Контрольная работа по модулю 8 Спотлайт 5 класс
тест (5 класс)

Усманова Назиля Ниязовна

Контрольная работа по модулю 8 Спотлайт 5 класс


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Предварительный просмотр:


 Write a/an or some.

  1. _____sugar
  2. _____onions
  3. _____meat
  4. _____sandwich
  5. _____ mineral  water
  6. _____jam
  7. _____juice
  8. _____coffee
  9. ________ carrots

Fill in the gaps with some/any.

  1. Is there ______ water in the glass? – Yes, there is ______ water in the glass.
  2. Give me ______ cheese ,please. – But there isn’t ______ cheese in the fridge.
  3. Are there ______ onions in the basket? – Yes, there are ______ onions in the basket.
  4. Is there ______salt on the table ? – No, there isn’t ______ salt there.
  5. Is there ______ sugar for tea? – Yes, there is ______ sugar for tea.

Write much or many.

  1. How ___________ cereal  is there in the box?
  2. How ___________ sweets do you eat every day?
  3. How ___________ eggs do you need for this salad?
  4. How ___________ bread did you buy?
  5. How ___________ oranges do you have?

Match the words from the two columns.

  1. a c __ __ ton of milk  
  2. a bo __ __ of  soup 
  3. a g __ a __ s of  water   
  4. a b __ tt __ e of olive oil
  5. a c_p of  coffee 

Match the verbs and the noun

  1. cook                         a) ice cream
  2. make                       b) bananas
  3. buy                          c) breakfast
  4. eat                           d) oil
  5. like                          e) food
  6. have                        f)a  cherry  pie

Choose the correct response

Read the email below and mark the statements as T(true) or F(false)

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