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тест (11 класс)

Аладьева Ольга Иосифовна

выбор предлогов


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Fill in the necessary prepositions. Units 1-4

  1. The hall was crowded …enthusiastic students celebrating the end of the semester.
  2. Must I always remind you …keeping your room in order?
  3. It will take some time to get accustomed …new requirements.
  4. A final search …evidence at the scene of a crime proved fruitless.
  5. We supply all major companies …our products.
  6. Are you familiar …the company’s no smoking policy?
  7. I m sure there must be a solution …this problem.
  8. This place looks familiar …me. Have we been here before?
  9. The manger is generous…all his staff , regardless of  their background.
  10.  The government supplied food and medicine … the victims of hurricane.
  11.  He is regarded …one of the most experienced professors.
  12.  Have you heard …the latest medical discovery?
  13.  I would be more than happy to provide you…our company’s catalogue.
  14.  Do you like the taste …red wine more than that of white wine.
  15. The government will provide housing …the homeless.
  16.  I have developed a taste …olive oil after living in Spain for 2 years.
  17.  25 divided …5 equals 5.
  18.  It was early enough when they departed …New York.
  19.  The teacher divided the class…four groups for the role-play.
  20.  She was delighted …the news she’d been waiting for a long time.
  21.  A rise …inflation didn’t keep him from starting that risky business.
  22.  I’m so happy …you and your children.
  23.  The journalist was praised …his report …the starving children of Africa.
  24.  He always feels superior …all his employees.
  25.  They found out that he had  a talent …fixing musical instruments.
  26.  I’m really keen …the idea of spending my holiday  somewhere on an islnd.
  27.  Staring …people is considered offensive in some countries.
  28.  Nick is enthusiastic …studying at one of the prestigious universities of  England.
  29.  I can’t distinguish …Laura and Johnny, they are so much like.
  30.  As soon as he saw Lisa he felt sympathy…her.