А.С. Пушкин на даче А.Китаевой в 1832 году».
план-конспект урока (11 класс) на тему

Пряхина Раиса Петровна

Материал помогает расширить лексический запас слов, учит воспринимать на слух сообщение монологического характера,  развивает навыки говорения на предложенном материале


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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок английского языка в 11 классе

«А.С.Пушкин на даче А.Китаевой в 1832 году»


 Образовательные: - расширить лексический запас слов, активизация лексико-грамматических конструкций по темам: «Наш город», «Жизнеописание людей»; - учить воспринимать на слух сообщение монологического характера; развивать навыки говорения на предложенном материале; - развивать кругозор учащихся, их знание Пушкинских мест в Царском Селе.

Воспитательные: - развивать интерес к жизни и многогранному творчеству А.С.Пушкина, к возможности перевода на другой язык его поэзии; укрепление чувства гордости за Пушкин, который так любили выдающиеся деятели прошедших эпох.

 Развивающие: - развивать мышление, догадку, умение работать в разных режимах.

(Фрагменты минилекций к уроку заранее готовит несколько учащихся. Некоторые учащиеся подготавливают чтение стихотворений А.С. Пушкина на английском языке)

Materials: Text "The Museum Pushkin's Country House"

Topic: "Museum. Cinema. Theatre"

Stage 1: "The Museum Pushkin's Country House"

TCO: ИКП - слайды; музыка Свиридова к к/ф «Метель».

Раздаточный материал:

  1. карточки с вопросам и
  2. карточки с текстом
  3. карточки со стихам и А.С .Пушкина на английском языке.


 Procedures: Музыка из к/ф «Метель»

I.        Pre -Listening stage.
Interaction: T—* Class

Brain storm ideas and vocabulary associated with the topic using picture of the museum.

  • Is this museum very popular with the people of  Tsaiskoy  Selo?
  • Where is this house situated?
  • Whom did this house belong to?
  • What kind of house can you see in the picture of the museum?

II.        While-listening stage:

Students are given the main ideas of the lecture "A.S.Pushkin dreamed to pass his fust family summer in Tsaiskoye Selo "in an inspiring solitude, among" sweet reminiscences" of his youth". Students have to write down the title of the fiistpart of the lecture. "The house belonged to Annaa Kitayeva" T: Listen to the first part of the lecture and writ down key information lecture, part 1:

- Among the memorial places of the town of Pushkin linked with the name of the great Russian poet the literary memorial museum - A.S.Pus kin's country house takes a special place. It was there that he passed the happiest days of his brief married life.

The house belonged to Anna Kitayeva, the widow of a Court valet Yakov Kitayev for whom it was built in 1827 after the design of architect's assistant A.M.Gomostayev "under direction" of V.P.Stasov, and it was preserved up to our days almost without modifications. On December, 21, 1958, a branch of All-Union Museum of A.S.Pushkin was first opened there, and on June 6, 1981, on the poet's birthday, the museum was re-opened for visitois  after restoration and reconstruction. Pushkin's study in the attic and boudoir and the bedroom ofNatalya Nicolayevna were recreated anew.

At present the exhibition of the museum-c ountry house includes manuscripts /copies/, books, portraits and peisonal belongings of Puhkin and his contemporaries.

Puhkin came to Kitayeva's house on May, 25, 1831, soon after the wedding ceremony. He dreamed to pass his first family summer in Tsaiskoye Se lo, "in an inspiring solitude, among sweet reminiscences" of his Lyceum youth. The summer of 1831 was important in Puhkin's life, it was a period of intense creativity, intimate friendly association with Zhukovssky and Gogol and, at the same time a period of bitter experience due to financial difficulties forced police tutelade.

Interaction: P/l,2,3/-»Class /Comprehension Check/

1.        Were did Pusskin pass his the happiest days of his brief married


  1. When was the house belonged to Anna Kitayeva bult?
  2. Who was the atchitector of that house?
  3. When of All-Union Museum of A.S.Pushkin opened first?

5.        And when was it re-opened forvisitois after restoration and

  1. What does the exhibition of the museum-country house include?
  2. When did A. Pushkin come to Kitayeva's house?

Прочитать известные стихи А.С.Пушкина на английском языке и попросить учащихся узнать их. Музыка из к/ф «Метель». Lecture, part 2.

Т: Listen to the second part of the lecture.

Write down the title the of it" The summer of 1831 became a turning point in Pushkin's life".

Write down the key information.

On July, 9, fearing an outbreak of an epidemic of cholera which began in St. Pete is burg, the Court came to Tsarskoye Selo and that put an end to the calm solitude of small town.

"Tsaiskoye Selo is in full swing and has become the capital", wrote Pushkin. The Court's arrival determined the future poet's stay in Tsaiskoye Selo. Encounteis with the reigning family became unavoidable for the Pus hk ins.

Natalya Nicolayevna was singled out with a particular attention of the tsar and was invited to Court balls. The tsar ordered to admit Pushkin to work at the Mine try of Foreign Aflaiis , where the poet had been expelled from by "imperial command" in 1824 due to his unworthy behaviour", and offered him the post of the imperial historian with a permanent salary and access to all the archives for purpose ofwriting the history of Peterthe Great

Three yeais later Pushkin would give a justand bittersumming up of his association with the Court and high life: "I should not accepted the post and, what it woise still, become entangled with financial liabilities... The dependance that me inflict upon ourselves out of ambition or need humiliates us. Now they look upon me as if I were there servant whom they can treat in what manner they please".

So the summer of 1831 became a turning point in Pushkin's life: the tragic situation which resulted in the poet's death 6 years later, began to take shape at that time.

At that time Pushkin witnessed excitedly the revolutionary activity in Europe, the uprising in Poland, cholera mutinies in Russia, unrests in military settlements, and gave warm response to all those political evente in his letter and poems. During the summer of 1831 Pushkin created poems imbued with sublime patriotism: "Before the Holy Tomb...", to the slanderers ofRussia", "An Anniveisary of Borodino" and wrote the poems "Eco", "The Oftenerthe Lyceum Celebrates"..., "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", finished "Eugene Oneghin" /on October, 5, "Oneghin's letter to Tatyana" was written./

It was in that house that he wrote the accusatory pamphlets against two reactionary journalists, F.V. Bulgarin and N.I. Gretch: "The Triumph of Friendship, or Alexander Anfimovitch Orlov Acquitted", and "A Few words about Mr.Bulgarin's Little Fingerand OtherMatter's". He worked there at his prosaic novels.

Interaction: P/l,2,3/->Class /Comprehension Check/

  1. Why did Court come to Tsaiscoye Selo?
  2. Why was Natalya Nicolaevna invited to Court balls?

3.        When did the tsar offer Pushkin the postofthe imperial historian for
the purpose ofwriting the history of the Peterthe Great?

4.        WTry did Pushkin say "I should not accepted the posf'?

5.        What poems A.S. Puskin created during the summer of 1831?
ЛТазвания стихов на доске закрыты.

Названия открываются по мере высказываний учащихся/ Музыка из к/ф «Метель».

Почитать известные стихи Пушкина на английском языке. Попросить учащихся узнать их. Стихи могут читать сам и учащиеся. Lecture, part3.

Г: Write down the title of the third part of the lecture "Sweet  recollections"

Listen and write down the key information.

Pushkin's parents, Sergey Lvovich and Nadezhda Osipovna who passed thatsummer in Pavlovsk, and his sisterO.S.Pavlishtcheva, visited this country house. Tsaiskoye Selo Pushkin used to frequently meet his intimate friend V.A.Zhukovsky and the Maid of Honour A.O.Rosset, know by her friendship with many poets and writers. In summerof 1831 Pushkin frequently saw N.V.Gogol which lived in Pavlovsk. In Kitayeva's house Gogol read to Pushkin and Zhukovsky his recently written tales "The Evenings at the Farmstead NearDikanka".

"Sweet recollections" drew the poet towards the Lyceum. In the summer of 1831 Pushkin often came to Lyceum when he met the pupils of the 6th graduate period. About the 20th of August, together with Zhukovsky, he attended the examination in history in the Lyceum. In Tsaiskoye Selo the poet felt most keenly the loss of his most dear friend and former classmate the poet A.A.Delwig. Delwig's name often met in Pushkin's letters written from Tsaiskoye Selo. In commemoration of Delwig, in summerof 1831. Pushkin prepared the almanac "Nothem Flowers" for publication. Delwig had been the publisher of the almanac for 6 yeais. It is no chance that today in Pushkin study we can see peisonal belongings of A.A.Delwig.

Pushkin left Kitaeva's house in late autumn, in October 1831. Interaction: P/l,2,3/->Class /Comprehension Check/

  1. Who visited this country house?
  2. Who was his intimate friend?
  3. What did Gogol read to Pushkin and Zhukovsky?
  4. Why did Pushkin often come to Lyceum in summer of 1831?
  5. What examination did he attend with Zhukovsky?

6.        Whose name was often met in Pushkin's letteis written from
Tsaiskoye Selo?

7.        What did Pushkin prepare to publication?

8.        When did Pushkin leave Kitayeva's house?
Звучит музыка из к/ф «Метель»

Почитать стихи Пушкина на английском языке. Попросить учащихся уз нать их.

III. Comprehension check of the whole lecture /students do it in written form/

T:  I want you to check your memory, answering the following questions.

1.     Who was the architector of the house belonged to Anna Kitayeva?

А/ Stasov        В/ Gomostayev       CI Monfeian

2.     When did the museum re-opened?
А/ in 1976        В/ in 1983        С/  in 1981

3.        When did Pushkin come to Kitayeva's house?
А/ in May 25, 1831 В/ in June 20, 1841

С/ in August 10, 1825

4.        The summerof 1831 was a period of intensive creativity,
intimate friendly association with ...

А/ Tolstoy and Schedrin?

В/ Lermotov and Fef?

С/ Zhukovsky and Gogol?

5.        Natalya Nicolayevna was s ingled out with a particular attention...
and was invited to Court balls.

А/ The tsar

В/ Court valet YakovKitaev CI Zhukovsky

6.        What tale did Pushkin write in summerof 1831?
А/ The tale of Fishman and Goldfish

В/ The tale of tsar Saltan

С/ The tale of Sleeping Beauty

7.        Where did Pushkin's parents pass thatsummer?

А/ in Tsaiskoye Selo В/ in Pavlovsk С/ in St. Peterburg

8.        In Ktayeva's house Gogol read to Pushkin and Zhukovsky his
recently written tales...

А/ "The Evenings at the Farmstead Near Dikanka" В/ "The Days at the Farmstead Near Dikanka" С/ "The Evenings at the Farmstead Near Kiev"

9.        When did Pushkin and Zhukovsky attend the examination in history
in the Lyceum?

А/ about 10th of August В/ about 20th of September С/ about 20th of August

10.        How many yeais had Delwig been the publisherof the almanac
"Nothem Flowers"?

А/ for 10 year В/ for 5 yeais CI for 6 yeais IV.   Speaking Practice

Discuss the following topics 1.        The house belonged to Anna Kitayeva.

2.        The summerof 1831 was a period of intensive creativity of

  1. The Court came to Tsarskoye Selo
  2. "Sweet recollections"

Home task: Write a composition "The summer of 1831 in Pushkin's life".

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