Презентация к открытому уроку в 5 классе по теме" My home "
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Home, sweet home 23 NOVEMBER

Слайд 2

Home, sweet home

Слайд 3

English proverbs East or west, home is best There is no place like home My home – IS my castle

Слайд 4

Rooms Living room – a place where we rest , watch TV. Bedroom – a place where we sleep. Children’s room – the room for children. Kitchen – a place where we cook. Dining room – a place where we have meals. Bathroom – a place where we wash ourselves, clean teeth, do the washing.

Слайд 5

Furniture Living room Table Chair Fireplace

Слайд 6

Furniture Living room Sofa TV Carpet

Слайд 7

Furniture Living room Armchair Desk Bookcase

Слайд 8

Furniture Bedroom Bed Lamp Coffee table Picture

Слайд 9

Furniture Kitchen Table Chair Cooker Fridge

Слайд 10

Furniture Bathroom Bath Mirror Washbasin

Слайд 11

Fill in the missing letters. co…k…r, … ofa , te … ev … sion , la…p, f…id…e, b…d, ch … i …, wa … dr …be, ca…p…t, … esk , bo …k… ase , a…mc…a…r, wa … hba …in, si …k

Слайд 12

Constructions There is… There isn’t … There is one window in the bedroom. There isn’t a lamp on the desk. There are… There aren’t … There are two chairs in the kitchen. There aren’t tables in the hall.

Слайд 13


Слайд 14

Choose the correct preposition I have got a desk ……… my bedroom. A. next to B. in C. on Dan has got a poster ……… the wall. A. on B. in C. in front of The desk is …….. the bed. A. on B. next to C. under There is a lamp …….. the desk. A. next to B. in front of C. on The ball is …….. the bed. A. in B.behind C. under.

Слайд 15

Choose the correct preposition My bedroom is …….. the bathroom. A. on B. next to C. under His flat is …….. the first floor. A. behind B. in C. on There is a computer …….. the desk. A. in B. under C. on My bed is …….. the wardrobe. A. on B. in front of C.behind There are two windows ……. his room. A. under B. on C. in

Слайд 16

Read the poem Home is full of happiness The perfect place for me Home is always full of love It’s where I want to be!

Слайд 17


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