poems for little children
занимательные факты по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Стихи для детей начальной школы.


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THIRTY days has September, April, June and November.                

February has twenty – eight alone.

All the rest have thirty – one.

But leap year coming once in four

Gives February one day more.

SPRING is green,

SUMMER is bright,

AUTUMN is yellow,

WINTER is white.

WINTER is snowy,

WINTER is frosty.

The ground is white

All day and all night.

It’s winter, It’s winter,

Let us skate and ski!

It’s winter, It’s winter,

It’s great fun for me!

The snow is falling,

The wind is blowing,

The ground is white

All day  and night.

Spring, spring, spring!

The trees are green,

Blue sky is seen.

Grey winter has gone away!

The world looks new and gay.

Spring is coming, spring is coming,

Flowers are coming too.

Snowdrops, lilies, daffodils

Now are coming too.

This is the season when nights are short.

And children have plenty of fun and sport.

Boating and swimming  al l  day  long

Will make us healthy  and strong.

Summer is over.

September comes.

October and November

Are autumn months.

It is the season

When school-friends meet,

When noisy and gay,

And  browned by the sun

With their books and bags

To school they run.


I have many pencils,

Red and green and blue.

I shall draw a picture

And I give it to you.

I have many pencils,

Peter has a pen.

We can draw on paper

Funny little man.

Red and yellow,

White and blue.

These beautiful flowers

Are just for you.

The bird is grey,

The sky is blue.

The tree is green,

The bush is green too.

The sun is yellow,

The cloud is white,

The butterfly is bright.


I have a hare ,

I have a bear.  

My toys are here,          

My toys are there.

My cat is black,  

My cat is fat,

My cat likes rats.

Rats are grey and fat.      

Five little dogs

Playing by the door.

One runs away

And now there are four.

I am a frog as you can see.

I have no one to play with me.

I want to swim into the river and  

and the sea

Where my friends are waiting

for me.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты


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Дети младшего школьного возраста с большим желанием и удовольствием изучают английский язык, когда на уроке активно используется занимательные элементы ( стихи, игры, загадки ).