Neftegorsk Our pain Our tragedy
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Neftegorsk Our pain Our tragedy


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Слайд 1

Neftegorsk Our pain Our tragedy Done by Nikulushkina N.A.

Слайд 2

Neftegorsk. Before….

Слайд 3

Neftegorsk. Before… Neftegorsk was an oil workers’ village . There were 4 klindergartens, 1 school in Neftegorsk. 3200 people lived there. On the 25 th of May there was “The Last В ell” at the local school. On Saturday(the 27 th of May) many of school-leavers gathered in the local café to celebrate this day. Fine music played, school-leavers danced, rested. The last dance was declared. Nobody thought that it would be really the last dance in their life. At that moment there was a great noise and the ceiling fell.

Слайд 4

At 1.04 there was an earthquake. It lasted only 14 seconds. 10 balls. 2247 people died.

Слайд 5


Слайд 6

All buildings were destroyed.

Слайд 7

There was a great fire in Neftegogsk

Слайд 8

Emergency workers are helping in the dangerous situation.

Слайд 9

Emergency workers have saved about 400 people.

Слайд 10

People worked day and night.

Слайд 11

Minister Shoigy

Слайд 12

There were “minutes of silence” in Neftegorsk

Слайд 13

150 saved people died in the hopitals.

Слайд 14

People lost sons, daughters, mothers, fathers….

Слайд 15

Children lost their parents.

Слайд 16

Seventeen 5 storeyed buildings were ruined. Only 2 and 3 storeyed buildings were not destroyed.

Слайд 17

The railroad was broken by the earthquake.

Слайд 18

Memorial in Neftegorsk

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