Контрольная работа в 9 классе к Модулю №4 УМК Spotlight
тест (9 класс)

Родина Татьяна Эдуардовна

Данная контрольная работа проверяет лексические, грамматические и коммуникативные навыки учащихся  учащихся 9 класса  после изучения  темы модуля №4 "Technology". Так же проверяются навыки чтения - понимание основного содержания прочитанного и соотнесение его с заголовком текста, знание фразовых глаголов и зависимых предлогов.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Form 9 Module 4 Spotlight   Name _____________________Date________   

 A Complete the sentences with the words below: modem, servers, taking over, connect, service, received, institutions, spilt, memory, deleted, transfer, monitor

  1. If you continue to have problems, you’ll need to call your internet ___________-provider.
  2. I haven’t ____________your email yet. What did you send it?
  3. The reason why you can’t connect to the internet is that there’s something wrong with your _____________
  4. Do you think there’s a possibility of robots _______________the world one day?
  5. Many universities and other academic ________________offer IT courses.
  6. Try connecting to the Net later, when the ______________aren’t so busy.
  7. Oh, no! I've accidentally _______________all the photos on my hard disk.
  8. Let me make a copy of these files before you ______________them to your computer.
  9. The reason why your computer is so slow is that it needs more _______________
  10. Is there a problem with the network? I can't ________________to the Internet.
  11. I need to buy a new mobile phone. I've ________________water on my old one.

B. Match the words.

  1. vacuum
  2. mow
  3. come
  4. cater for
  5. perform
  6. become
  1. our needs
  2. tasks
  3. to harm
  4. the carpets
  5. a reality
  6. the lawn

C. Choose the correct tense.

  1. I can’t come to school tomorrow because I am going to/ go to the doctor.
  2. The train is leaving/ leaves at exactly nine o’clock tomorrow, so don’t be late.
  3. We are having/ have a party tonight.
  4. The concert begins/ is beginning at 8.30.
  5. On Monday the Prime Minister is going to/ will be give a speech.
  6. am flying/ will fly to Rome on Monday, but I’ll be back on Wednesday.
  7. At ten o’clock I have/ am going to have a meeting with my boss.
  8. Look at those dark clouds in the sky! It is raining/ going to rain in a few minutes.
  9. Have you missed the bus? I will/ am going to give you a lift home.
  10. The plane takes off/ will take off at 6 o’clock. That’s what it says on my ticket.

       D.  Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future form.

1. The film ____________________(start) by the time we arrive.

2. I can't go on holidays. I ________________(study) all weekend.

3. I think Tom __________________(call) you in an hour.

4. The train to Bristol _______________(leave) at 5 pm.

5. Be careful! You _________________(spill) coffee on your keyboard.

6. This time tomorrow I _______________(travel) across France.

7. I ______________(go) to the gallery at 10 o’clock tomorrow.

8. George _____________________(finish) his work by the time his parents come home.

9. The phone is ringing! I _________________(get) it.

10. I promise I ______________________(help) you with your homework.

       E   Put in: into, up, out, out of, down.

  1. The police stopped cars on the motorway in search of the criminal who had broken _______

the local prison.

  1. Fighting broke _____________between opposing football fans after last night’s game.
  2. The couple broke __________but got back together a month later.
  3. When her car broke ____________she called a local garage to ask for help.
  4. The police are looking for two men who were filmed as they were breaking ________an electrical shop last night.

        F  Read the text. Match the titles to the paragraphs of the text. One title is extra.




4. WHAT'S THE REMEDY? (лекарство)




                                              Computer Addiction (зависимость)

A.        Computer addiction is a relatively new term used to describe a dependency on one's computer. Computer addiction is not limited to personal computers (PCs). It covers video games and the Internet and has already been given a label by psychologists, namely Internet addiction disorder (IAD).

B.        People can get addicted to a variety of things, and there is usually various ways of help to treat them. Alcohol and drugs have been known for long years. But other forms of addictive behavior, such as exercise, watching television or spending too much time on a computer, have only recently been recognized.

C.        The computer addiction has also affected children. Spending hours chatting online, surfing the web or playing computer games can make a person, especially a child indifferent to realistic relationships and other parts of his/her life. A recent research study showed that some children suffer from computer rage (помешательство, страсть) when they are forbidden to play computer games. The results are sudden uncontrolled periods of anger.

D.        So how exactly is computer addiction defined? When does a hobby become an addiction? As with most other dependencies, specific questions can be asked to see whether or not someone may suffer from computer addiction. These questions are first of all about how much time is spent on the PC or playing video games, sometimes comparing to how much time is spent interacting with real people.

E.        As with any addiction, steps can be taken to treat computer addiction. Limiting the amount of time spent on the computer or playing video games is a simple step. If your computer is on all the time, switch it off. Guidelines for children suggest allowing no more than one hour per night on the PC or playing video games.

F. Computer addiction is said to be increasing. More and more people are spending time in cyberspace in a virtual world of their own making. If not treated, this condition can lead to reduced social skills and degradation in the addict's quality of life.







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