Методическое пособие для обучающихся по предмету Английский язык в профессиональной деятельности по профессии Повар
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Предварительный просмотр:

Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Владимирской области

Ковровский колледж сервиса и технологий

Методическое пособие по английскому языку для обучающихся по специальности «Повар»

Составитель :Ефимова О.А.

Ковров 2018

Лексический минимум


Диктант 1 

1 Маслины Olives

2 Баклажаны Egg plants

3Дыни Melons

4Каперсы Capers

5Капуста Cabbage

 Диктант 2

1Капуста квашеная Sauerkraut

2Картофель Potatoes

3Лук зелёный Spring (green onion)

4Лук-порей Leek

5Лук репчатый Onion

 Диктант 3

1Морковь Carrot

2Огурцы Cucumbers

3Шпинат Spinach

4Перец сладкий Sweet pepper

5Петрушка Parsley

 Диктант 4

1Помидоры Tomatoes

2Редиска Radish

3Репа Turnips

4Салат Salad

5Свекла красная Beetroot

Диктант 5

1Сельдерей Celery

2 Тыква  Pumpkin

3 Укроп  Dill

4Цветная капуста Cauliflower

5Чеснок Garlic


Диктант 6

1Абрикосы Apricots

2Айва Quince

3Ананасы Pineapples

4Апельсины Oranges

5Бананы Bananas

Диктант 7

1 Груши Pears

2Виноград Grapes

3Вишня Cherries

4Гранаты Pomegranates

5Грейпфруты Grape-fruits

Диктант 8

1Изюм Raisin(s)

2Инжир Figs

3Каштаны Chestnuts

4Лимоны Lemon

5Манго Mango

Диктант 9

1кунжут Sesame

2Каштаны Chestnuts

3Орехи Nuts

4Орехи грецкие Walnuts

5Орехи мускатные Nutmegs

Диктант 10

1Черника Blueberry

2Ежевика Blackberry

3Земляника Wild strawberry

4Клубника Strawberry

5Малина Raspberry

6 Брусника Red blueberry

Диктант 11

1Изюм Raisin(s)

2Инжир Figs

3 Сухофрукты Dry fruits

4Лимоны Lemon

5Манго Mango

Диктант 12

1Мандарины Tangerines

2Облепиха Sea buckthorn

3Персики Peaches

4Сливы Plums

5Смородина Currant

Диктант 13

1Финики Dates

2Чернослив Prune

3 Арбузы Watermelons

4Шиповник Sweet-brier, dog-rose

5Яблоки Apples


Диктант 14

1Баранина Mutton

2Говядина Beef

3Гусь Goose (geese)

4Индейка Turkey cock

5Кролик Rabbit

Диктант 15

1Куропатка Partridge

2Цыплята Chicken

3Поросенок молочный Sucking pig

4Птица домашняя Poultry

5Свинина Pork

Диктант 16

1Утка Duck

2Фазан Pheasant

3Ягненок Lamb

4Бок Flank, Side

5 сало fat

Диктант 17

1Ветчина, окорок Ham

2Свинина Pork

3Вырезка Striplion

4Грудинка копчёная Bacon

5Жирное мясо Fat meat

Диктант 18

1Задки Rumps

2Задняя часть Tail

3Колбаса Sausage

4Мозги Brains

5Мясной фарш Minced meat

Диктант 19

1Нога Leg

2Ножки Trotters

3Печень Liver

4Почки Kidney

5Рубленное (молотое) мясо Lains

Диктант 20

1Сардельки Chain-sausage

2Сердце Heart

3Сосиски Hot dogs, frankfurters

4Филейная часть Lion

5Язык Tongue


 Диктант 21

1Йогурт Yoghurt

2Маргарин Margarine

3 Сливочное Butter

4Подсолнечное Sunflower

5Прованское Olive

Диктант 22

1Топленое молоко Clarified milk

2Мороженое Ice-cream

3 Молоко цельное Whole milk

4Молоко консервированное Tinned (canned) milk

5Молоко кислое/простокваша Sour milk

Диктант 23

1Сливки Cream

2Сметана Sour cream

3Сыр плавленый Processed cheese

4Творог Curds, cottage cheese

5Яйца Eggs


1Горох Peas

2Гречка Buckwheat

3Кукурузные хлопья Cornflakes

4Манная крупа Semolina

5Овсяная крупа Oatmeal

Диктант 25

1Кукуруза Maize, corn

2Перловая крупа Pearl-barley

3Пшеница Wheat

4Пшено Millet

5Рис Rice

диктант 26

1Соя Soya

2Фасоль Beans

3Чечевица Lentil

4Ячмень Barley

5Ячневая крупа Fine-barley


Диктант 27

1Икра зернистая Caviar in grain

2Икра кетовая Salmons caviar

3Икра паюсная Pressed caviar

4Кальмары Calimars

2Камбала Plaice,

Диктант 28

1 Лосось, семга Salmon

2Сазан Wild carp

3Карп Carp

4Кефаль Grey mullet

5Корюшка Smelt

Диктант 29

1Лещ Bream

2Минога Sea lamprey

3Окунь Perch

4Осетр Sturgeon

5Осьминог Octopus


1Рыба вяленая Dried fish

2Рыба жареная Fried fish

3Рыба консервированная Canned fish

4Рыба копченая Smoked fish

5Рыба соленая Salt fish

Диктант 31

1Сардины Sardines

2Сельдь Herrings

3Скумбрия Mackerel

4Сом Sheat fish

5Ставрида Horse-mackerel

Диктант 32

1Судак Pine perch, zender

2Треска Cod

3Тунец Tuna

4Устрицы Oysters

5Форель Trout

Диктант 33

1Шпроты Sprats

2Щука Pike

3 Палтус Turbot

Грибы Mushroom


Диктант 34

1Корица Cinnamon

2Лавровый лист Laurel (bay leaves)

3Сахар Sugar

4Соль Salt

5Соус Souce

Диктант 35

1 Уксусная кислота Vinegar acid

2Хрен Horse-radish

3Ванилин Vanilla

4Горчица Mustard

5Имбирь Ginger

Диктант 36

1 Дрожжи Yeast, leaven

2 juniper можжевельник

3 galatine желатин

4paste паста

5 rosemary размарин

6Шафран Saffron


Диктант 37

1Бисквит Sponge cake

2Варенье Джем Повидло Jam

3Вафли Wafer, wafer-cake

4Карамель Caramel

5Конфеты Candy, sweets

Диктант 38

1Мармелад Fruit jellies

2Пастила Fruit fudge, pastila

3Печенье Biscuits, cookies

4Шоколад Chocolate Шоколадные конфеты Chocolates

5Торт Cake

Диктант 39

1Булка сдобная Bun

2Булочка Roll

3Вермишель Vermicelli

4Лапша Noodle

5Мука Flour

Диктант 40

1Макароны Macaroni

2Пирог Pie

3Пирожное Fancy cake, pastry

4Слойка Puff

5Сухари Rusks


Диктант 41

1Апельсиновый напиток Fanta

2Апельсиновый сок Orange juice

3Безалкогольные напитки Soft drinks

4Вермут Vermuth

5Вино Wine

Диктант 42

1Вино сладкое Sweet wine

2Вино сухое Dry wine

3Виски Whisky

4Водка Vodka

5Джин Gin

Диктант 43

1Какао Cocoa

2Квас Kvass

3Кока-кола Coca-Cola

4Коктейль Cocktail

5Коньяк Cognac

Диктант 44

1Кофе растворимый Instant coffee

2Крепкие напитки Strong drinks

3Лимонад Lemonade, seven –up

4Чай Tea

5Шампанское Champagne

Диктант 45

1Ликер Liqueur

2Минеральная вода Mineral water

3 Шоколадный напиток Chocolate

4Пепси-кола Pepsi-cola

5Пиво Beer

Диктант 46

1Портвейн Portwine

2Ром Rum

3Содовая вода Soda-water

4Спирт Spirit

5Тоник Tonic-water 


My meals

It goes without saying that I prefer to have meals at home. At the weekend I like to get up late and have a good breakfast of scrambled eggs, or pancakes, or something like that. But on weekdays I'm always short of time in the morning. So I just have a cup of strong tea or coffee and a couple of sandwiches.

As I spend a lot of time at school (usually eight or nine hours) it's necessary to have a snack at midday just to keep me going. That's why I have to go to the school canteen to have lunch. Our school canteen leaves much to be desired. It has become a tradition with our canteen to serve chops and watery mashed potatoes every day with a glass of cocoa or stewed fruit.

But I enjoy my evening meal at home. My mother is a wonderful cook and her dinners are always delicious and various.

To begin with, we usually have some salad — tomato and cucumber salad or mixed salad (I like it very much). For the first course we have some soup — noodle, mushroom or cabbage soup, or maybe some fish soup for a change. For the main course we have meat, chicken or fish dishes, for example, steak or fried fish with spaghetti or potatoes (boiled or fried). We also have a lot of vegetables — green peas, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers. I prefer meat to fish but my mother makes me eat fish from time to time. She says it's good for my brains.

For dessert we have some fruit, fruit juice or just a cup of tea with a slice of cake.

On Sundays we sometimes go to McDonald's. I like everything there: cheeseburgers, hamburgers and Big Macs, apple pies and fruit cocktails. But unfortunately we can't afford to go there very often, because it's rather expensive for a family and besides, they say it's not very healthy to eat at McDonald's.


How many meals a day do you usually have?

  1. What do you usually have for breakfast?
  2. Where do you have lunch (dinner)?
  3. How many courses does your lunch (dinner) usually consist of?
  4. What is your favorite dish?
  5. What vegetables do you like?
  6. What do you usually have for dessert?
  7. How often do you eat out?
  8. Have you ever eaten at McDonald's?
  9. Some people say that eating at a restaurant is a waste of money. Do you agree?
  10. Can you cook?
  11. Do you agree that the best cooks in the world are men?

The ABC of table manners

1Do not attract undue attention to yourself in public.

2When eating take as much as you want, but eat as much as you take.

3Do not eat too fast or too-slowly, cut as you eat.

4Take a little of every dish that is offered to you.

5Sit up straight and face the table, do not put your elbows on the table while eating.

6Do not reach across the table - simply say: "Would you please pass the salt," etc. At a small party do not start eating until all are served. At a large party it is not necessary to wait for all. The hostess gives a signal to her guests by saying: "Start eating, please (your food will get cold)."

7There is no rule about eating everything on your plate, to indicate that you have had enough place knife and fork together, not crass-cross.

8When refusing a dish or a helping simply say: "No, thank you," when accepting - "Yes, please." Do not leave the spoon in your cup, when drinking tea or coffee. Do not empty your glass too quickly - it will be promptly refilled. 

American meals

Americans usually have three meals a day. Breakfast usually comes before eight o'clock in the morning, since most people have to be getting off to work and children have to leave for. Lunch is served between twelve and one o'clock, and dinner, the main meal, is generally between six and eight in the evening.

Breakfast in America may be orange juice, toast and coffee, or juice and cold dry cereal with milk. Lunch in America is usually a small meal — a sandwich, salad or soup.

People who work must either brown-bag it or get it near their work place. School children take sandwiches, fruit and cookies along with them or eat in the school's cafeteria.

Brunch is a combination of breakfast and lunch that many Americans enjoy on Sunday. Scrambled eggs or omelets are often served along with other, regular luncheon dishes. It is usually served about eleven in the morning.

Many fine restaurants have a traditional Sunday brunch where it is served from around 10 a.m. until mid-afternoon.

Dinner is ordinarily planned around a meat course, pork, or various fowl such as chicken or turkey. Ground beef is called hamburger and ground pork is sausage, in addition to meat, an American dinner often includes potatoes or rice, and a green or yellow vegetable. Fresh salad is also frequently served. Coffee, tea and milk are generally served with a dessert after dinner, but not always, sometimes a typical dinner may include an appetizer, such as soup or fruit salad. The word "supper" can be used instate of dinner.

British Cuisine

Some people criticize English food. They say it's unimaginable, boring, tasteless, it's chips with everything and totally overcooked vegetables.

The basic ingredients, when fresh, are so full of flavor that British haven't had to invent sauces to disguise their natural taste. What can compare with fresh pees or new potatoes just boiled and served with butter? Why drown spring lamb in wine or cream and spices, when with just one or two-herbs it is absolutely delicious?

If you ask foreigners to name some typically English dishes they will probably say «Fish and chips>> then stop. It is disappointing, but true that, there is no tradition in England of eating in restaurants, because the food doesn't lend itself to such preparation. English cooking is found at home. So it  is difficult to find a good English restaurant with a reasonable prices.

In most cities in Britain you'll find Indian, Chinese, French and Italian restaurants. In London you'll also find Indonesian, Mexican, Greek... Cynics will say that this is because; English have no «cuisine>> themselves, but this is not quite the true.


  1. What do foreigners say when they criticize English food?
  2. Do English people use a lot of sauces?
  3. From a foreigner's point of view, what are typical English dishes?
  4. Do all English eat in restaurants?
  5. What kind of restaurants can you find in Britain?
  6. Is it the true that English have no cuisine?


Pancakes are one of the main Russian dish and the Maslenitsa (7. Pancake Week's) dish and symbol. The round, golden Pancakes during the week represent the awakening sol are made of wheat, buckwheat or millet flour  the dough, there's only one way to fry the surface of the pan is covered with a thin sprinkled with coarse salt, warmed, then I wiped with a clean cloth, and heated again,  dough is spooned onto it and fried. The Pancakes served with black and red caviar, creamery lightly salted fish, and sour cream. They are offended only as an appetizer but also as dessert with jam, or honey.

There are also pancakes with fillings. Theу prepared from thin unleavened dough. Each pancake is fried on one side, and then wrapped around fried again. The fillings can be stuffed fish, ham, meat, onions, eggs, and pate.

Pancakes are available at many restaurants in Moscow. But the best choice is a Russian-cuisine recast say, the Russkiy Pogrebok (lit. Russian Cellar) at the Marriott Grand Hotel, where Chef Evgeny) knows all the secrets of preparing delicious pancakes.


The usual meals in England are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner; or breakfast, dinner, tea and supper.

Breakfast is generally a substantial meal, not just rolls and coffee. Many people like to begin with porridge, or some other 'breakfast food'.

Еnglish people eat porridge with milk or cream and sugar, but not a good Scotsman - and Scotland is the home of porridge - would ever put sugar on his porridge. Then comes a rasher or two of bacon and fried eggs, marmalade (made of oranges or lemons), with buttered toast, tea, or coffee. If you prefer it you can have eggs boiled or scrambled and occasionally fish, e. g., herring, haddock, or kipper is served.

Lunch is served between half-past twelve and half-past one. The business man in London finds it is impossible to get home for this and so takes it in a cafe or restaurant, but those who are at home generally take cold meat, e. g., beef, mutton, veal, ham, with boiled or fried potatoes, another vegetable or salad, and pickles.

Instead of this you may have a chop, or a steak and chips, followed by biscuits and cheese and a cup of coffee. With the lunch you will probably drink water or light beer. Afternoon tea follows between four and five o'clock. This is not generally a formal meal. Instead of sitting round the, table you have tea brought to you, and you balance a cup on your knee or in your hand as you key thin buttered bread, pastries, cake or biscuits.

For dinner let us go to a hotel. In London there are hotels to suit every taste and every purse. For the really cheap places it is very interesting to explore the little French or Italian restaurants of Shoo. The visitors who are feeling homesick can find different restaurants - French, Spanish and other and they have gone back to their countries.

If you want real old English food you must go to the Strand. Here a joint of roast beef - cooked at op roasting fires - is wheeled to your table and cared before your eyes.

Most visitors liked to go to the 'Old Cheshire Cheese', of Fleet Street, an old chop-house where famous writers used to go. In its old-fashioned room, Doctor Johnson sat at the head of the table in the eighteenth century, with Goldsmith by his side. Dickens and Thackeray went there in the nineteenth century, any man modern writers, journalists, and lawyers went there. The specialty was the huge rump-steak, kindly. an oyster pudding.

A plate of this with a pint of bitter beer in a long glass, followed by the pancake or the toasted chess special punch in a China bowl, is a meal you don't easily forget.

Out to Lunch

Work with a partner. You are having a business lunch together. Take turns to be the host and help your guest choose something to eat and drink from your menu.

  1. On the menu, write down the names of three different starters and main dishes which are typical of your country or region.
  2. The first dish should be something you dislike and never recommend to anyone.
  3. The second dish should be something you really like and think everyone should try.
  4. The third dish should be something which is quite difficult to describe.
  5. If you want, add a couple of wines to the wine list.
  6. When you are both ready, use Speaker A's menu first.
  7. Speaker A (the host): help your guest to choose a meal, describing the dishes if necessary and recommending some dishes (or not).
  8. Speaker B (the guest): find out as much as you can about the dishes before you choose. Don't be too easily persuaded or dissuaded.

Then change over and use Speaker B's menu. Speaker B is now the host Speaker A - the guest.

Healthy school meals

Children at Southdown Infants School in Bath enjoy tasty homemade meals such as roast turkey with fresh vegetables, chicken, salad and fresh fruit for pudding. Vegetables are local, fresh and organic where possible. Instead of crisps, chocolate and sweets, the school canteen serves organic carrots, dried fruit and fresh seasonal fruit in bags for 10р, and about 100 bags are sold each day.

Southdown's healthy eating initiative began four years ago with the start of a breakfast club.

Now Ms Culley, the head teacher of the school, says that the teachers very clearly see the link between diet and concentration. "Children's concentration and behavior definitely improve after a good meal." The teachers would also like to give the children the experience of eating together. It turned out that some children weren't used to that.

Pupils are also encouraged to find out more about where their food comes from by  visiting a local farm.

Parents are also involved and are invited in to try school dinners on special occasions, such as Easter and Christmas .

The efforts of staff, pupils and parents to create a healthy eating environment were recognized earlier this month when the school was awarded the Best School Dinner award.

Ms Culley said: "We are happy to win this award. Healthy eating is at the centre of everything we do. It's really rewarding to see so many children enjoy real food."

History of chocolate

Chocolate is made from the seeds of the tree Theobroma cacao. The ancient Aztecs used the beans of the cacao tree as a form of money. The Aztecs discovered that by crushing the beans into a paste and adding spices, they could make a refreshing and nourishing drink. This drink was very bitter, not like our chocolate drinks today. 16th century European explorers brought the drink back from their travels, added sugar, and soon it was popular as an expensive luxury.

Eggnog Milkshake

 1 tablespoon sugar

Dash salt1 cup milk

 ½ teaspoon vanilla

1 scoop vanilla ice cream

Nutmeg Directions

In blender combine first 5 ingredients. Mix until frothy.Top each serving with a scoop of ice cream. Sprinkle with nutmeg. Source: Best Recipes: Eggnog Milkshake.Please keep the link especially when you copy this article in full or part.

Проектная деятельность:



Normandy snail soup with spinach

Beef consommé with vegetable and fresh herbs

Original Italian Minestrone with pesto and white beans


Scampi salad and melon with spicy Cocktail sauce and walnut balsámico dressing ' Caser salad with Romaine lettuce, garlic dressing, anchovies and grated Parmesan cheese

Tomato and Mozzarella salad slices of Mozzarella and tomato with fresh basil, olive Oil and small salad bouquet

Mixed salad Mimosa with Herb vinaigrette and hard boiled eggs


Grilled or poached salmon fillet on red caviar sauce with garden fresh vegetables and parsley potatoes

Sole fillet stuffed with salmon mousse, served with dill sauce and Parisians potatoes

Pan fried red snapper served with saffron sauce, sautéed spinach and black Bagatelle

Breast of chicken on lobster sauce with vegetable noodles Steak au Plover on pink pepper sauce, green beans and Dauphine potatoes

FROM OUR grill your choice of: Rib eye steak (200 g) Fillet of beef (180g) Lamb cutlets (220 g) Mixed grill (240 g) Beef and pork medallion, iamb cutlet and Cajun marinated chicken breast mushrooms, creamed jacket potato and Sauce Béarnaise.


Creme Brülle with caramel pear

Apple Strudel flavored with almonds and served with vanilla ice-cream Fresh Tropical fruit salad  

Ice-cream selection served with fruit


Щербакова Н.И., Звенигородская Н.С. Английский язык для специалистов сферы общественного питания М., Академия 2005г. 320с.

Материалы сайтов:Myvkusno.ru; ; Праздник ру.

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