Classroom language (Разговорные фразы на уроке)
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 класс) по теме

Оксана Михайловна Роенко

Разговорные фразы для общения на уроках английского языка.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Роенко Оксана Михайловна, учитель английского языка                                                                          МАОУ СОШ № 143

Classroom English

или фразы на уроке английского языка

 Знакомство с новым классом (Getting Acquainted):

  1. Let me introduce myself. My name is…I am your new English teacher.
  2. Introduce yourself, please.

Про новеньких (About Newcomers):

  1. There are two newcomers in your class.
  2. Would you like to introduce yourself?

Про опоздавших (About Latecomers):

  1. Your alarm clock didn’t go off?
  2. Don’t be late next time./ Try not to be late next time!

Про отсутствующих (Marking the Register/ Absentees):

  1. Now I’ll call the register.
  2. Is there anyone missing/absent/away today?
  3. Who is missing/absent /away?
  4. Do you have any idea where she/he is?
  5. Do you know when she will be back at school?
  6. Could you take her her homework?

Про заболевших (Illnesses):

  1. Are you unwell?
  2. You’d better go to the sick room.

Фразы в начале урока (Beginning a Lesson):

  1. We are beginning our lesson.
  2. The topic of our lesson today is…..
  3. All right, class, let’s get down to work.
  4. Last time we were talking about…. Today we will be talking about….
  5. I expect you already know something about….
  6. Does anybody know….?
  7. Can anyone explain….?

Проверка домашнего задания (Checking Homework):

  1. What did I give you for homework?
  2. How did you get on with your homework?
  3. How long does it take you to do your homework?
  4. Did you find it difficult?
  5. Why haven’t you done your homework?

Просьбы (Requests):

  1. Rub out this word. Сотри это слово.
  2. Open the door,  please.
  3. Turn to me, please.

При переводе (When Translating… ):

  1. What’s the meaning of this word?
  2. When you translate think of the meaning of the whole sentence.
  3. Who has better translation? What’s the better way of translating this?
  4. Are there any other suggestions?
  5. Can anyone help?

При чтении (When Reading… )

  1. Let’s continue from here.
  2. Let’s read the text aloud.
  3. Listen to me reading this passage.
  4. Listen again and say it after me.
  5. Let’s read the next paragraph together.
  6. All together!
  7. Now, I’d like to hear you read aloud.
  8. Read the dialogue in pairs.

Парная работа (Pair Work):

  1. Here are some topics to talk about.
  2. You work out dialogues for the following situations.
  3. Now, you work in pairs.
  4. You аct out the dialogue.
  5. You make up your own dialogue.
  6. You use the words given in the box.

Групповая работа (Group Work):

  1. Now we shall do some group work.
  2. Divide into two groups.
  3. Ask me for help with vocabulary if you needed.
  4. Ask other people in your group to help you if you cannot find the right word.

Работа на уроке. Задания (Classroom Activity/Tasks).

  1.  Let’s do the exercise in writing (in written form).
  2. Do ex.6 in writing.
  3. Do it orally.
  4. Let’s do the exercise in writing (in written form).
  5. Let’s practice in the present perfect tense.
  6. Copy it down (from the blackboard).
  7. Can anyone explain….?
  8. How do you know?
  9. You have to do it before I count five.
  10. Use the words given in the box.
  11. And read the instructions first,please.
  12. Right. How will you answer the first question?
  13. What is your answer?

 Проверка понимания (Checking Understanding)

  1. Do you follow me?
  2. Have you all got that?
  3. You seem to have understood it very well.
  4. You didn’t get me.

Фразы при подведение итогов (Summary):

  1. Tell the class what you have talked about with your partner.
  2. What points did you disagree about?
  3. What are the points everyone agreed on?
  4. You summarize.
  5. After some discussion we agreed that….
  6. Can somebody sum up what has been said?

Похвала, критика (Praises, Encouragement, Criticism):

  1. Good for you. Well-done./ Good work.
  2. That’s a lot better. Your English is getting better. I am very pleased with you.
  3. I’m not very satisfied with your reading.
  4. You need some more practice in reading.
  5. It’s no good at all.
  6. That’s all right. Never mind. Ничего страшного.
  7. Forget it. Пустяки.
  8. That’s O.K.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Classroom language


Classroom language


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