The truth is out there. A typical New Zealander.
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Stereotypes to discuss and break if they are wrong in order to understand better other people


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                                  People in New Zealand  

The Maori, a Polynesian people, are the Aborigines of  New Zealand.

The legend says that they came from some distant kingdom, Hawaiki.

They are thought to be of Caucasian origin, they passed India, Indonesia and the Pacific in 1350 AD.They sailed in canoes open to all weathers, winds, stars.

They  settled in Aotearoa –The Land of the Long White Cloud-the name they gave to New Zealand because of its active volcanoes.  

The Dutch were the first Europeans ( in 1642), but the land remained unknown until the arrival of James Cook in 1769.

  Now the ethnic majority are the Whites( 82%), Maori (9%), Pacific islanders (3%),Chinese,Indians, Areabs(6%).

  The English is similar to that of Australia. The large number of people , born and bred in New Zealand, speak English as correctly and as  pure an accent as the best speakers in English.

  The difference between New Zealanders and Britons , many though they may be , are subtle and not easy to detect. The non-Maori New Zealander speaks the same  language with a different accent, with a few unfamiliar words thrown in.He dresses the same manner but more informally. Many Maori have left the land, they work in cities, towns. But most of them are still countrymen, working in sheep farms for white landowners.

  The New Zealander spends a lot of his spare time at home, has his friends round at the weekends, and is mostly content with the newspaper, TV and his hobbies. He likes the simple sort of life, easy-paced, uncomplicated. He mostly likes gardening, keeping hens, bringing up families and doing odd jobs.

He likes outdoor kinds of sport such as rugby, racing, football, horse  racing . Sports are the most leisure-time occupation of most of the population.

   Maori songs and dances have become increasingly popular, especially among the young. Maori meetings-whether hui (assemblies) or tangi( funeral)-are conducted in traditional fashion, with ancient greeting ceremony strictly observed. The Maori art is also popular-wood carving, decorating houses.The typical New Zealander is called the ‘’’Kiwi’’, the symbol of the country is a bird kiwi.

  I think , a typical New Zealander has a lot in common with a typical Australian. Life in these countries is easy-paced, calm, like  holidays in paradise. It is my dream to visit New Zealand and Australia-The Land Upside Down.


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