Our fellow countrymen – participants of the Great Patriotic war
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Шуварова Светлана Анасовна

 УУУУрок посвящен героям Великой Отечественной  войны. Используется региональный материал.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Our fellow countrymen – participants of the Great Patriotic war


коммуникативно-практические: тренировать в чтении, устной речи, аудировании;

Лексические: активизировать лексику по теме, введение НЛ;

Грамматические: ознакомить с образованием прошедшего простого времени в страдательном залоге;

Развивающие: развить мышление, внимание, память,

Воспитательные: ознакомить с героями войны, со страницами истории нашей страны, привить любовь к Родине.

  1. Организационный момент

Let’s begin our lesson with quotation which belongs to one of the great men.

“To get together is the beginning,

To stay together is a progress,

To work together is a success”.

At dawn on June 22, 1941, Hitler's armies attacked the Soviet Union without declaring war. The Great Patriotic war, which was to last about 4 years, had begun.      

More than 65 years have passed since that terrible war. It has left unforgettable feelings not only on pages of war and historic documents, books and picture albums, but also in genetic memory of our people.

Our today's lesson is devoted to veterans of World War II. No doubt, we must know our roots, the heroic past of our fellow country men.  In 2010 we  celebrated the 65th anniversary of great Victory over Nazi Germany.

II Основная часть

1. Our today’s lesson we’ll begin with the poem “Wait for me and I’ll come back” which was written by Konstantin Simonov. This poem is probably one of the most famous war poems ever written. The German army  was just 30 kilometers from Moscow.Leningrad was under siege? The million soldiers had been prisoner.The situation looked hopeless…But our heroes were able to withstand all of it.

Let’s sing the song “We shall overcome”. Yes, indeed, we have overcome.. Almost 65 years ago our Motherland was in fire. Millions of people suffered and died. But nevertheless people coped with everything, went through the trials and reached the victory reached independence and freedom from fascism. And it was the most important achievement that they could get. May 9 is a great holiday for all people. This holiday is dear for everybody.

2.Your homework was to compose your own poems, using the Japanese form of poetry-word cinquain. Let us recall how this poem is made. The key word is Victory day. Who can?

Thank you you’ve done it well!

3. Do you see the words? Repeat after me.

The Great Patriotic war  -

 Великая Отечественная война

To invade - вторгаться, захватывать

To take part - принимать участие

To last - длиться

To call up to the army –

 призвать в армию

Veteran of war - ветеран войны

Heroism - героизм

Courage - мужество, смелость, мужество

To participate - принимать участие

Battle - битва

To withstand - выстоять

To perish – погибать

4. Let's read the text. (в презентации)

5.Речевая зарядка

Answer my questions please!

1. When did  the Great Patriotic War begin?

2. What country attacked our Motherland?

3. When was the Victory Parade?

4. When  did the war end?

5. How many days did Great Patriotic War last?

6. How many heroes of the Soviet Union from our district, you know?

6. Our people does not forget about veterans. We will remember our fighters for ever. It is a great pleasure for veterans that they are remembered and beloved. They are the real heroes of our Motherland.

Let's talk about our veterans.

7. Who are they?

8. The songs helped to survive during the war. It has inspired fighters to great deeds. The fighters rested with the song and also went to battle. Song 3 tankman  was written in 1939 and  was devoted to all tank crews. Boys will sing us a song.

9. Did any of your relatives take part in the war?

Let’s make up dialogues. Imagine that you’ve introduce with a girl from England. She wants to know about your relatives.

10. The roads of war were long. Battles were in many cities of our country:  in Moscow, Kursk. Leningrad... Many cities have received the title of hero city. Let's solve a crossword puzzle. This crossword puzzle is devoted to the hero cities.

10.  Let's try to do a test. Sit down at your computer and open the file test.

  1. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок

War is a terrible thing and we must do everything to preserve peace on earth. Let’s sing the song “Let there always be sunshine!”

No doubt,  we must know our roots, the heroic past of our fellow country men.  In 2010 we  celebrated the 65th  anniversary of  great Victory over Nazi  Germany.

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