Утренник для учащихся 2-х классов (сценарий)
материал (английский язык) по теме

Сценарий (проводится в конце учебного года)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Pete and the Fox (Петя и лиса)
Characters: Pete, Mother, Father, Sister, Brother. Props: large spoon, stick, doll, rope.
Pete (sitting on the ground): I'm bored! I am tired of watching the chickens. I think I will play a joke on my family. (Gets up and yells.) Help! Help! Fox! Fox! (Looks around.) Mother is coming!
Mother (running with a spoon in her hand): Where is a fox? Is the fox near the chickens?
Pete (laughing): Ha! Ha! There is no fox. I was only joking.
Mother: Your joke is not funny! (Shakes the spoon.)
Pete (laughing): This is fun! I wonder who will come if I yell again. (Yells.) Fox! Fox!
Father (running and carrying a stick): Be careful, Pete! I will help you! Where is the fox?
Pete (laughing loudly): Нее! Нее! I was joking! There is no fox!
Father (shaking the stick): I should use this stick on you, Pete! It is not funny to call us here when there is no fox! (Hits the stick on the ground and goes.)
Pete: It was just a joke! I am bored! I wonder if sister or brother will come. (Yells.) Help! Help! Fox! Fox!
Sister (running with a doll in her arms): Pete, are you safe? I heard your cry for help! Where is the fox?
Pete (laughing): There is no fox! You ran here for noth¬ing!
Sister: It is not funny at all! You will be sorry!
Pete: I wonder if anyone will come if I yell again. (Yells.) Help! Help! Fox! Fox! (Looks around.) Here comes brother!
Brother (running and carrying a rope): Be careful, Pete! I will hit the fox with this rope!
Pete (laughing): This is so much fun! There is no fox! I am bored.
Brother (shaking the rope at Pete): Your joke is not fun¬ny. If you tell lies, no one will believe you when you tell the truth.
Pete: Maybe brother is right. Besides, this isn't fun any more. (Hears a noise.) What is that noise? (Looks.) Oh, no! It's a fox! He will eat the chickens! (Shouts.) Help! Help! Fox! Fox!
Mother: You will get no help from me!
Father: I will not help you! You will not fool me again!
Sister: I think that it is another joke! There is no fox!
Brother: I will not help! Pete tells lies!
Pete (crying): Oh! No! The fox is eating the chickens!
I lied, and now no one will believe me. I will never tell lies!

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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