Little Red Riding Hood
материал (5 класс) по теме

Сценарий сценки «Little Red Riding Hood» в юмористической обработке для школьного спектакля или концерта.



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Сценарий сценки «Little Red Riding Hood».

Автор: Шульга Кристина Владиславовна

Author: Once upon a time there lived a little girl called Red Riding Hood. She lived with her parents beside a deep, dark forest.

In a cottage on the other side of the forest lived her grandmother.

And in the deep, dark forest lived a big, bad wolf.

One day mother said to her little daughter:

Mother: Little Red Riding Hood! Granny is ill and very bored. Please take her these delicious pies!

Red Riding Hood: Okey!

Mother: And don’t forget about the oil radiator ['reɪdɪeɪtə]!

Red Riding Hood: But what is this oil radiator for?

Mother: Don’t you know? To get warm. And to defend yourself from Wolf! Be careful! Wolf lives in the forest!

Author: And mother put the funny red hood on Red Riding Hood and the little girl went through the deep, dark forest. She looked all around. But suddenly she met a wolf.

Wolf: Good day, my dear. What are you doing here?

Red Riding Hood: I'm going to Granny's to take her some pies and an oil radiator.

Wolf: (thinking… /decides to draw RRH’s attention away/) Look! There is a flying cow over there!

Red Riding Hood: (looking around) Where? (Wolf runs away) I can’t see! Where?

Oh no! It’s been wolf! (calling Granny) Granny, Granny! Wolf is running to you! Be careful! I’ll help you! I am bringing you an oil radiator!

Author: Meanwhile [ˌmiːn'waɪl], the wolf ran away through the deep, dark forest. At last he arrived at Granny's cottage.


Wolf: Hello, Granny! It's Red Riding Hood!

Granny: Oh no! It’s the big, bad wolf!

Author: She was scared and crept under the bed. The wolf went in. He looked all around, but there wasn't a sound.

Wolf: No one's here! Never mind! Red Riding Hood will be here soon.

Author: Quickly the wolf put on Granny's dressing gown [gaun] and nightcap. Then he jumped into the bed and pretended to sleep. (Snoring.)

Wolf (opens his eyes suddenly): Little Red Riding Hood will never know it's me!

Author: Soon Little Red Riding Hood knocked at the door.

Red Riding Hood: Hello, Granny! It's Red Riding Hood!

Wolf: Come in, my dear! (Red Riding Hood opens the door.)

Red Riding Hood:  Oh, Granny! What big ears you have!

Wolf: All the better to hear you with, my dear.

Red Riding Hood: And Granny! What big eyes you have!

Wolf: All the better to see you with, my dear.

Red Riding Hood: And Granny! What big teeth you have!

Wolf: All the better to…EAT YOU!

Author: But as he jumped out of bed, little Red Riding Hood took her big radiator and struck Wolf’s head!

And something strange happened to Wolf! He…became kind! And said:

Wolf: Dear Granny! Dear Red Riding Hood! Dear all! I’m so sorry! I will never bother you! I want to live with you and guard your house! Like a dog!

Author: And Wolf stayed with Granny. He became like a dog, guarded Granny’s house, brought her slippers and slept near the oil radiator. (Wolf demonstrate each prase, so he brings Granny’s slippers and so on)

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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