Phone addiction
материал (8 класс)

Яна Андреевна Смирнова

Сообщение на английском языке о зависимости от телефонов 


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Phone addiction

Despite all the advantages of technological progress, there is also a downside - dependence on the phone. Nomophobia - the fear of being without a phone.

Among the signs of addiction to the phone and other gadgets, it is worth highlighting:

decreased ability to concentrate;

the occurrence of problems with cognitive abilities, including memory;

difficulties encountered in the decision-making process;

periodic headaches, blurred vision, pain in the cervical spine;

sleep disorders, insomnia;

low level of socialization.

Phone addiction has two dangerous causes

The danger of phone addiction in children can be attributed to the direct influence of gadgets on the growing body. It has been proven that the use of gadgets transforms mental processes and causes unfocused attention and memory impairment.

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