Утренник для учащихся 3-х классов (сценарий)
материал по английскому языку на тему

Сценарий (проводится в конце учебного года)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Characters: Woman and her four sons: Sam, Jim, Pat, Dan.
Props: chairs, four sticks (use pencils).
The scene takes place in a kitchen. Sam, Jim, Pat and Dan are
arguing and fighting.
Woman: Sons, please stop fighting!
The sons continue to fight and argue.
Woman (sitting on a chair in the kitchen): Come here, my sons. Sit down. I want to show you something. The four sons stop fighting. They each sit on a chair by their mother.
Sam: What do you want to tell us, mother?
Woman (to Sam): Sam, you are very strong. Try to break these four sticks in half. (Hands four sticks to Sam.)
Sam (tries to break the sticks over his knee): I cannot break them, mother. (Hands sticks back to mother.)
Woman: That is too bad. (Hands sticks to Jim.) Here, Jim, you try to break them.
Jim (tries hard to break sticks): I am sorry, mother. I cannot break them! (Hands sticks back to mother.)
Woman (holding the sticks): Can't anyone break the sticks?
(To Pat) Surely you can break the sticks! (Hands sticks to Pat.) Pat (tries to break sticks): I thought I could break the sticks, but I cannot break the sticks in half. (Hands sticks back to mother.)
Woman (to Dan): Dan, you are the only one left. Can you, please, break the sticks in half? (Hands sticks to Dan.) Dan (tries hard to break sticks): Mother, this is too hard! I cannot break the sticks! (Hands sticks back to mother.)
Woman: None of you can break the four sticks. (Takes one stick and hands it to Sam.) Here, Sam, take this stick.
(Hands another stick to Jim.) Jim, you take this stick.
(Hands another stick to Pat.) Here is a stick, Pat.
(Hands last stick to Dan.) Dan, here is the last stick.
Now each one of you break the stick you have! Sam (breaks a stick): Look, how easy it is!
Jim (breaks a stick): Yes, this is easy!
Pat (breaks a stick): I can break this stick!
Dan (breaks a stick): How simple! Woman: Why could each of you break one stick but you could not break four sticks? Sam: Four sticks are stronger than one stick, mother. Woman (to Sam): Yes, that is right, Sam. (To all four sons.) Each of you is like a stick.
Jim: How am I like a stick, mother? Woman (to Jim): Alone each of you is weak. But together you are strong. (To all four sons.) Remember this les¬son! When you are fighting, each one of you is alone. You cannot be strong. When you are not fighting, you can work together. Together you can be very strong.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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