A typical American , family
проект по теме

Stereotypes to discuss to understand better each other. From the project of Yakovleva Maria, 2007


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                                               A typical American

 A typical American is a friendly, open and sociable person. He or she has a typical American family tat consists of three children and parents. Parents don’t live with their grown up children. American people bring up their children to be free and independent, it is a part of their culture. Young people don’t hurry to get married and to have children. A typical American woman has her first child at the age of 30-35. American women are considered to be independent. The divorce rate is very high. Americans like to travel, go to camping that’s why it is a nation on wheels. They go in for sport, the most popular sports are baseball, basketball, soccer, jogging. Fast food industry is not popular any more because the nation fattens. It is a real problem.

  The Americans can be sure of two things-death and taxes. Taxes are very high in the USA. Sometimes they are called the Yankee, this word means the New Englander. The US people believe that their country is the land of opportunity, they believe in American dream- it means that every person can rise from the lowest position to the highest, a poor boy can become one of the most powerful man in the world. A. Lincoln is a typical example of the American dream.

A typical American is a real patriot of his or her country- one can see a national flag at the top the roof.  

                                     The American Family

   The American family is a nuclear family, consisting usually of a husband, wife, and children who live in their own house or apartment. Grandparents rarely live in the same home with their married sons and daughters, and uncles and aunts almost never do. Americans have fewer children than in many other cultures. The typical American couple has two children, so that the average American family has four people living together as a household unit. A great value is placed on each child’s having a room of his or her own.

  Marriages are not arranged in the US. Young people are expected to find a husband or wife on their own; their parents do not help them. In fact, parents are often not told of marriage plans until the couple has decided to marry. This means that parents have little control, and generally not much influence, over whom their children marry.

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