Тестовые работы
тест по английскому языку (6,7,8 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
A Year Test ( 9th Grade ) 2011
- Выбери правильный вариант ответа
- Where do you/ are you go at 8.10 every morning.
- What are you doing / do you do now? – I watch/watching/am watching a film.
- He never visited/have visited/has visited this country.
- They play/played/plays yesterday in the yard.
- When I came home in the evening, my mother talked/was talking with
her friend about her plans for the summer.
6. Tom already has read/read this book.
7.If I studied/has studied/ study in this school I would know three foreign languages
8. A picture, paint/painted/painting by this painter is well known all over the world..
9. If you have/ will have a dog, what name you will give/give to it.
10.She visited the town where she lived/has lived/ had lived when she was a child.
11. Yuri Gagarin fly/flew/ has flown into space in April 1961.
12. If I am/were/would be you , I would go to the zoo with you.
13. The book wrote/ was written by a famous English writer.
14. watches/ watch/watching a film the old lady fell asleep.
II. Раскрой скобки
- Tom usually (to play) football but yesterday he (to play) tennis.
- I (to go) and visit him as soon as I return home.
- I’m so tired! I think I (to go) to bed early tonight.
- Look! He (to go) away.
- Two days ago my family (to buy) a new TV set.
- I have a toothache. I (to see) my dentist tomorrow.
- They (to bring) me a kitten last Sunday.
- Charlotte thinks they (to visit) her one of these days.
- Ann (to meet) already this man.
- She (to come) if you (to call) her.
- Usually she (to wear) smart hats but now she (to wear) a funny looking one.
- The problem, ( to discuss) at the meeting, was very difficult.
13. The weather today is ( bad )than it was yesterday.
14. When I came home in the evening, my mother ( to talk ) with
her friend about her plans for the summer.
15. I ( not to finish) my test yet.
16.If I ( to finish) the test I would go home.
17. (to visit) London we saw many places of interest.
III. Прочитайте текст и выберите ответ true/false/not stated
Silly Like Fish?
When people are asked to name the cleverest species, they usually talk about dolphins, monkeys, dogs and horses. When it comes to fish, people don't give them much credit. Fish are con sidered to have tiny brains, no memory and no ability for learn ing. Fish pet owners, fishermen and some scientists don't agree with that at all.
According to them, fish are much smarter than most people think. Experiments and tests prove that fish are able to receive, analyze and remember information. They are able to learn! And some of them are even able to identify and remember symbols. In some tests, fish were put in a large tank of water. To get food the fish had to swim through the labyrinth. The corridors were marked with different symbols: blue square, red circles, and green triangles. The route that led to food was marked with tri angles. The fish soon found out which route led to the award and headed there immediately. Then the labyrinth was changed, but the corridor which led to food was marked with the same green triangles. It's amazing - the fish recognized the symbols! They followed the green triangles and ignored squares and circles.
Fishermen can tell even more amazing stories about bright and resourceful fish. They say fish can be smart enough to avoid cleverly set nets, and to make a fool of a fisherman. Fish are bril liant navigators and are able to find the place where they were born. They know how to return there to spawn. They can remem ber deep and shallow places in their rivers, and stay in "safe pools" when the weather gets too hot and the river dries up. They can even leap from one safe pool to another, which means they remember the map of the riverbed.
- Many people think that fish is not a silly creature.
- Experiments showed that fish can learn.
- The experiment took place in one of the swimming- pools.
- The labyrinth experiment proves that fish are able to find food by smell.
- Fish can recognize symbols thanks to a special organ.
- Fishermen agree with scientists that fish are clever and intelligent.
- Fish have memory.
Предварительный просмотр:
A Year Test ( Grade 7, 2011)
I.Раскрой скобки.
1. I (not to see ) you yesterday.
2. He never ( to be ) in Madrid.
3. Kelly (to play) the piano now, her friends ( to listen ) to her.
4. We ( to watch ) a film at this time yesterday.
5.Everything is planned. We ( to meet ) you in the airport tomorrow.
6. This story is ( interesting ) than that one.
7. She ( to be ) pop star many years ago.
8. I have already ( to have) lunch.
9. They ( go ) for a walk, when they ( to finish ) their homework.
10. When I ( to come ) home yesterday, mother ( to cook ) dinner.
11. What is the ( long ) river in the world?
12.He runs ( fast ) than his friend.
13. I can’t talk to you now, I ( to write ) my report.
14. She ( to be ) very busy yesterday, she ( to prepare ) for her exams the whole day.
15. He often ( to visit ) his grandmother. Together they often ( to watch TV) , ( to drink ) tea and ( to talk).
16. I ( not to open ) my present yet.
17. What you ( to do ) at this time yesterday?
18. I just ( to see )this man.
19.Has she got ( any/many/few) time to talk to me?
20. I have ( little/small/few ) lessons tomorrow.
II. Поставь глагол в Passive Voice
1. The tickets ( to buy ) by my mother two days ago.
2. He ( to ask ) at every lesson.
3. The match ( to show ) tomorrow.
4. The book ( to write ) by a famous English writer.
5. The portrait ( to paint ) by my grandmother.
6. A big fish ( to catch) by my father yesterday.
7. The holiday ( to celebrate )next weekend.
8. A sick boy ( to send ) to a doctor yesterday.
9. Many English books ( to publish ) every year in Russia.
10. The distance ( to run ) by a sportsman very quickly.
11. My parents ( to ask ) to come to school by my teacher.
12. New trees ( to plant ) in the park next spring.
13. A child ( to take ) for a walk by grandmother in the afternoon.
14.Your question ( to answer ) in the next program by a professor Marn.
15. My dress ( to make ) by my mother.
III. Передай предложение в Passive Voice
1. I bought this book yesterday.
2. We play this game every Sunday.
3. They will open a new shop in our street.
4. My parents gave me a wonderful present for my birthday.
5. Mother washes the windows every spring.
6. We celebrate this holiday every year.
7. I will take my dog to the dacha next weekend.
IV. Read the text and mark the sentences as true/false/not given.
I have just come back from my holidays at Vista Beach. What a terrible holiday! The weather was awful, the town was boring, the hotel was dreadful and I spent all my money. It rained almost every day and there was a strong wind which blew from the sea, so that when it didn’t rain it was impossible to sit on the beach.
There wasn’t much to do in the town – not many interesting places to visit. So I stayed in the hotel most days and read a lot of books and watched a lot of rain. In the evening I went out to bars and discos. But I didn’t talk to many people, because I didn’t feel well. The hotel looked beautiful in the travel brochure but when I got there I found it was small and dirty. Most of the meals were badly cooked and the waiters were slow and rather rude. I had a tiny room with one small window and a beautiful view of the local fish market. What a smell! And what a noise!
I’m back in England now and I need a holiday.
- It was a terrible holiday.
- He spent two weeks at Vista Beach.
- He spent all his money on entertainment.
- It rained every day.
- He made many friends.
- The hotel looked the same as in the travel brochure.
- He didn’t like the food.
- The waiters were badly trained.
- He didn’t like the view out of the window.
- He wants a holiday again.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты


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