Ролевая игра "Discussing the contract terms"
учебно-методический материал

Ярушина Дарья Андреевна

Make the dialogs on the following cases


You can use the patterns:


Clarify details – Прояснить детали

As soon as possible – Как можно скорее

In great demand – (Пользоваться) большим спросом

The question of price – Вопрос цены

To sign the contract – Подписать контракт

Heavy with orders – Слишком много заказов




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Предварительный просмотр:

Make the dialogs on the following cases

You can use the patterns:

Clarify details – Прояснить детали

As soon as possible – Как можно скорее

In great demand – (Пользоваться) большим спросом

The question of price – Вопрос цены

To sign the contract – Подписать контракт

Heavy with orders – Слишком много заказов

Case 1

Student A is a managing director of the restaurant “Blossom”.

Student B is a director of the firm producing equipment for cooking.

Student A is making an order from Student B for modernized roasting equipment, but its price isn't attractive to them and he is requesting 7% discount.

Make the conversation and think of the outcome of this.

Case 2

Student A is a organiser of the musical festival.

Student B is a manager of the famous singer.

Student A wants to invite the singer to take part in the festival and he is discussing the singer's fee with Student B. Student A pays the equal amount of money each participant, but Student B is sure, that his client is supposed to get higher fee because of the singer's popularity.

Make the conversation and think of the outcome of this.

Case 3

Student A is a director of the little coffee shop

Student B is a director of the firm delivering coffee beans from Brazil

Student A is making an order for Brazilian coffee beans from Student's B firm. Student B offer 10% discount if they order twice as mush coffee as they supposed to do.

Make the conversation and think of the outcome of this.

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