Задания для промежуточной аттестации 6 класс (I вариант)
тест (6 класс) по теме

Львова Оксана Михайловна

Задания составлены в формате ГИА, состоят из частей А,В,С 


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Предварительный просмотр:

I вариант

Choose the right answer.

А1)  My mother is … school teacher.

1) a  2) the  3) –

А2) Look at the man … is standing in the corner.

1) who  2) which  3) where

А3) We need … tomatoes. I am going to the shop.

1) some  2) any  3) few

A4) He is very popular and has … friends.

1) few  2) much  3) a lot of

A5) Last year our family … to the sea.

1) went  2) go  3) is going

A6)Yesterday they visited the museum ,… they?

1)do they  2)did not  3)did

A7) We …to school tomorrow.

1)will go  2) go  3)went

A8) Every evening my father …newspapers or magazines.

1) read  2) is reading  3)reads

A9) I …never …this book.

  1. will read  2)has read  3) have read

A 10) There  was …juice in the glass.

  1. any 2) some 3) –

Put in the missing words :  bottle, would..like, kilos, box, loaf, much, anything here you are, bar, any, need, tin,

В1 - I am looking for apples. Have you got …?

В2 -  Yes, I have. How many …you …?

В3 -  I want two …,please.

В4  -  ……

  • Thank you.

В5 - Do you … anything else ?

В6 - Yes, I would like  a…of bread,

B7 a … of milk,

B8 a … of chocolate,

B9 a … of sweet corn

B10 and a …of sweets. How much  is that ?

-  7 pounds.

-  Thank you.

Read the text

A Monkey Saves a Little Boy.

Once a man brought home from Africa a very large monkey. The monkey loved the man very much, but he loved the man`s little boy even more.

One day a fire broke out in the man`s house. Everyone tried to put it out, and no one thought of the child till it was too late.

The house was all in flames when they remembered that the boy was upstairs in his room. The poor parents did not know what to do. No one could help them now.

Suddenly a black hand pushed up the window. Then out came the monkey with the child in his arms. All the people down in the street shouted for joy. The monkey came down, and brought the little boy to his mother.

 Answer the questions

C1) What animal did a man bring home from Africa?

C2) Did monkey love the man?

C3) What did happen in the house one day?

C4) Who stayed in the house?

C5) Did the monkey save boy or not?

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