Модульная карточка к уроку в 6 классе УМК И.Н.Верещагиной, О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой для V-IX классов (для общеобразовательных школ и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка)
план-конспект урока (6 класс) на тему

Светлана Владимировна Сумникова

Урок по теме  «Королевский Лондон» проведен в 6а классе УМК И.Н.Верещагиной, О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой для V-IX классов (для ощеобразовательных школ и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка) 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Royal London



Учебный материал с указанием заданий

Руководство по усвоению учебного материала



Aim: comprehend your reading skills and develop your speech skills

To know:

  • the Vocabulary;
  • some facts about the royal places in London and the

     royal family

  • the additional information about the British Isles

To be able to:

  • to read and translate new words
  • to use CF in the speech
  • to ask and answer different questions
  • the names of the royal places in London
  • new facts about London in the connection with the royal family
  • to listen to and understand  the additional information about the British Isles
  • speak about the royal places in London and the

     royal family

  • to work in a group and be useful and tolerant



Your aim: check yourself how well you’ve learnt the new words

Task: fill in the suitable word 

  1. All together there are … royal parks which are the property of … .
  2. The royal parks are … .
  3. Shakespeare`s plays in the open-air theater are held in …
  4. …  is also the home of London Zoo
  5. Earlier… used to be a hunting forest.
  6. On a Sunday morning you can make a speech in … in Regent’s park.
  7. The oldest park in London is… .
  8. The statue of the famous fairy- tale hero Peter Pan, can be seen …  .
  9. She ruled for the longest period in the English history.
  10. This place reminds us of her love to Prince Albert, where the best musicians perform classical music.
  11. This place is also connected with Queen Victoria and is famous for its works of art.
  12. He is the only king who got the name of the Head of the Church of England.
  13. She is known for saying: “I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a King”
  14. She is in the British throne now, she travels a lot, likes reading and watching horse races.

Work in pairs.

Use the following expressions:

It seems to me…

If I am not mistaken…

In my opinion…

I think…

I guess…

To my mind…



Your aim: improve your auditing skills


Listen to the text and complete these                   sentences.

  1. Ireland’s history was…  .
  1. never happy
  2. not always happy
  3. both happy and unhappy
  1. Ireland has a lot of…  .
  1.  rain
  2. snow
  3. sunshine
  1. The capital of Ireland is …  .
  1. Belfast
  2. Dublin
  3. Cardiff
  1. People in Ireland are famous for their love of  …  .
  1. their country
  2. Dublin
  3. music
  1. They love to listen to   …. music .
  1. rock
  2. country
  3. traditional
  1. A lot of musicians  … Dublin.
  1. go to
  2. come from
  3. stay in

УМК “Rainbow” Афанасьева О.В. 6 класс, зад.37.

Mind the pronunciation, the stress and the intonation.

Work independently.

Do the task in writing.

Exchange your papers.

Check with the key.





Your aim: improve your reading skills

Task:  Study the following information from the texts.

(Приложение 1)

Task:  Fill in the table. (Приложение 2)

Task:  Be ready to ask and answer your friends’ questions about English monarchs you have read about.

Work in pairs.

(методика ВЗ)

If you have failed to remember some facts or have some difficulties, consult ex. 19,24 p.p. 105,109





Your aim: check yourself how well you understood the texts  

Task: Join into groups.

Your aim: brush up your speech skills. 

Task: Use the table to speak about one of the English monarchs. 

Work in groups.

Try to be tolerant and creative.

Don’t forget to use  CF:

I’d like to draw your attention to…

Now I’d like to move on to…

Next, let me describe…

In conclusion let me remind you…

I’m sure you’ll agree


In addition to that…

Thank you for your attention (for listening)…

Your aim: return to beginning of the lesson, look through the aims and give yourself a mark.

Today at the lesson I’ve:

reviewed the words on the topic…

read and translated …

asked and answered different questions…

listened to the text about…

spoken about…

worked in the group, tried to be tolerant and creative…

Home task: 

Present information about any Russian  monarch of the past in the form of a

  • crossword
  • presentation
  • quiz

      Good luck!


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