Презентация к уроку 1e Module 1 Spotlight 8 // Greeting Cards
презентация к уроку (8 класс)

Презентация  к уроку 1e по модулю Module 1 учебника Spotlight 8 . Тема "Greeting Cards"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 6

thoughts recovery proud luck day

Слайд 7

sent was feeling cheered have already been have never been have been studying *догнать / наверстать упущенное *подбадривать

Предварительный просмотр:

Hi Jane,

I am writing to thank you for the lovely card and flowers you ………………....…….... (send) me last week when I was ill. It was very kind of you and they arrived just when I …………….... ……….....(feel) very low so they really …………….........(cheer) me up. I'm much better now and I ……………….... ……......(already/be) back at school for a couple of days. I have an awful lot of schoolwork. I ……………….... …….......(never/be) so busy. For the last two nights, I ………………….... ….......(study) until midnight to try and catch up. Anyway, thanks again.

Love. Claire

Hi Jane,

I am writing to thank you for the lovely card and flowers you ………………....…….... (send) me last week when I was ill. It was very kind of you and they arrived just when I …………….... ……….....(feel) very low so they really …………….........(cheer) me up. I'm much better now and I ……………….... ……......(already/be) back at school for a couple of days. I have an awful lot of schoolwork. I ……………….... …….......(never/be) so busy. For the last two nights, I ………………….... ….......(study) until midnight to try and catch up. Anyway, thanks again.

Love. Claire

Hi Jane,

I am writing to thank you for the lovely card and flowers you ………………....…….... (send) me last week when I was ill. It was very kind of you and they arrived just when I …………….... ……….....(feel) very low so they really …………….........(cheer) me up. I'm much better now and I ……………….... ……......(already/be) back at school for a couple of days. I have an awful lot of schoolwork. I ……………….... …….......(never/be) so busy. For the last two nights, I ………………….... ….......(study) until midnight to try and catch up. Anyway, thanks again.

Love. Claire

Hi Jane,

I am writing to thank you for the lovely card and flowers you ………………....…….... (send) me last week when I was ill. It was very kind of you and they arrived just when I …………….... ……….....(feel) very low so they really …………….........(cheer) me up. I'm much better now and I ……………….... ……......(already/be) back at school for a couple of days. I have an awful lot of schoolwork. I ……………….... …….......(never/be) so busy. For the last two nights, I ………………….... ….......(study) until midnight to try and catch up. Anyway, thanks again.

Love. Claire

Hi Jane,

I am writing to thank you for the lovely card and flowers you ………………....…….... (send) me last week when I was ill. It was very kind of you and they arrived just when I …………….... ……….....(feel) very low so they really …………….........(cheer) me up. I'm much better now and I ……………….... ……......(already/be) back at school for a couple of days. I have an awful lot of schoolwork. I ……………….... …….......(never/be) so busy. For the last two nights, I ………………….... ….......(study) until midnight to try and catch up. Anyway, thanks again.

Love. Claire

Hi Jane,

I am writing to thank you for the lovely card and flowers you ………………....…….... (send) me last week when I was ill. It was very kind of you and they arrived just when I …………….... ……….....(feel) very low so they really …………….........(cheer) me up. I'm much better now and I ……………….... ……......(already/be) back at school for a couple of days. I have an awful lot of schoolwork. I ……………….... …….......(never/be) so busy. For the last two nights, I ………………….... ….......(study) until midnight to try and catch up. Anyway, thanks again.

Love. Claire

Hi Jane,

I am writing to thank you for the lovely card and flowers you ………………....…….... (send) me last week when I was ill. It was very kind of you and they arrived just when I …………….... ……….....(feel) very low so they really …………….........(cheer) me up. I'm much better now and I ……………….... ……......(already/be) back at school for a couple of days. I have an awful lot of schoolwork. I ……………….... …….......(never/be) so busy. For the last two nights, I ………………….... ….......(study) until midnight to try and catch up. Anyway, thanks again.

Love. Claire

Hi Jane,

I am writing to thank you for the lovely card and flowers you ………………....…….... (send) me last week when I was ill. It was very kind of you and they arrived just when I …………….... ……….....(feel) very low so they really …………….........(cheer) me up. I'm much better now and I ……………….... ……......(already/be) back at school for a couple of days. I have an awful lot of schoolwork. I ……………….... …….......(never/be) so busy. For the last two nights, I ………………….... ….......(study) until midnight to try and catch up. Anyway, thanks again.

Love. Claire

Hi Jane,

I am writing to thank you for the lovely card and flowers you ………………....…….... (send) me last week when I was ill. It was very kind of you and they arrived just when I …………….... ……….....(feel) very low so they really …………….........(cheer) me up. I'm much better now and I ……………….... ……......(already/be) back at school for a couple of days. I have an awful lot of schoolwork. I ……………….... …….......(never/be) so busy. For the last two nights, I ………………….... ….......(study) until midnight to try and catch up. Anyway, thanks again.

Love. Claire

Hi Jane,

I am writing to thank you for the lovely card and flowers you ………………....…….... (send) me last week when I was ill. It was very kind of you and they arrived just when I …………….... ……….....(feel) very low so they really …………….........(cheer) me up. I'm much better now and I ……………….... ……......(already/be) back at school for a couple of days. I have an awful lot of schoolwork. I ……………….... …….......(never/be) so busy. For the last two nights, I ………………….... ….......(study) until midnight to try and catch up. Anyway, thanks again.

Love. Claire

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