Тест по теме "Present Perfect"
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Кадацкая Ольга Александровна

Тестовые задания на усвоение натоящего совершенного времени.


Microsoft Office document icon test"Present Perfect".doc27.5 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:



№1. Fill in the gaps.

                  1form                    11form                   111form







№2. Use the Present Perfect.

  1. The woman (just/ buy) the flowers.
  2. The children (already/ go) to the museum.
  3. The policeman (not/ find) the robber yet.
  4. My father (never/ be) to Spain.
  5. They (know) each other since their childhood.

№3. Make sentences from these words. Translate them into Russian.

  1. has / Misha / in the sea / swum /.
  2. you / met / famous / have / people / ?
  3. built / never / has / he / a house /.
  4. just / they / have / in the park / walked /.



№1. Fill in the gaps.

                  1form                    11form                   111form







№2. Use the Present Perfect.

  1. They (already/ learn) the poem.
  2. It is the most delicious cake I (ever/ taste).
  3. He (not/ come) back yet.
  4. My uncle (spend) all money, and now he is without them.
  5. The postman (just/ bring) the newspapers.

№3. Make sentences from these words. Translate them into Russian.

  1. never / has / Misha / football / played /.
  2. you / have / money / ever / found / ?
  3. Spain / hasn’t / he / been to /.
  4. we / just / bought / this book / have /.

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