Wizarding World of Harry Potter
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Панкул Екатерина Игоревна

Презентация на тему "Тематические парки". 


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Слайд 1

Wizarding World of Harry Potter S hops

Слайд 2

Wizarding World of Harry Potter - a theme park in the spirit of Harry Potter. Like other parks from the studio Universal Studios Florida it is designed to ensure that his guests feel the atmosphere of their favorite movies and books. The park is built in Orlando, Florida, USA.

Слайд 3

In this park there are a lot of interesting things, but I want to tell you about its shops.

Слайд 4

“ Honeydukes ” The most famous magic candy shop "Sweet Kingdom." It sells imaginable and unimaginable wizard’s sweets . Exploding candies, custard pots, licorice sticks, gum Drubbles , sugar feathers, chocolate frogs, Bertie Botts jelly beans. The store is in the village Hogsmeade .

Слайд 5

“ Darvish and Bangs” " Darvish and Bangs" - shop magical things and outfits, such as a set " All for Quidditch “, form for the Triwizard Tournament, Spectral Glasses, reminders, the legendary "monstrous book about monsters." The store is in the village of Hogsmeade too.

Слайд 6

Zonko " Zonko " - shop for pranksters and people with good sense of humor. Here you can find extenders ears, yelling toy Yo-Yo, boxing telescope and flying crackers from the masters Weasley . There is also " tasty humor ": pumpkin pastilles , vomiting candies.The store is also located in the village of Hogsmeade .

Слайд 7

“ Ollivander's shop” An exact copy of Mr. Ollivander's shop of Harry Potter movies in every sense of the word. As Harry Potter himself got his first wand in this shop, and you can buy here yours. Selection of wands is interactive - "wand chooses the wizard." Here are sold all sticks that ever described by JK Rowling.

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