Внеклассное мероприятие по страноведению
методическая разработка (7 класс) на тему

разработка внеклассного мероприятия по страноведению на английском языке для 7 класса


Предварительный просмотр:

Внеклассное мероприятие по страноведению « Англо-говорящие страны: люди, традиции, факты»

Цель: повышение мотивации в изучении языка, расширение кругозора, сплочение коллектива

1 Разминка

          на карточках напечатаны цифры. Участники должны догадаться о чем идет речь.

25       Christmas

14       St. Valentine’s Day

59      the population of the UK

4       Independence Day

3       Great Britain consists of 3 parts


1 What is the capital of England? (London)

2 What is the capital of Scotland? ( Edinburgh)

3 What is the capital of Northern Ireland?  ( Belfast)

4 What is the capital of Wales?  ( Cardiff)

5 What is the symbol of England?  ( a red rose)

6 What is the symbol of Scotland? ( a thistle)

7 What is the symbol of Wales?   (a daffodil)

8 What is the symbol of  Northern Ireland? ( a shamrock/ the red hand)

9 What is the national costume of Scotland? ( the kilt)

10 What is the national instrument of Scotland?  ( a bagpipe)

11  What is the  traditional Christmas meal in Britain?  ( roast turkey, pudding)

12 What is the largest island of the British Isles?   (  Great Britain)

13 What is the highest point in Britain?  ( Ben Nevis)

14 What is the longest river of Britain?  ( the Severn)

15 What is the most famous forest in England0 ( Sherwood Forest)

16 Who lived in Sherwood Forest ?  ( Robin Hood)

17 What is the London home of the Queen? ( Buckingham Palace)

18 Where does the Prime Minister live? ( at 10,  Downing Street)

19 What is the name of the British Prime Minister? ( Gordon Brown)

20 What is the name of the queen? ( Elizabeth 2)

21 Whose monument is there in the center of Trafalgar Square?  ( Nelson’s Column)

22  What is Big Ben?  ( the bell of the clock on the Houses of Parliament)

23 Who wrote the book ‘ Gulliver’s travels” ? ( Jonathan Swift)

24 How many detective stories  did   Agatha  Christie write? ( 75)

25 Who wrote stories about James Bond? ( Ian Fleming)

26 What kind of state is  the UK?

27 What kind of state is the USA?

28 How many members are there in the House of Commons? ( 650)

29 Why does the chairman of the House of Lords ( the Lord Chancellor) sit on a special seat called Woolsack?

                ( wool made England rich)

30 Why are so few  outdoor cafes in London? ( because of rainy and changeable weather)

31 What river does London stands?

32 What  is “ high tea” ?

33 What sports have originated in Britain?

34 Name the most famous Scottish poet?

35 Who is the symbol of the British nation? ( John Bull)

36 What river does Cambridge stand? ( the Cam)

37 Where was W. Shakespeare born? (  the Stratford –on- Avon)

38 What is the name of the London taxi? ( cab)

39 the first president of the USA

40 What river  does  Washington stand?

41 Which is the largest state?  ( Alaska)

42 What is the national emblem of New Zealand? ( kiwi)

43 How many children does Queen Elizabeth have? ( 4)


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