О нашем хуторе
проект (9 класс) на тему

Кумпан Наталья Владмировна

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Слайд 1

My village Kavalersky Презентация подготовлена учителем английского языка МБОУ Кавалерской СОШ №3 имени А.П. Дубинца Кумпан Н.В.

Слайд 2

There is place like home.

Слайд 4

Content The history of the village The legend Kavalersky nowadays

Слайд 5

The river Kavalerka

Слайд 6

Our nature is some kind of masterpiece

Слайд 7

“From dawn to dusk”

Слайд 8

When winter comes…

Слайд 9

Our school It was named after Hero of the Soviet Union Andreya Petrovicha Dubintsa

Слайд 10

Our reconstructed House of culture

Слайд 11

The administrative centre of Kavalersky

Слайд 12

The parish of Kazan Russian Orthodox Church

Слайд 13

Our local clinic

Слайд 14


Слайд 15

Other buildings The Post Office The Kindergarten “ Rosinka ” Shops Chemist’s shop

Слайд 16

Our Kavalersky only 108 years old. We hope it will have tens and hundreds of glorious anniversaries

Слайд 17

Использованные ресурсы: http :// avtor . tululu . org / product /30902 / http :// infourok . ru / yubiley _ rodnogo _ hutora _ statya _ o _ hutore _ kavalerskom _ egorlykskogo _ rayona _ rostovskoy _ oblasti -168362. htm Фотографии с сайта odnoklassniki.ru

Предварительный просмотр:


One hundred and seven years have passed since Kuban Cossacks had founded the farm Kavalersky. It is 170 km south of Rostov-on-Don. It’s just a small village but it has tons of history.
    It was called as Wild field or the Great steppe region on the southern borders of the Russian state
. Before the Cossacks there were runaway peasants. They were looking for freedom from bondage of the landlords in sparsely populated lands. The steppe inhabited by various nomadic tribes and peoples: Cimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Khazars, countless hordes of the Mongol-Tatars, Polovtzy, Nogai ... etc. Whole nations were gone, leaving to scientists a lot of questions and mysteries. Not many things remind us about their lives now. Only an experienced historian can tell a lot about rich past of Kavalerskaya land which has not revealed its secrets to us yet.
    For a long time the rich black soil humus - the pride of our region, did not know the
plow. These are truly precious land along the river Kavalerka attracted the attention of landless Kuban poople. Together with their families and affluent belongings they arrived and founded several small hamlets on the banks of the river. Many disasters and hardships endured the first settlers. Our ancestors were not afraid of work, work "from dawn to dusk." And the fertile land generously yielded its hardworking owners. Therefore, having arisen, the farm did not disappear, but rather to expand its borders, were growing along their native rivers and eventually merged into one farm with streets on both sides of the river. Since then, its name is Kavalersky.
    It was not easy for our ancestors - the epidemic,
drought, dry winds, dust storms, extreme cold, loss of cattle, locusts darkened the sky ... Much has been opposed to the Knights' land was inhabited. But the Cossacks stood. They stood against the natural elements. And the people stood in wars that raged in the XX century: the I World War; fratricidal civil war, divided society into reds and whitesand the Great Patriotic War. It brought the most grief to our people. More than a thousand brave defenders from the farm left to the front. Hard-working farmers had to take up the guns. And they defended their homeland from the Nazis not sparing their lives. Almost half of them did not come back from the fields of fighting. They found their peace in hundreds of mass graves from the Volga to Berlin. We will safe eternal memory to our countrymen who died during the war and gave us a peaceful sky above.

peasants –крестьяне

sparsely populated – малозаселенный

bondage – кабала

landlord – помещик

tribe – племя

horde – полчище

reveal – выдавать секрет

plow – плуг

affluent belongings – небогатые скарбы

disaster – бедствие

hardship – лишение

ancestor – предок

“from dawn to dusk” – «от зари до зари»

yield – одаривать

drought – засуха

fratricidal - братоубийственный

 civil – гражданский

grief – горе

mass graves – братские могилы

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Предварительный просмотр:

The legend about Kava and Lerka.

It was a long time ago… Hundreds of years ago, or maybe even more… Nomadic herdsmen would graze their horses in the boundless steppes. There have been different tribes galore in the Great Steppe: Scythians, Sarmatians, Khazars, Cumans, Mongols, and Tatars. It’s difficult to list all of them. They overlapped one another like big sea waves, driving away or exterminating their adversaries. In one of these tribes there was a very brave warrior, he rode his fast horse and shot a bow better than anyone else. More than once he came out as a victor of the battlefield fights with numerous enemies inasmuch as he skillfully wielded his vorpal sword. His name was Lerкa.

Once he saw a beautiful girl and fell in love with her. Lerкa’s friends told him that she was the youngest and most beloved daughter of their formidable chief. Her name was Kava. Kava also liked Lerкa for his bold valor, as she often heard her brothers tell about it after difficult fights. As time went on the young people began dating in secret from their parents, as the chief wanted to marry Kava off to a neighboring tribe chief’s son. Kava's father wanted to expand his influence in the Steppe through the marriage, but Kava and Lerкa loved each other, and after having learned about the chief’s intentions, one dark night, when hadn’t the moon come on the horizon, they decided to escape. When the chief noticed the daughter escape he got very angry and ordered five of his sons to find the escapees and bring them back home. Although Lerкa was agile and quick enough, he could not break away from the pursuers, as the chief possessed the secrets of sorcery thus helping his sons in the Steppe. When the brothers had almost overtaken Kava and Lerкa, the young couple embraced and jumped into the crystal clear steppe river waters. No one has ever seen them again. After the sister’s death the grieving brothers immediately turned into high mounds. 

Since then the river has gotten the name Kavalerкa – it has been named after the two young loving hearts. The river still bears its waters as it did hundreds of years ago. And the river is still called Kavalerкa. And the mounds stand in the same place as it was hundreds of years ago. If you look around the horizon you will surely see them. People have named them as “Five Brothers”, marking the hills north the river on the maps. The father could no longer be in the Steppe, where everything reminded him of the children. He and his tribe left for the east. His further destiny is unknown. And the Great Steppe became the Wild Field. But this is just a legend...

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Предварительный просмотр:

Kavalersky nowadays.

Now the farm Kavalersky is the decoration of Egorlykskaya land. "Calling card" is a comfortable school which was named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.P. Dubintsa. It became "the second home" for local children. There is also the renovated House of Culture. Our people can take part in many interesting actions such as folk choir, a sport club “Gold bear”, where the competitions of armwrestling are held. There is also a big library. There you can find any book you need.   There are some monuments to people fallen during the Great Patriotic War.

Kavalerka is a place where a generation of farmers grows. You cannot imagine our farm without its trade series, traditional fair on Thursdays, without the central square with a statue of V. I. Lenin. Some important buildings are located along its perimeter such as the house of administration with a commemorative plaque to chairman Wild V.A. There is also a television tower, allows broadcasting local news releases. The parish of Kazan Russian Orthodox Church has recently built. Not far from the square there is a monument on the site of the graves of soldiers.

Our home farm becomes prettier from year to year. "Dashing 90s"left behind. They destroyed a powerful animal husbandry and processing industry in the village. Private enterprise and the market economy came to the place of the legendary collective farm. The inhabitants of the farm, as well as their ancestors - the Kuban Cossacks, are not afraid of work. All our land is still fertile. The river Kavalerka still carries its waters. And we want to believe that the farm will have tens and hundreds of glorious anniversaries.

renovate – ремонтировать

trade series – торговые ряды

commemorative plaque – мемориальная доска

chairman – председатель

parish – церковный приход

grave – могила

husbandry – земледелие

private enterprise – частное предприятие

ancestor – предок

fertile – плодородный

glorious – славный

anniversary – годовщина, юбилей

При составлении материала использован ресурс http://infourok.ru/yubiley_rodnogo_hutora_statya_o_hutore_kavalerskom_egorlykskogo_rayona_rostovskoy_oblasti-168362.htm

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