диалог “At the Job Agency” в паре и разыграть.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2


Слайд 3

PLACES TO WORK porter lift attendant civil engineer bell-boy ground crew cook doctor nurse social worker surgeon waiter cashier miner cleaner engineer flight attendant ambulance driver air traffic controller confectionary selector conference organizer

Слайд 4

QUALITIES SKILLS ABILITIES be good with figures be a people person be a good listener have a “can do” attitude work well in a team have an eye for detail get the best out of other people be good at using your own initiative be able to meet tight deadlines keep calm under pressure honest well-organized ambitious financial skills managerial skills artistic skills language skills patient physically strong emotionally strong caring calm clean and tidy punctual interpersonal skills flexibility

Слайд 5

A CE JOB AGENCY Student /Temporary job application Name: …………………(1) Address : ……………………(2) Conway Street, Cambridge Subjects Studied : …………………(3) Skills and experience/ Please tick . YES NO Foreign Languages 4 Waiting at table 5 Cookery 6 Sports 7 Driving 8 Typing/WP skills 9 Shop assistant 10 Cashier 11 Music 12 Work with children 13 Office work 14

Слайд 6

Children’s Nanny required for 2 months. Full time help for 4 lovely kids, includes a month with the family in a villa near Rome. Must be able to drive. No pay, but a great experience! Tel: 342022 WAITER/ KITCHEN ASSISTANT REQUIRED Seasonal Vacancy. No previous experience necessary. Suitable for student. Must be able to work under pressure and for long hours. Language useful. Full time plus some weekend work. Good pay and tips. Telephone: 322450 Research Assistant required by university professor writing book on Mozart. Some musical knowledge desirable. Must be able to type. Driver preferred. 4 month vacancy. Would suit student. Office hours. Tel: 349822 Helper for friendly village hotel required Early mornings and lunchtime only. Reception work, answering the phone, dealing with enquiries, handling money. Some typing. Summer vacancy. Suitable for flexible students. Pay plus breakfast & lunch. TEL: 344211

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