Викторина по теме "Англия"
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Занимательная викторина по теме "Англия"


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Слайд 1

Round ONE 1. What is the official language in Great Britain? (10 pounds) a) English b ) French c) Russian d ) Chinese 2. Big Ben is….. (20 pounds) a) a clock b ) a horse c) an animal in the zoo d ) a famous name 3. Piccadilly Circus is the meeting point of …. (50 pounds) a) a four streets b ) s ix streets c) f ive streets d ) s even streets 4. The changing of guard happens every day at …. (100 pounds) a) 12:30 a.m . b ) 12 o’clock. c) 11:30 a.m. d ) 10 o’clock.

Слайд 2

Round TWO 1. Great Britain is divided into …. (10 pounds) a) three parts b ) five parts c) f our parts d ) two parts 2. What is a Piccadilly Circus? (20 pounds) a) a circus b ) a square c) a street d ) a house 3. What is the Tower of London now? (50 pounds) a) a prison b ) a museum c) a house d ) a fortress 4. The name of the Palace where Queen lives in …. (100 pounds) a) the Tower of London b ) the White House c) the Winsor palace d ) the Buckingham Palace

Слайд 3

Round THREE 1. The capital of Great Britain is…. (10 pounds) a) Paris b ) Moscow c) L ondon d ) Cardiff 2. What can you see in Trafalgar square? (20 pounds) a) Nelson statue b ) King memorial c) Queen memorial d ) Michael Gorbachev memorial 3. The legend says without them the Tower will fall. They are ….(50 pounds) a) the pigeons b ) the cats c) t he squirrels d ) the ravens 4. Whe n can you see the flag over the Queen’s Palace? (100 pounds) a) When she is out b ) When she is abroad c) When she has a party d ) When she is at home

Слайд 4

Round FOUR 1. England is in…. (10 pounds) a) Europe b ) Africa c) America d ) Asia 2. Where is London’s zoo? (20 pounds) a) Regent’s park b ) Hyde Park c) St. James’ park d ) Central park 3. The Raven master is the person who ….. (50 pounds) a) is the main raven b ) kills the ravens c) feeds the ravens d ) o rons the ravens 4. Sir Christopher Wren built ….. (100 pounds) a) St. Pauls cathedral b ) The Tower of London c) Westminster Abbey d ) The Parliament

Слайд 5

Round FIVE 1. The name of the river in London is…. (10 pounds) a) The Volga b ) The Thames c) The Nile d ) The Medvediza 2. Where can you say everything you want? (20 pounds) a) Regent’s park b ) Hyde park c) St. James’ park d ) Central park 3. W estminster Abbey is …. (50 pounds) a) the chapel b ) the monastery c) the inn d ) the famous Royal Church 4. London is more than …. (100 pounds) a) one thousand years old b ) two thousands years old c) three thousands years old d ) four thousands years old

Слайд 6

Round SIX 1. Who is the head of England? (10 pounds) a) t he Queen b ) the tzar c) the Prince d ) the Princess 2. Where can you see pelicans and ducks? (20 pounds) a) Regent’s park b ) Hyde park c) St. James’ park d ) Central park 3. Where are the tombs of many British king and queens and other famous people? (50 pounds) a) In the Tower of London b ) On the Cemetery c) On the river Bank d ) In Westminster Abbey 4. In what country do men wear skirts? (100 pounds) a) France b ) England c) Scotland d ) Norway

Слайд 7

Round SEVEN 1. You can get from Russia to England by …(10 pounds) a) bicycle b ) airplane c) car d ) foot 2. The B ritish Parliament is in ….. (20 pounds) a) the Buckingham Palace b) t he Houses of Parliament c) Backer Street d ) Westminster Abbey 3. Covent Garden is now…. (50 pounds) a) a cinema b ) a fruit and vegetable garden c) a theatre d ) a tourist shopping Centre 4. The Princess Diana was the wife of …. (100 pounds) a) Prince John b ) Prince Robert c) Prince Wilhelm d ) Prince Charles

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