Контрольная работа 10 класс
тест по английскому языку (10 класс)

Мусатова Светлана Сергеевна
Контрольная работа по иностранному языку
 10 класс.



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Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа по иностранному языку

 10 класс.

Задание 1

Установите соответствие между текстами AG и заголовками 18. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.


Controlled by voice commands


Smartphones keep an eye on you


Manufactures will make changes


Disadvantages of smartphones



Services for smartphones


Computers based on neurons


Some computers will disappear


Why smartphones are convenient


Over the last five years, smartphones have proved that they are immensely capable. They will represent more than 50 per cent of the mobile phone market in 2015. In 10 years, tablets will be archaic. Desktops and laptops, having already begun their slide into antiquity, will soon be nothing more than dusty relics and museum exhibits. The last and only bastion of consumer computing will be the smartphone.



Some arguments for a larger device, such as the laptop, may still remain. For example, the interface. The keyboard is still the best way of inputting data, and some activities simply can’t be performed on a 4-inch smartphone screen. Besides, there will always be people who need or want faster computers to speed up their workflow. Supercomputers which do calculations at the speed of nanoseconds are definitely not the size of smartphones.



The reasons for keeping a laptop, desktop, or tablet may disappear because Apple and Google have developed speech recognition programs which can replace keyboard input. Usual displays will be replaced by head-up displays or wireless contact lens displays. Brain-computer interfaces will appear in the near future. A solid, immovable screen will not be in the centre of our interaction with multimedia any longer.



Just think what it would be like if your smartphone was your only computer. You would always have your computer with you. All of your documents, photos, games, apps, and utilities would always be in your pocket, accessible at any time. If you want to check your messages, watch TV on the train, or edit a photo, just go to the menu. Moreover, you could use your smartphone as a passport or a credit card.



With the help of a smartphone and a few apps, you just slide your phone in your pocket before your workout, and let the app track your speed and activity. Smartphones track your movements, and then pass the data off to commercial apps, or helpful services like Google Now. With additional sensors, they constantly monitor your activity and overall health. The dream of wearable computing will become true.



There is a worldwide shift to mobile computing. Computers are becoming smaller and more efficient. If smartphones are the only consumer-oriented computers, production lines and equipment have to be updated to meet new requirements. With an atomic computing platform, smartphones would be cheaper and much more capable than they are today. Cloud computing would satisfy needs of those who want faster computers. 


It is important to develop our brains as well. Computer can do many complex tasks at the same time (“multitasking”) that are difficult for the brain. For example, counting backwards and multiplying two numbers at the same time. However, the brain also does some multitasking using the autonomic nervous system. For example, the brain controls breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and at the same time it performs mental tasks. 

Задание 2.

Задания по лексике и грамматике


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

In ancient Greece there were many temples built for Apollo. He was the god of youth, beauty, music and poetry. Besides, Apollo had one very special skill - he could see the future. The Temple in Troy was one of the __________________ of all Apollo's Temples.




One day, having nothing better to do, Apollo came to the temple in Troy. Among other __________________ he saw Cassandra, a young and beautiful priestess, who worked at the temple.


Apollo __________________ by her grace.


The minute Apollo saw Cassandra, he __________________ in love. It was love at first sight.

Apollo offered her a deal. He would give Cassandra the gift of being able to see the future, if she gave him a kiss. Cassandra agreed.


With a laugh, Apollo gave her the gift, __________________ about the reward. Instantly, Cassandra could see the future. She saw Apollo, in the future, helping the Greeks destroy Troy. When Apollo bent his head to gently kiss her, she angrily spat in his face.   


Apollo got very angry. He __________________ take away his gift, but he was able to add to it. So, whatever Cassandra said, no one would believe her. That was his second gift.


When Cassandra begged her people in Troy to watch out for the Trojan horse, they __________________ her. And that was the end of Troy.



Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 1 – 8. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 1 – 8, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов (А, Б, В, Г). Установите соответствие номера пропуска варианту ответа.

The Great Discovery

In ancient times people lived on whatever food they could find. As the early people ______ in numbers, they had to wander and search for wild fruits and seeds of wild plants or hunt for small animals.

Then one of these early people ______ a great discovery. A great genius discovered the meaning of seeds. He may have noticed that where some seeds had fallen on the ground, new plants grew. Perhaps he was ______ enough to put some seeds in the ground to see what would happen. No one knows how it happened, but man ______ that if he put a seed into the soil it could grow into a plant which might yield hundreds or even thousands of seeds!

He was free of the need to be in a constant ______ of his food!

Early man could now ______ seeds in the spring and wait for them to grow.

 1. А) decreased; Б) increased; В) developed; Г) improved

2. А) fulfilled; Б) did; В) made; Г) conducted

3. А) curious; Б) questioning; В) surprised; Г) puzzled

4. А) disclosed; Б) opened; В) discovered; Г) exposed

5. А) investigation; Б) exploration; В) look; Г) search

6. А) put; Б) plant; В) deliver; Г) lay

For tasks, you can get 20 points:

18-20 points – well done

15-18 points – good

5-15 points – you can do better

5 points or less – revise and try again

Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа по иностранному языку

 10 класс.

Задание 1.

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.


It had its finest hour


A long way to popularity


A stairway to heaven


Extraordinary combinations



Ideas on sale


Brilliant ideas and brave deeds


Borrowed ideas


Revolutionary materials


Born in 1743, Thomas Jefferson helped shape the new American nation and also shaped some of the country's most famous buildings. The twentieth century architects who designed the circular Jefferson Memorial in Washington D.C. drew inspiration from Thomas Jefferson's architectural ideas. And from where did Jefferson get his ideas? The Pantheon in Rome! This building with its classical portico became a model that influenced Western architecture for 2,000 years. 


Postmodern architecture evolved from the modernist movement, yet contradicts many of the modernist ideas. Combining new ideas with traditional forms, postmodernist buildings may startle, surprise, and even amuse. Familiar shapes and details are used in unexpected ways. Philip Johnson's AT&T Headquarters is often cited as an example of postmodernism. Like many buildings in the international style, this skyscraper has a classical facade. 


The Industrial Revolution in Europe brought about a new trend: the use of metals instead of wood and stone in construction. Built in 1889, the Eiffel Tower is perhaps the most famous example of this new use for metal. For 40 years, the Eiffel Tower measured the tallest in the world. The metal lattice-work, formed with very pure structural iron, makes the tower both extremely light and able to withstand tremendous wind forces.


By the early 1800s, Belfast had become a major port at the beating heart of the region's industry. The launching of the Titanic from the shipways was attended by an estimated 100,000 people, showing how important this event was for Belfast. Many more impressive ships would leave the yard in the coming years before the decline of the shipbuilding industry began in the 1950s, but the Titanic marked the zenith of the great shipbuilding era in Belfast. 


Thomas Andrews was the chief naval architect at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast during the early 1900s. He brought the idea of 'Olympic class' ocean liners to life. The most famous of these was Titanic, which he joined on its first voyage. His actions when the ship sank on 15 April 1912 are believed to have saved many lives, but at the cost of his own. In his home town of Comber, the life of Thomas Andrews is commemorated by the Memorial Hall, opened in 1915. 


An e-book or “electronic book” is available digitally downloaded, and accessed through a device such as a computer, a smart phone or, popularly, a portable e-book reader. In 1971, Michael Hart began storing vast contents of libraries in electronic formats. Hart named his efforts Project Gutenberg, after the inventor of the printing press. Libraries were early adopters of the technology. But it took nearly thirty years for the idea of the e-book to take firm hold with the consumer. 


The Frankfurt Book Fair is held in October of each year. It usually hosts more than 7,300 exhibitors from 100 countries ranging from Albania to Zimbabwe. For the American book publishing industry, the Frankfurt Book Fair is predominantly a trade fair, that is, a professional meeting place for publishers, editors, librarians, book subsidiary rights managers, booksellers, film producers, authors and many others who are involved in the creation and licensing of book content. 

Задание 2.


Преобразуйтеесли необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Впишите слова в поле ответа.

Morse Code

Before phones, computers, and telegraphs were invented, messages would take months or even years to reach their destination. Samuel Morse was born in Charlestown, Massachusetts, in April 1791, not knowing that he would be a famous __________________.


Since the age of four, Morse had been interested in __________________ and he wanted to become a painter. Mr. and Mrs. Morse were afraid that he couldn't make a living as a painter, so they made him a bookseller. He worked as a bookseller but at night he would paint.



__________________, his parents realized how he loved art, so they found the money for Morse to study art in London.



After a __________________ artistic career (first painting historical scenes and then portraits), Morse built the first American telegraph around 1835.



Morse patented a working telegraph machine in 1837, with help from his __________________ partners, Leonard Gale and Alfred Vail.



Morse used a dots-and-spaces code for the letters of the alphabet and for numbers. It was later improved to use dashes with dots and spaces. Since then, it has proved its __________________ many times.




Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 1 – 7. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 1 – 7, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов (A, B, C, D). Установите соответствие номера пропуска варианту ответа.

The secret tunnel

In the middle of our village, there is a beautiful old church, which dates back to the beginning of the Middle Ages. It was rebuilt several times, but some of its parts, including the foundations, are   1 ______.
2 ______ about restoration, a while ago they decided to install a heating system there, as it gets cold in winter. Some of the local boys volunteered to help, including myself.
The benches were connected in stacks, so it was hard work to lift or to push them away, but we managed it. Most of the church floor was covered with marble-type slabs, but under some benches there were just some ancient-looking bricks.
We got really   
3 ______, as we had heard stories about an old underground passageway leading from a crypt below the church to the castle in the nearest city. It is twelve miles   4 ______.
So, a friend of mine and I started to dig down there. It was relatively easy to pull out the top layer of bricks, and underneath them we found soil, which also moved easily as it was completely dry. We found that one side of the hole was so soft that you could just   
5 ______ a stick through it. It was obviously that passageway! Then some workmen came in and told us to stop. Just fancy that! We had to stop at the most exciting moment. 
After a few days, the workmen put a layer of hard cement over the entire floor, so our find remained a mystery. But I won’t give   
6 ______. I still hope to go there some day and find that secret tunnel. Maybe, that will become the greatest   7 ______ of the 21st century.

1. A) natural  B) original  C) real  D) genuine

2. A) commenting  B) telling  C) saying  D) speaking

3. A) excited  B) amazed  C) annoyed  D) animated

4. A) away  B) far  C) off  D) about

5. A) shift  B) pull  C) push  D) remove

6. A) in  B) up  C) on  D) at

7. A) innovation  B) invention  C) discovery  D) development

For tasks, you can get 20 points:

18-20 points – well done

13-18 points – good

6-12 points – you can do better

5 points or less – revise and try again

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