Упражнения на complex object
учебно-методический материал на тему

Цейтлина Елена Григорьевна

Упражнения на complex object


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  1. He made (I, do) it all over again.
  2. He made (she, repeat) the message.
  3. If you want (we, get) there before dark you should let (we, start) at once.
  4. Tom was made (clean) the room.
  5. They won't let (we, leave) the Customs till our luggage has been examined.
  6. He wouldn't let (my baby, play) with his gold watch.
  7. The children were allowed (watch) cartoons in the evening.
  8. He made (we, wait) for hours.
  9. I let (he, go) early as he wanted to meet his wife.
  10. I'd like (he, go) to a university but I can't make (he, go).
  11. I want (she, learn) English; I think everybody must know it.
  12. I Before he let (we, go) he made (we, promise) not to tell anybody what he had seen.
  13. What do you want (I, tell) him?
  14. That is too heavy for one person to carry, let (I, help) you.
  15. Mary was made (stay) in the palace.

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  1. He made (I, do) it all over again.
  2. He made (she, repeat) the message.
  3. If you want (we, get) there before dark you should let (we, start) at once.
  4. Tom was made (clean) the room.
  5. They won't let (we, leave) the Customs till our luggage has been examined.
  6. He wouldn't let (my baby, play) with his gold watch.
  7. The children were allowed (watch) cartoons in the evening.
  8. He made (we, wait) for hours.
  9. I let (he, go) early as he wanted to meet his wife.
  10. I'd like (he, go) to a university but I can't make (he, go).
  11. I want (she, learn) English; I think everybody must know it.
  12. I Before he let (we, go) he made (we, promise) not to tell anybody what he had seen.
  13. What do you want (I, tell) him?
  14. That is too heavy for one person to carry, let (I, help) you.
  15. Mary was made (stay) in the palace.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Упражнения на complex object

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