Новогодний праздник для учащихся 1-4-х классов (сценарий)
материал по английскому языку по теме



Предварительный просмотр:

Ведущий: Good morning, dear boys and girls, parents and teachers. Today we are going to show you how we know the English alphabet. We will sing songs, recite poems and dance to the music. We have also invited Snow-Maiden to our party!
Children: Wow!
Ведущий: Snow-Maiden! You are welcome!
Snow-Maiden: Good morning dear children! Good morning dear teachers and guests. Thank you for your invitation.
Children: You are welcome, Snow-Maiden.
(Снегурочка садится вместе с ребятами)
Ведущий: Now let us see if all the letters of the alphabet are here.
(учащиеся 2х классов встают по очереди в алфавитном порядке)
You are welcome, letters

1. Letter A
A is for Apples and Apple-trees
You can see apples on apple-trees
2. Letter B
B is for Books and for Bookcase
I have many books in my bookcase
3. Letter C
C is for cat. My cat is grey
And with me it likes to play
4. Letter D
D is for Dog and for Doggy
I have a dog, not a doggy
5. Letter E
E is for Eight and for Eleven
How much is eight and eleven?
6. Letter F
F is for flowers: red and blue,
White and yellow and rosy, too
7. Letter G
G is for Girl, and also for Garden
I see a girl going to the garden
8. Letter H
H is for Hand. I have two hands
This is the way I clap my hands
9. Letter I
I is for I. I’m a boy and I’m ten
I like to play with my brother Ben
10. Letter J
J is for Jam. This is apple-jam
Jimmy likes it, and so does Sam
11. Letter K
K is for Kite. Kate has a kite.
It is little, and it is white
12. Letter L
L is for Letter. This letter is for me
It is from my sister, as you can see
13. Letter M
M is for May and for May Day
For March and for Mother’s Day
14. Letter N
N is for nine, ninety and ninety-nine
Children, how much is ninety and nine?
15. Letter O
O is for One. One and two is three
The little cats are in a tree
16. Letter P
P is for pencils. With them I can draw:
A red pen, a green tree or a blue door
17. Letter Q
Q is for Questions: How are you?
How old are you? And how do you do?
18. Letter R
R is for Red. Many things are red
What can be red? Do you know, Fred?
19. Letter S
S is for Street. This is my street.
There are a lot of trees in my street
20. Letter T
T is for Tick and for Tock
“tick-tock”, says the clock
21. Letter U
U is for Under, but not for At.
“I’m under the tree,” says Pat
22. Letter V
V is in Five and also in Seven
It is in Twelve and in Eleven
23. Letter W
W is for Winter when it is cold
But I like Winter and I like cold
24. Letter X
X is for Six. Let’s count up to six!
One, two, three, four, five, six!
25. Letter Y
Y is for a Yard where children play
They play in the yard every day
26. Letter Z
Z is for the Zoo. Let’s go to the Zoo
I like to go to the Zoo. And you?

Ведущий: Now, let’s sing the song “The ABC”
(Эту песню поют все присутствующие в зале учащиеся)

Ведущий: Thank you very much, children. You may sit down.
Snow-Maiden: Thank you, dear children. Now can you answer my question? Which is the coldest season in a year?
Children: It’s winter
Snow-Maiden: What holidays do people celebrate in winter?
Children: New Year and Christmas
Snow-Maiden: And do you know the traditional Christmas song “Jingle, Bells!”
Children: Of course, we do
Snow-Maiden: Please, sing it!
(Выходят учащиеся 2 «Б» класса и поют песенку “Jingle, Bells!”. Остальные учащиеся подпевают ее с места)
Ведущий: Dear, Snow-Maiden, our pupils have prepared some funny songs and poems especially for this party. Would you like to listen to them?
Snow-Maiden (с места): I’d love to and so would all the other quests.
(Выходят учащиеся 2 «А» класса и поют песенки “Shu, fly!”, ”Once I caught a Fish Alive”)
Ведущий: Thank you, children.
(Снегурочка и остальные участники хлопают в ладоши с места)
Ведущий (обращается к сидящим в зале участникам): What else have you prepared for this party, dear children?
(По очереди выходят учащиеся 3-х, 4-х классов и представляют свои номера)

Ведущий: Thank you, children. Now let us talk about winter. You are welcome, winter months, a boy and a girl.
(На сцену выходят зимние месяцы и мальчик с девочкой)
December: This is the season
When children ski,
And old Father Frost
Brings the New Year Tree
January: The windows are blue at the night,
But in the morning they are white.
And snowflakes are falling.
“Come out” they are calling”
February: Get out of bed and take your sledge
On this cold and frosty day:
The sun is bright, the snow is white
For outdoor winter play

Boy: Where is my cap?
My warm little cap?
My boots and my mittens, too?
I want to go and play in the snow
And have a lot of fun. Do you?
Girl: When windows are frosty and icy in places,
I like to write letters and draw funny faces

Все месяцы вместе: Little snowflakes, come and play,
We have nothing to do today

(На сцене появляются девочки в костюме снежинок)

Snowflakes: Here we come! Oh, what fun!
We are dancing and floating in the sun!

Поют песню:
Snowflakes fall on the trees and walk
Snowflakes fall as white as chalk
Snowflakes fall into my hand
Snowflakes brighten up our land

Snowflakes: Come on, sisters, back we go
To where the ground is white with snow
(Снежинки, танцуя, убегают. С ними уходят зимние месяцы)

Звучит музыка:
“We wish you a Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year!”
(Под эту музыку выходит Снегурочка)

Snow-Maiden: Dear boys and girls. I enjoyed your party. Now, It’s my turn to do something and I know what to do. I’ve got presents for you and I hope you’ll like my presents.
(Обходит всех учеников и дарит им подарки)
В конце вечера ребята встают и хором поют песню:
«We wish you a Merry Christmas!»

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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