Test 1 "Celebration"
тест (9 класс)

Контрольная работа для 9 класса рассчитана на актуализацию знаний по модулю 1. Данная разработка помогает проверить пробелы в лексико-грамматическом материале и построить дальнейшую работу учителю с обучающимися. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test  1

Variant 1

1.  Fill in the missing words. There are three words you do not need to use.














  1. Throwing Mum and Dad a surprise party for their anniversary this year is really a ….. idea.  
  2. If you see a spider, ….. sure you don’t kill it ; I’ve heard it’s bad luck.
  3. The night sky burst with colour when the magnificent fireworks …. Began.
  4. It’s amazing how the town residents have ….. the local square into an open-air theatre for next week/s music festival.
  5. Take a …. Change of warm clothes with you on your camping trip; I’ve heard it gets quite cold in the mountains at night.
  6. We always sing Christmas carols during the holidays, as it is a …. Tradition in my family
  7. The children were thrilled to see Disney floats at this year’s colorful …..parade
  8. Henry really enjoyed the opportunity to experience …. As a knight at England’s Medieval Festival last month.
  9. Over the years, this organization has …. A lot of money for different local charities.
  10. Why don’t you take part in the cooking …. ? I’m sure you’ll be winner!

2.Complete the sentences with the correct present forms of the verbs in brackets.

1.A: I'm very tired. We (walk) too fast.

B: Maybe you are right, we (walk) 10 kilometres in only one hour and a half.

2.A: You (drink). You can't take the car.
B: But I (only/drink) a couple of beers!

A: That isn't true; you (drink) four beers.

3.I (wait) for you all morning! Where (you/be) all this time?

4.I (teach) in this school for 20 years, and I  (meet) thousands of students from hundreds of different countries.

5.A: It smells fantastic!

B: Yeah, I (make) cookies all afternoon.

A: Let me see. Wow! You (make) a lot of cookies!

6.In Johannesburg most people  (speak) at least five languages.

7.Languages  (disappear) very fast. Half of world's languages will disappear by 2100.

8.You can't see Tim now; he  (have) a bath.

9.Please keep quiet, I  (listen) to the radio. You know I listen) to the news in the mornings.

10.What time (leave)?

3. Join the sentences with where, who, which, when and whose

1.His sister, … name is Lara, works at the library.

2.Her last film, … I couldn’t understand at all, was a great success.

3. I’ll never forget my childhood … I was so happy.

4.I work in the town … my son lives.

5.We’ll show you the poem … changed my life.

6.Doctors, … claim money, are shameless.

7.Is there a shop near here … sells milk?

8. People … live in flats shouldn’t have animals.

4.Choose the correct response

1.We lost the match.

2.That’s very bad luck

3.Good luck!

4.What a nice party!

5.I lost my keys on Friday the 13th.

a)What a coincidence

b)Better luck next time.

c)Don’t talk rubbish.

d)Thanks. I’m glad you think so.

e)Thanks. I’ll need it.

5. Translate using phrasal verbs and idioms.

1. Я сделал видео ему на день рождение, и оно станет вишенкой на торте.2.Он не смог усидеть на двух стульях  нужно было выбрать танцы или учёба . 3.Я боюсь темноты. 4.Прибавь, пожалуйста, это моя любимая песня. 5. Я выключил свет и начал есть.

Test  1

Variant 2

1.   Fill in the missing words. There are three words you do not need to use.














  1. If you see a spider, ….. sure you don’t kill it ; I’ve heard it’s bad luck.
  2. Henry really enjoyed the opportunity to experience …. As a knight at England’s Medieval Festival last month.
  3. We always sing Christmas carols during the holidays, as it is a …. Tradition in my family
  4. It’s amazing how the town residents have ….. the local square into an open-air theatre for next week/s music festival.
  5. The children were thrilled to see Disney floats at this year’s colourful …..parade
  6. The night sky burst with colour when the magnificent fireworks …. Began.
  7. Over the years, this organization has …. A lot of money for different local charities.
  8. Why don’t you take part in the cooking …. ? I’m sure you’ll be winner!
  9. Take a …. Change of warm clothes with you on your camping trip; I’ve heard it gets quite cold in the mountains at night.
  10. Throwing Mum and Dad a surprise party for their anniversary this year is really a ….. idea.  

2. Choose the correct present forms.

1.I ______ the book you lent me and it's great. I'll give it back to you when I finish it.

a.'ve read

b.was read

c.'ve been reading

2.Bruce ______ tennis since he was a child. He ______  many trophies.

a.has been playing / has won

b.is playing / has won

c.has played / has been winning

3.You ______ too much time playing that stupid game!

a.'ve spent

b.'ve spending

c.'ve been spending

4.You ______ tennis since 10 o'clock. How many sets ______ ?

a.have played / have you been playing

b.have been playing / have you played

c.are playing / have you played

5.He ______ since he was a little boy.  

a.is fishing

b.has fished

c.has been fishing

6.A: Children ______ more and more dependent to mobile phones.  B: Yes, they ______ their imagination anymore.

a.become / aren't using

b.are becoming / don't use

c.become / don't use

7.I ______ an article about the myth that says that we ______ 10% of our brains.

a.'m writing / are only using

b.write / are only using

c.'m writing / only use

8.I ______  of quitting my job.______ it is a good idea?

a.'m thinking / Do you think

b.think / Do you think

c.'m thinking /Are you thinking

9.Who is that man? Why ______ at us? What ______?

a.is he looking / is he wanting

b.is he looking / does he want

c.does he look / he wants

10.A: Tomorrow I ______ my doctor in the morning.  B. Isn't your doctor that woman I ______ over there?

a.see / 'm seeing

b.see / see

c.'m seeing / see

3. Join the sentences with where, who, which, when and whose

1.My uncle works for a company… makes cars.

2.The book is about the man … made wonderful things.

3.It seems that the Earth is the only planet… life exists.

4.Have you found the notebook …. you lost?

5.What was the name of the man… wife had been taken to the hospital?

6.Is there a shop near here … I can buy bread?

7.Doctors, … claim money, are shameless.

8. It seems that the Earth is the only planet… life exists.

4.Choose the correct response

1.We lost the match.

2.That’s very bad luck

3.Good luck!

4.What a nice party!

5.I lost my keys on Friday the 13th.

a)What a coincidence

b)Better luck next time.

c)Don’t talk rubbish.

d)Thanks. I’m glad you think so.

e)Thanks. I’ll need it

5.Translate using phrasal verbs and idioms.

1. Айфоны расхватали как горячие пирожки сегодня. 2. Домашняя работа была очень легкой для меня. 3.Я еще верю в чудо. 4.Телевизор я включила, а выключить забыла. 5. Ник отказался от апельсинного сока.

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