Презентация к открытому уроку в 5 классе. Домашнее чтение "Алиса в стране чудес"
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Яковлева Мунира Сулеймановна

Презентация к уроку в 5 классе "Алиса в стране чудес"


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

[ æ ] h a nd p a ck b a ck r a bbit f a n [ Λ ] H u mpty-D u mpty D u chess c u t m u shroom h u sh [ е ] h ea d r e d s e ven n e ck e gg [ u: ] wh o y ou bl ue thr ou gh t oo [ a: ] c ar d g ar dener l au gh p a ss h ear t (Queen of Hearts) [ əu ] r o se s o ldier m o st g o ld h o me Sounds and words

Слайд 3

It’s a yellow metal that costs a lot of money. Guess the word GOLD

Слайд 4

It’s a plant with a short stem and round top, which can be eaten. Guess the word Mushroom

Слайд 5

It’s a person in the army. Guess the word Soldier

Слайд 6

It’s a small animal with long ears which lives in holes under the ground. Guess the word Rabbit

Слайд 7

It’s a small piece of stiff paper with pictures and numbers, used for various games. Guess the word Card

Слайд 8

It’s a piece of land where trees, flowers, or vegetables are grown, around a house or in a public place. Guess the word Garden

Слайд 9

Who said it? “Will you please tell me, why are you painting these white roses red ?” “ We are afraid she will cut off our heads .” “What is your name, child ?” “ My dear, she is only a child. You must not forget it .” “ The Duchess is in prison. They will cut off her head .” Chapter 12. The Queen’s garden Alice The gardener Two The Queen of Hearts The King The White Rabbit

Слайд 10

Alice looked about. There was a big HOUSE near her. Alice took a bite from the piece of the APPLE in her hand . The roses which grew on a large rose-tree were YELLOW . The Queen liked only RED roses . Alice noticed THE CHESHIRE CAT talking to a Queen . The poor gardeners ran to Alice and cried: HELP ! HELP ! Alice put the cards into her POCKET . True False or

Слайд 11

Alice looked about. There was a big TREE near her. Alice took a bite from the piece of the MUSHROOM in her hand . The roses which grew on a large rose-tree were WHITE . The Queen liked only RED roses . Alice noticed THE WHITE RABBIT talking to a Queen . The poor gardeners ran to Alice and cried: HELP ! HELP ! Alice put the cards into A LARGE FLOWER POT . True answers

Слайд 12

How did Alice get into the beautiful garden? Whom did she see there? What were the gardeners doing? Was she surprised? Why did the gardeners paint the roses? What did the gardeners do when they saw the Queen? Did Alice fall down on her face either? Was the Queen angry? Answer the questions

Слайд 13

Who are they? Alice The White Rabbit The Queen of Hearts

Слайд 14

curious polite impolite rude angry brave helpful kind fussy timid nervous proud Useful adjectives:

Слайд 15

What are they? c urious polite brave helpful impolite rude proud angry fussy nervous timid

Слайд 16

As cool as As busy as As flat as As white as As slow as As wise as As fat as As timid as As hungry as As proud as Idioms of comparison a peacock a wolf an owl a cucumber a bee a hare a pancake a ghost a pig a snail

Слайд 17


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