Открытый урок: География и политическое устройство Великобритании
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Активизация учащимися полученных страноведческих знаний с использование в устной речи структур в косвенной речи.
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Открытый урок
по английскому языку в 6 «В» классе.
Учитель: Бабушкина Маргарита Игоревна.
Тема урока: «Соединенное королевство. География и политическое устройство».
Грамматика: Косвенная речь.
Оснащение урока: Презентация Power Point. Мультимидийная установка.
Цель урока: Активизация использования учащимися полученных страноведческих знаний в устной речи.
Отработка употребления в речи структур с косвенной речью.
Задачи урока:1) Развитие навыков диалогической речи.
2)Развитие навыков монологического высказывания по теме.
3)Закрепление употребления структур с косвенной речью в устной речи учащихся.
4)Расширение страноведческих знаний учащихся по теме.
План урока.
1.Организационный момент.
2.Вводное слово учителя о задачах и содержании урока.
3.Фонетическая отработка географических названий.
the United Kingdom the Irish Republic
the British Isles Northern Ireland
the Irish Sea England
the English Channel Wales
the Straits of Dover Scotland
the Atlantic Ocean Edinburgh
the North Sea the Union Jack
the English – English
the Scots – Scottish
the Welsh – Welsh
the Irish – Irish.
4.Учебный разговор по тексту домашнего задания в режиме Т – Р1,Р2,Р3.
1) What is the official name of Great Britain?
2) What countries does it consist of?
3) What towns are their capitals?
4) What kind of state is the UK?
5) What are the two main islands of the British Isles?
6) How many people live in Britain?
7) By what is the UK separated from the continent?
8) Are the people who live in Britain English or British?
9) What languages do they speak?
10) What is the Union Jack? What do you know about it?
5.Аудирование коротких диалогов (№44) о погоде.
People like to speak about the weather in England and do it every time they meet each other. I think you know the usual phrases that English people often use when they speak about the weather. Act out your own short dialogues using the phrases given in our textbooks.
Примерные ответы учащихся:
- – What is the weather like today? Is it frosty?
– It sure is. It’s bitter cold outside.
- - Is it going to snow?
– I hope not, though it looks like snow.
- – It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?
– It certainly is. Not a cloud in the sky.
- – Fine weather we are having today!
– I think we are.
– Do you think it’s going to be a nice day?
– I think it is.
- – Do you like when it snows?
– Yes, I do. I like snowy weather.
– Do you really like it?
– Of course I do. It’s my favourite weather.
- – Does it look like snow?
– It certainly does.
6.Повторение правил преобразования в косвенной речи просьб, приказов и предложений. Выполнение заданий на слайдaх.
Look at Betty and tell your classmates what she says.
- Betty says that her native country is Britain.
- Betty asks us not to be surprised at the song.
- Betty says that their country consists of four parts.
- Betty asks Nell to come to see her. She feels lonely.
- Betty asks us to be careful in cold weather.
- Betty says that she tries to protect the flowers from the cold.
Look at the picture and say what the students tell Mr. Jones.
- Kate asks Mr. Jones to come again.
- Jim tells Mr. Jones that they are always glad to see him.
- Jack tells Mr. Jones that they are going to Wales in May.
- Jane tells Mr. Jones that she has written a story.
- Alice tells Mr. Jones that she will spend a month in Scotland.
- John asks Mr. Jones not to forget to write to them.
- Nelly tells Mr. Jones that her birthday is in three weeks’ time.
- Tom tells Mr. Jones that he likes fruit, especially bananas.
7.Повторение правил преобразования общих и специальных вопросов в косвенной речи. Выполнение заданий на слайдах.
Say what the people want to know.
- Mr. Brown wants to know what the capital of the United Kingdom is.
- Mary wants to know if Scotland is an independent state.
- Billy wants to know why his cousin is so careless.
- The Davidsons want to know how many industrial cities there are in the North.
- The teacher wants to know when we will go to Britain.
- The dentist wants to know what the Union Jack is.
8.Просмотр слайдов с видами Великобритании под музыку.
9.Монологические высказывания учащихся о Великобритании.
Примерное высказывание учащегося:
The Land and the People of Great Britain.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) is the official name of the state which is situated in the British Isles.
It consists of four countries which are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast.
The UK is an island state. The two main islands are Great Britain and Ireland.
The UK is separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Straights of Dover.
More than 56 million people live in Britain.
Many of them live in big industrial cities like London.
Everyone who was born in Britain is British, but only people from England are English.
Everyone in Britain speaks English, but people from other parts of the state
speak their national languages as well.
The flag of the UK is known as the Union Jack. It is made up of three crosses:
The cross of St. George (the patron saint of England),
the cross of St. Andrew (the patron saint of Scotland) and
the cross of St. Patrick (the patron saint of Ireland).
10.Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.
11Домашнее задание:
Do you want to know who rules the country in Britain?
If you do, read the text ‘The Queen and Parliament’ and try to answer this
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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