Удобная таблица конструкций, выражающих будущее время
методическая разработка (8 класс)

Чубакова Наталья Леонидовна

В таблице представлены 14 случаев употребелния различных времен и конструкций, выражающие будущие события.


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Предварительный просмотр:


1. Some actions we can't
change or control.

Future Simple (will V1)

John will be ten in May.
Spring will come soon.

2. Decision at the time of speaking.

Future Simple (will V1)

- There are no potatoes left.
- OK, I'll buy some.

3. Promises, threats, warnings,
offers, requests, hopes, expectations

Future Simple (will V1)

I promise I won’t be late.
I hope he'll come on time.
I expect he'll be all right.
I'll punish you!

4. Predictions
think /believe /be sure...

Future Simple (will V1)

I think it will rain next week.
I'm sure he won't complain.
He will probably come later on.

5. Predictions of near future
(based on what we see)

is/am/are going to V1

Look at these dark clouds!
It is going to rain.

6. Plans and intentions

is/am/are going to V1

He is going to work at the weekend.
I am going to watch a new film on
TV this evening.

7. Plans and intentions +
near future

Present Continuous
(is/am/are V1-ing)

We are having a party next Sunday.
I am leaving for Moscow.
They are getting married tomorrow.

8. Timetables

Present Simple
(V1(-s) /do/does V1)

The train leaves at 10.15.
When does the film start?

9. Clauses of time and condition
(if, when, as soon as, until, etc)

Present Simple / Future Simple
When V1(-s) / will V1
will V1 / when V1(-s)

When their mother comes home,
they will have dinner.
I’ll help you as soon as I finish my work.

10. A certain time in the future

Future Continuous
(will be V1-ing)

At 3 o'clock tomorrow he
will be flying to Paris.
This time next week I'll be lying
on the beach.

11. Polite questions about someone's plans for the near future (to know if our wishes fit in with their plans)

Future Continuous
(will be V1-ing)

Will you be going shopping later? Could you buy me a sandwich, please?

12. Actions that will definitely happen as a result of a routine or arrangement

Future Continuous
(will be V1-ing)

I will be seeing Linda at work in the morning, so I'll tell her the news.

13. An action completed by a certain time in the future

Future Perfect
(will have V3)

By 3 o'clock tomorrow he will have written the test.
They will have built
the house by next September.

14. An action that lasted for some time before a certain moment in the future

Future Perfect Continuous
(will have been V1-ing)

By the time we arrive, she will have been waiting for an hour.
By Saturday Fred will have been painting this picture for two weeks.


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