English poems for children. Стихи на английском для детей
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс)

Рьянова Валерия Евгеньевна

English poems for children – one of the best ways of learning the language.

Стихи на английском для школьников можно использовать для пополнения лексического запаса, развития памяти и просто для разнообразия учебной деятельности. Стихи подразделены по классам.


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English poems for children. Стихи на английском для детей.

  1.  Стихи для 1-2 классов

Olya has a pencil,

Olya has a pen,

She draws with a pencil,

She writes with a pen.


Where's my little hare?

Look! Under the chair.

Where's my little fox?

Look! In the box.


The bear is white.

The bird is blue.

The dog is black.

The puppy is, too.


Mind the clock

And keep the rule:

Always come in time to school


Under the Sky

Here I lie

Under the sky

Green trees above me.

Nature and I.

  1. Стихи для 3 класса.

One, eat your bun!

Two, look at the kangaroo!

Three, look at the bee!

Four, open the door!

Five, take the knife!

Six, take the sticks!

Seven, count to eleven!

Eight, stop and wait!

Nine, you are fine! 

Ten, say it all again!

Eleven and twelve, we are very well!


Let's go on a trip!

Let's pack our bag!

Take your trainers,

Take your shoes.

Let's go!

Take your skirt and take your shirt.

Let's go!

Take your dress! Off we go!

Oh, what a mess!

Oh, no!



I will be a lion,

And you will be a bear,

I will run after you,

And you will hide under the chair.


I will make a little cake.

He and she will make some tea.

Mum will make another cake.

For you and them and me!

  1. Стихи для 4 класса.

The Lazy Son

The sun is shining, the day is fine,

But Johny, the lazy son of mine,

Is still in bed and it’s half past nine.


I want a tree

For shade and rest,

I want a tree

Where birds can nest.

So I planted

A green tree

For shade and rest,

For you and me.


What is red?

Asks little Fred.

His brother says,

The rose is red.

What is white?

My kite is white.

Do you see my little kite?

What is grey?

Now, can you say?

Yes, I can.

The mouse is grey.

What is black?

My cat is black. '

It goes out

And comes back.

  1. Стихи для 5 класса.


Juicy apples, brown and red,

Are good for your teeth, my dentist said.

 So after meals I take a bite

To keep my teeth both strong and white.


The Most Pleasant Tree

From the very top of the tallest tree

A little breeze called down to me:

“Come up here and you will see

 the things that are most pleasant to me.


How soon do the streams softly flow?

When do the first flowers gently blow?

Where do the strong winds suddenly go?

Why do the plants slowly grow?

I don’t know.

But the wind is blowing lightly.

The sun is shining brightly.

High up in the tree

A bird sings merrily.

And the streams will flow,

Flowers will blow

Winds will go,

Grasses will grow, even if I don’t know


Autumn Comes

I see the birds are flying south

And the days are grey and cool.

Do the birds look down and see

That I am going to school?


Fred comes from school one winter day

 As clever as can be,

And wants to show to all around

 How smart a boy is he.

And so at dinner he begins:

“Papa, you think you see

There are two chickens on that dish,

But  now I’ll prove that there are three:

First, this is one and that is two,

As plain as plain can be.

I add the one into the two,

And two and one make three!”

“Just so,” answers his Papa,

“If what you say is three,

I will take one, Mamma takes one,

The third we’ll leave for you.”


It’s not always easy to keep yourself busy.

The homework is done, it’s fun!

The book is read and is given to Fred.

The cat is fed, but why is it sad?

The dishes are washed,

All films are watched.

It’s not always easy to keep yourself busy.


Shopping, shopping, Christmas shopping.

Mums are hurrying — running, hopping.

Presents, boxes everywhere,

Cards and crackers, teddy-bears,

Lots of useless pretty things:

Candles, tinsel, golden rings,

I’ve been doing shopping too.

Look at me: you’ll see it’s true:

Messy clothes and messy hair —

Christmas, Christmas everywhere

  1. Стихи для 6 класса.

When I think of what I will be,

 It is something that puzzles me.

 When I am a grown man,

Shall I drive a lorry or a van?

Shall I be an electrician,

And fix everybody’s television?

When I think of what I’ll be,

It is something that puzzles me.


I want to be an actor, Dad. I want to go on stage.

You should be a banker, Tom, and earn a decent wage.

I want to be a barber, Dad. I want to do people’s hair.

You should be a pilot Tom, and work for British Air.

I want to be a clown, Dad. I think I am very funny.

You should be a driver, Tom, and earn a lot of money.

I want to be a barman, Dad, so I can drink a lot of beer!

A barman! You are joking, Tom. That isn’t a career!

I want to go into politics, Dad, and put the country right.

I think that’s an excellent idea.

Let’s tell your mother tonight.


Sightseeing in London.

Forty cameras clicking, clicking,

Stamps on twenty postcards sticking.

Doing London in a day,

Seeing all and then away.

First the Thames and then the Tower.

Lots of time — another hour!


Buckingham Palace

See the tourists running hard

To watch the Changing of the Guard

At Buckingham Palace stop and wait,

To see the Queen drive through the gate.

But Londoners know:

There’s no use crying.

She is not at home,

When the flag is not flying.


Trafalgar Square

Who is that man right up there

Standing high in Trafalgar Square?

That’s Lord Nelson looking out to sea.

To see the sea? Oh, goodness me.



Picadilly is full of light;

On the left and on the right

Snack-bars, theatres, jazz and pop,

Hurry, hurry, never stop.


Big Ben

Listen, oh, that’s Big Ben,

It can’t be true! Already ten!

 Twenty postcards still to write,

And we leave London at twelve tonight.


The bells of spring are ringing,

Are ringing loud and gay.

To hills and forests they are bringing

Sweet melody today.

The bells of spring are ringing,

Are ringing far and wide.

 Nice days they are bringing

To people and the countryside.


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