Myths and Legends of Moscow

Гаевская Элина Сергеевна

Moscow is one of Russia’s oldest and most culturally rich cities. Its long history has seen many legends and myths. Each city has its own variety of remarkable legends.

The word "myth", which came to Russian land in the XVIII century, gradually began to displace its Slavic equivalent "fable". In the XIX century, these two words were still used interchangeably in the Russian scientific lexicon.

Legends don’t claim to be exact retellings of events, so they are neither wholly believed nor wholly doubted by the audience or the author.

Moscow legends are unique and interesting enough to arouse people`s interest. Some of these legends emerged just a few decades ago, while some are thousands of years old. This is a list of some most unusual Moscow sights and interesting stories connected with them.

And here they are:

- Mystical places connected with Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita"

- Legends connected with Moscow Metro.

- Moscow State University myths.



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