lexical and grammar test 5 form
тест (5 класс)

Ромаданова Мария Сергеевна

контроль за первую четверть


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Предварительный просмотр:

lexical and grammar test

the 5th form

the first period

Задание 1

Спишите предложения, вставляя глагол в скобках в форме Past Simple.

  1. I ____ a tiger in the Zoo yesterday. (see)
  2. They _____ you in the garden. (help) 
  3. We ____ our homework at 5 yesterday. (do)

Задание 2

Спишите предложения, вставляя пропущенные слова:          a typist, a greengrocer, a butcher, a nurse, a baker.

  1. ______ sells fruit and vegetables.
  2. ______ types letter.
  3. ______ helps doctor.
  4. ______ makes bread.
  5. ______ sells meat.

Задание 3

Спишите предложения, заменяя слова в скобках английским вариантом.

  1. It is important to have all (современные удобства) in your flat.
  2. He saw her new (стиральную машинку) and (пылесос) yesterday.
  3. There are (газ), (холодная и горячая вода) and (центральное отопление) in our flat.

lexical and grammar test

the 5th form

the first period

Задание 1

Спишите предложения, вставляя глагол в скобках в форме Past Simple.

  1. I ____ a tiger in the Zoo yesterday. (see)
  2. They _____ you in the garden. (help) 
  3. We ____ our homework at 5 yesterday. (do)

Задание 2

Спишите предложения, вставляя пропущенные слова:          a typist, a greengrocer, a butcher, a nurse, a baker.

  1. ______ sells fruit and vegetables.
  2. ______ types letter.
  3. ______ helps doctor.
  4. ______ makes bread.
  5. ______ sells meat.

Задание 3

Спишите предложения, заменяя слова в скобках английским вариантом.

  1. It is important to have all (современные удобства) in your flat.
  2. He saw her new (стиральную машинку) and (пылесос) yesterday.
  3. There are (газ), (холодная и горячая вода) and (центральное отопление) in our flat.

Задание 4

Спишите предложения, вставляя глагол в скобках в форме Present Simple или Present Continuous.

  1. They ______ now. (smile/are smiling)
  2. I _________ every day. (read/ am reading)
  3. We ____________ tea now. (drink/ are drinking)
  4. I often _____ stories. (read/ am reading)
  5. He __________ his mother every day. (helps/ is helping)

Задание 5

Спишите словосочетания, запишите их перевод.

  1. Play the violin _______
  2. Go in for tennis _______
  3. Take picture ________
  4. Collect stamps ______
  5. Listen to folk music ________

Задание 4

Спишите предложения, вставляя глагол в скобках в форме Present Simple или Present Continuous.

  1. They ______ now. (smile/are smiling)
  2. I _________ every day. (read/ am reading)
  3. We ____________ tea now. (drink/ are drinking)
  4. I often _____ stories. (read/ am reading)
  5. He __________ his mother every day. (helps/ is helping)

Задание 5

Спишите словосочетания, запишите их перевод.

  1. Play the violin _______
  2. Go in for tennis _______
  3. Take picture ________
  4. Collect stamps ______
  5. Listen to folk music ________

Задание 6

Прочитайте и переведите текст про себя. Выполните задание после текста.

Molly lived in a big city. She wanted a bike very much. But she didn’t have the money to get one. The Bike Shop was in the street where Molly lived. Every day Molly went to the Bike Shop. She helped the owner of the shop whose name was Mr Lucky. She cleaned the floors, dusted the things there. Mr Lucky and Molly became good friends. One morning Mr Lucky gave Molly a present. It was a red bike with her name on it!

Прочтите предложения, и решите, это правда (True) или ложь (False).  

1. Molly lived in the country.

2. The owner’s name was Mr Goodman.

3. She cleaned the floors, dusted the things there.

4. Mr Lucky was angry with Molly.

Задание 6

Прочитайте и переведите текст про себя. Выполните задание после текста.

Molly lived in a big city. She wanted a bike very much. But she didn’t have the money to get one. The Bike Shop was in the street where Molly lived. Every day Molly went to the Bike Shop. She helped the owner of the shop whose name was Mr Lucky. She cleaned the floors, dusted the things there. Mr Lucky and Molly became good friends. One morning Mr Lucky gave Molly a present. It was a red bike with her name on it!

Прочтите предложения, и решите, это правда (True) или ложь (False).  

1. Molly lived in the country.

2. The owner’s name was Mr Goodman.

3. She cleaned the floors, dusted the things there.

4. Mr Lucky was angry with Molly.

Задание 6

Прочитайте и переведите текст про себя. Выполните задание после текста.

Molly lived in a big city. She wanted a bike very much. But she didn’t have the money to get one. The Bike Shop was in the street where Molly lived. Every day Molly went to the Bike Shop. She helped the owner of the shop whose name was Mr Lucky. She cleaned the floors, dusted the things there. Mr Lucky and Molly became good friends. One morning Mr Lucky gave Molly a present. It was a red bike with her name on it!

Прочтите предложения, и решите, это правда (True) или ложь (False).  

1. Molly lived in the country.

2. The owner’s name was Mr Goodman.

3. She cleaned the floors, dusted the things there.

4. Mr Lucky was angry with Molly.

Задание 6

Прочитайте и переведите текст про себя. Выполните задание после текста.

Molly lived in a big city. She wanted a bike very much. But she didn’t have the money to get one. The Bike Shop was in the street where Molly lived. Every day Molly went to the Bike Shop. She helped the owner of the shop whose name was Mr Lucky. She cleaned the floors, dusted the things there. Mr Lucky and Molly became good friends. One morning Mr Lucky gave Molly a present. It was a red bike with her name on it!

Прочтите предложения, и решите, это правда (True) или ложь (False).  

1. Molly lived in the country.

2. The owner’s name was Mr Goodman.

3. She cleaned the floors, dusted the things there.

4. Mr Lucky was angry with Molly.

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