план-конспект урока (10 класс) на тему

Кононенко Екатерина Михайловна


Lesson plan

Form: 10th

Vocabulary: Food. Colours. Emotions. Health. Healthy diet.

Grammar:  Past Simple Tense; zero conditionals; countable / uncountable nouns

Outcome: Making a healthy menu.


Файл rainbow_of_food.docx18.91 КБ
Файл food_2.pptx946.23 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


Teacher: Kononenko Ekaterina Mikhailovna

Form: 10th 

Vocabulary: Food. Colours. Emotions. Health. Healthy diet.

Grammar:  Past Simple Tense; zero conditionals; countable / uncountable nouns

Outcome: Making a healthy menu.

Materials and equipment: a textbook “Spotlight-10”, vocabulary flashcards, PP presentation, audio recording, paper, felt-tip-pens; a computer; a board.

Lesson plan:

  1. Greeting.
  2. Warm-up. – Could you name three reasons for your good mood today?
  3. Introducing the topic. – Slides 2, 3 (foods – fruit and vegetables of different colours)

-  Look at the pictures. What do you think we are going to talk today? (pupils’ predictions) (Food of different colours) (Explaining the expression “Rainbow of food”)

      4.  – Put the words in correct order, make up the sentences that can be correlated to our topic (slide 4).

         happiest / orange / is / the / colour    (Orange is the happiest colour)

         man / colours / answer / in / feeling   (Colours answer feeling in man)

  1. Introducing vocabulary

            – Which of the nouns are countable? Which names for fruit and vegetables are uncountable? (slide 5)

  • Which products are fruit? Which ones are vegetables? (slide 6)

 (Pupils’ answers)

  1. Pre reading.  - Do you believe that the colour of food we eat can influence our feelings? Why? Why not?

(in pairs): - Tell your partner what colour food you ate yesterday. Make a list of what products your partner ate. Report to the class.

  1. Reading a text giving information about food of different colours, and its influence on people’s feelings and physical state. While reading clarify meanings of highlighted words (optimistic, infections, boost, brain, eyesight, tummy, rumbling, soothing, handful, etc.) (slide 5) Copying the words into pupils’ vocabulary copybooks.

  1. Post readingBack in the text, look for answers to the following questions:

What colour food should you eat if

1 – you are seating for the difficult exam? (orange)

2 – you feel nervous before a meeting? (green)

3 – you are worried by appearing the first wrinkles? (violet)

4 – lately you feel sad? (yellow)

5 – you are heading for swimming competition? (red)

  1. (in pairs) – Look back at the list of products you have made earlier. Can you call it healthy and well-balanced? Why? Why not? (It was healthy and well-balanced because…/ It was’t … because…)

Given example: I ate carrot salad. It was tasty and rich in fibre.  But I also ate chips. They aren’t a healthy food.  

  • Express your opinion use the words and expressions: fruit, vegetables, vitamins, minerals, fibre (клетчатка), sugar, fat, protein, fizzy drinks (газированные напитки), chocolate, crisps, rich in (богата …), high amounts of … (…в большом количестве), can be found in (можно найти в …) (slide 7 – useful vocabulary)

  1. (in groups of four) – Take some paper, felt-tip-pens, and make a healthy menu for a day. Follow the rules of healthy eating, and where it is possible use products of different colours. (Present your project: tell why a healthy diet is useful; also explain (try to) how  the rainbow diet can help us to eat healthily; recommend the rainbow diet)    


  1. Presenting the projects

  1. Summing up. Reflect on the lesson. Pupils’ opinions about the lesson and 3-2-1-activity

  • Write 3 new words you have learnt today; name two interesting things from the lesson; ask one question on the lesson)

  1. Homework:  prepare a 2-3 minute speech about healthy eating habits. Use the lesson ideas and its vocabulary. Record your speech

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

apple grapes pear lemon blueberry orange

Слайд 3

cucumber carrots beetroot aubergine corn

Слайд 4

colours answer feeling in man orange is the happiest colour

Слайд 5

VOCABULARY aubergine - баклажан broccoli - ? cabbage - капуста cucumber - огурец celery - сельдерей grapes - виноград lettuce - салат peas - горох prunes - чернослив raisins - изюм

Слайд 6


Слайд 7

VOCABULARY optimistic -? infections -? boost – стимул, энергия brain - ? eyesight - ? tummy - живот rumbling - урчание soothing - успокаивающий handful - горсть wrinkle - морщина

Слайд 8

USEFUL WORDS vitamins - fibre - sugar - fat - protein - crisps - rich in … - high amounts of … - can be found in … -

Слайд 9

Carrot salad I ate yesterday was tasty, and it was a healthy food. In carrots high amounts of fibre can be found. Carrots are fantastic for our eyesight and they are rich in vitamin C, which helps us fight off infections. That is true, I love carrots, and eat them both in salads, and in sticks!

Слайд 10

In conclusion, I want to say that if you follow a rainbow diet you will stay active and healthy long. Rainbow diet is cool! T H E E N D .



Уварова Елена Викторовна

Хочу отметить лаконичность изложения материала, как обычно - ничего лишнего, разнообразие заданий и форм работы учащихся. В своих разработках учитель демонстрирует хорошее владение языком и методикой преподавания. Спасибо за предоставленную возможность воспользоваться данной разработкой для планирования подобных уроков.