Методическая разработка по стихам
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Линева Людмила Валерьевна
В разработке предлагается определенный порядок разучивания стихотворений и рифмовок, который позволит преподавателю чётко определить место стихотворного текста в общей структуре урока, разнообразить свой урок и повысить мотивацию учащихся к изучению английского языка.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Использование стихов и рифмовок на уроках английского ИИ

Использование стихов и рифмовок на уроках английского языка.





Последовательность действий при работе над стихотворением        

Порядок разучивания рифмовок        

Стихи и рифмовки.        



В условиях гуманизации образования, когда личность растущего человека находится в центре всей образовательной и воспитательной деятельности, поиск эффективных способов и приемов обучения, в том числе и обучения иностранному языку привлекает пристальное внимание многих ученых, методистов и учителей. Один из таких эффективных приемов обучения – использование стихотворных  материалов на уроках иностранного языка.

Важность этой работы трудно переоценить. И.Л. Шолпо приводит следующие доводы за использование стихотворных произведений.

Во-первых, стихи – это тот текстовый материал, который дети любят, который им интересен, а следовательно, работа с ними положительно эмоционально окрашена для ученика, что, как уже сказано, в значительной степени содействует усвоению материала.

Во-вторых, аутентичный литературный или фольклорный материал способствует постижению языка в контексте культур.

В-третьих, поэтические тексты  являются прекрасным материалом для отработки ритма, интонации иноязычной речи, совершенствование произношения.

В-четвертых, при работе со стихами мы решаем проблему многократного повторения высказываний по одной модели или восприятии одного и того же слова. Многократное воспроизведение стихотворения не воспринимается как искусственное.

Использование поэзии способствует развитию основных коммуникативных умений чтения, аудирования, говорения, причем последнее чаще всего выступает в форме обсуждения содержания поэтического произведения, которое может вызвать настоящую дискуссию в группе, поскольку проблемы, затрагиваемые в поэтических произведениях универсальны, носят жизненный характер, не всегда предполагают однозначное решение. Таким образом, поэзия способствует обучению основным видам речевой деятельности и позволяет использовать нешаблонные, творческие типы упражнений. При этом происходит достижение цели обучения.

Последовательность действий при работе над стихотворением

Важно определить последовательность действий при работе над стихотворением с условием его запоминания. Например:

1. Интонационно-фонетическое предъявление поэтического текста учителем.

Четко, выразительно прочитать стихотворение.

2. Снятие лексико - грамматических трудностей. Лексику, трудную для понимания,  записывать предварительно на доске. Разъяснив значения слов с помощью иллюстраций или перевода. Делать это в той последовательности, в которой они следуют.

3. Проверка понимания текста посредством вопросов. Следить за тем,  чтобы в ответах учащихся прозвучали трудные слова, выписанные на доске.

4. Интонационно - фонетическая отработка стихотворения:

первую строчку читает учитель, вторую - ученики, затем наоборот. Стихотворение прочитывается учащимися по цепочке.

5. Хоровая отработка текста с соблюдением стихотворного ритма.

6. Заучивание стихотворения с письменной опорой, которая в процессе работы изменяется. Если стихотворение отображено  на доске, удаляется по одному слову в каждой строке, но вместе с учениками проговариваются все строчки полностью. Этот процесс повторяется 3 раза. Каждый раз удаляется новое слово, и вся строчка воспроизводится с опорой на оставшиеся слова сначала с учителем, а затем самостоятельно учащимися.

7. Воспроизведение поэтического текста. 3-4 ученика читают стихотворение наизусть по очереди. На дом дается задание выучить стихотворение, подготовить его перевод, а также проиллюстрировать его содержание. Рисунок поможет ученику прочитать наизусть как английский, так и свой вариант стихотворения на русском языке.

Интенсивному запоминанию поэтического текста способствует использование визуальной опоры в виде иллюстраций, картинок, рисунков.

Часто, особенно на младшем этапе, урок начинается с фонетической зарядки. Вместо отдельных слов и словосочетаний, содержащих тот или иной звук, учитель предлагает классу специально отобранные стихи и рифмовки. Затем в течение 2 -3 уроков следует повторять стихотворение или рифмовку корректировать произношение звуков. Данный вид работы можно включать в урок на разных этапах, он служит своеобразным отдыхом для детей.  

Также можно специально подобрать стихи и рифмовки, в которых встречаются либо новое, незнакомое учащимся слово, либо лексические единицы, которые нужно повторить и хорошо закрепить в памяти ребят.

Порядок разучивания рифмовок

 С целью обеспечения всех этих задач предлагается следующий порядок разучивания рифмовок.

1. Выбирая рифмовку, выбирать в ней главный объект отработки (звук, лексика, лексико-грамматическая структура и т.д.).

 2. Сообщать название рифмовки, перевести  или семантизировать  при помощи наглядности.

 3. Объяснить задание детям.

 4. Знакомить  детей с рифмовкой, прочитывая её два раза.

 5. Довести  содержание рифмовки до сознания детей (объяснить  общий смысл, переводить читая показывать  на картинку, просить  детей догадаться, о чем идёт речь, корректировать  их ответы)

 6. Проводить  отработку наиболее трудных слов, словосочетаний, структур.

 7. Организовать  индивидуальное повторение слов, структур.

 8. Обеспечивать  хоровое повторение рифмовки построчно два раза, при необходимости больше. Так как дети не могут запомнить иноязычные фразы и повторять рифмовку большими блоками, при заучивании рекомендуется разбить её на части.

 9. Проводить  одновременное  декламирование с детьми всей рифмовки в целом. (Последнее прочтение рифмовки рекомендуется проводить громко).

Стихи и рифмовки.

 Фонетические рифмовки.

Рифмовки можно использовать для отработки определенного звука в фонетических упражнения. Данная группа рифмовок, в силу 4-5-кратного повторения звука, позволяет детям отчетливо услышать звук, и при заучивании дает многократное повторение звука.

Звук [D]

This is my mother.

This is my father,

This is my sister.

This is my brother,

This is my uncle,

This is my aunt Lily,

This is my cousin,

And this is me.

Звук [p]

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,

 A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper pickled?

 If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

 Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Звуки [S], [s]

She sells sea shells on the sea shore.

Звук [s]

Singing Sammy sung songs on sinking sand.


Why do you cry, Willy?

Why do you cry?

Why, Willy? Why, Willy?

Why, Willy? Why?

Very well, very well, very well…

Whether the weather be cold

 Or whether the weather be hot.

 We’ll weather the weather

 Whether we like it or not.

 Звук [t]

What a terrible tongue twister… (many times)

Two tiny tigers take two taxies to town.

Tie a knot, tie a knot.

 Tie a tight, tight knot.

 Tie a knot in the shape of a naught.

Звук [b]

  1. Betty Botter bought some butter
  2. But she said the butter’s bitter.
  3. If I put it in my batter it will make my batter bitter.

Звук [r]

  1. Roberta ran rings around the Roman ruins.
  2. When you write copy

You have the right to copyright the copy you write.

Звук [r]

Mary Mac’s mother is making Mary Mac marry me.

 My mother is making me marry Mary Mac.

Звук [l]

Double bubble gum bubbles double.

An ugly monkey won.

Звук [i:].

These trees need heat to keep them green.

Each teacher needs to be free to teach as he pleases.

The queen in green screamed.

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream.

At least Denis could sneeze and feed and freeze the fleas.

Silly sheep weep and sleep.

It isn’t easy to please Lizzy.

Звук [e]

Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.

Fred felt unwell.

Ted meant to spend the night in a tent.

Звук [а:]

After the party they started to argue.

What a fast car!

Звук [x]

Harry and Pat are standing hand in hand.

A fat cat sat on a mat and rapidly ate a rat.

Oh, the sadness of her sadness when she’s sad.

Oh, the gladness of her gladness when she’s glad.

 But the sadness of her sadness, and the gladness of her gladness,

 Are nothing like her madness

 When she’s mad!

Звук [T]

I thought of thinking of thanking you.

I thought a thought.

But the thought I thought wasn’t the thought I thought I thought.

Звук [u:]

You knew you’d choose Juliet.

Звук [u:]

Turn the first turning.

The girl learnt the verse.

Her third birthday is on Thursday.

Звук [O]

Stop washing!

A little pot is soon hot.

Honesty is the best policy.

Звук [o]

  1. I saw a saw in Arkansas.
  2. Paul snores worse than a horse.
  3. We close the doors when he snores.

There ought to be laws to prevent such snores.


It rained and rained on that grey April day.

A white kite is flying in the sky.

Small boys like noise-making toys.

Mr. Brown was not allowed to go out of the house.

Moses supposes his toes are roses.

Your beard has nearly disappeared in your beer.

Give Claire a fair share of pear jam.

Can you cure her of curiosity?

Звук [h]

Hasn’t Henry given Harry a hint?

Звук [h]

Hilda Higgins’ husband has a horse.

Звук [gr]

The great Greek grape growers grow great Greek gras.


 Hands on your hips,

 Hands on your knees,

 Put them behind, if you please,

 Touch your shoulders,

 Touch your nose,

 Touch your ears,

 Touch your toes.

 Raise your hands into the air,

 To the sides, on your hair,

 Raise them up as before,

 While clapping - "One, two, three, four!"

 Stand up and look around.

 Shake your head and turn around,

 Stamp your feet upon the ground.

 Clap hands, and then sit down.

 Stand up and look around.

 Make a bow and turn around.

 Stamp your feet upon the ground,

 Clap hands and then sit down.

Head and shoulders,

 Knees and toes,

 Knees and toes.

 Head and shoulders,

 Knees and toes,

 Knees and toes,

 And eyes and ears,

 And mouth and nose.

 Head and shoulders,

 Knees and toes,

 Knees and toes.

Arms up! Clap, clap!

Arms down! Clap, clap!

Arms sideward!

Arms down!

Clap, clap, clap!

Stop! Sit down!

Stand up! Step, step!

Arms up! Clap, clap!

Arms down! Turn around!

Hop, hop, hop! Stop!

Turn left! Clap, clap!

Turn right! Clap, clap!

Nod your head!

And turn around!

And clap, clap, clap!

Show me your shoulders,

Show me your neck,

Clap, clap your hands

And show me your back.

Show me your head, show me your neck,

Clap, clap your hands

And show me your back.

Show me your foot,

Show me your neck,

Clap, clap your hands

And show me your back.

Arms up! Arms down!

Clap, clap, clap!

Arms up! Arms down!

Step, step, step!

Bend left! Bend right! Bend down!

Straighten your back!

And sit down!

Clap, clap, clap your hands!

Clap your hands together!

Step, step, step your feet,

Step your feet together!

Touch, touch, touch your cheeks,

Touch your cheeks together!

Touch, touch, touch your ears,

Touch your ears together!

Shake, shake, shake your hands,

Shake your hands together!

Smile, smile at your friends,

Let us smile together.

Here's my left hand,

And here's my right,

I can clap them

With all my might.

Грамматические  рифмовки.

the verb "to have (has)"

My Family

I have mother,

 I have father,

 I have sister,

 I have brother.

How Many Fingers do I Have?

How many fingers do I have?        

 Five on my left hand,

 Five on my right hand.

 How many fingers do I have?

He Wants Some Toys

A little boy

 Has no toy.

 He makes much noise,

 He wants some toys.


I have two eyes,

 And I can see

 A book and a pen

 In front of me.

 I see a window

 And a door.

 I see the ceiling

 And the floor.

We Count

One, two. Look at your shoe.

 Three, four. Look at the floor.

 Five, six. Look at the chicks.

 Seven, eight. Look at the plate.

 Nine, ten. Look at your pen.

Naughty Tommy

I must jump on Monday.

I mast run on Tuesday.

Wednesday is a holiday.

I must think on Thursday

What to do on Friday.

On Saturday I must play.

On Sunday I must rest

All day, all day!

the verbs "to like", " to love"

A Peacock and a Dove

This is a peacock

 And that is a dove.

 The peacock I like,

 And the dove — I love.

I Love my Family

I love my father,

 I love my mother,

 I love my sister

 And my big brother.

I Like

I like a ball,

 And you like a doll.

 I like a dog,

 And you like a frog.

 I like some fish

 And you like a dish.

the modal verb "can"

What Can You Do?

I can swim like a fish,

 I can run like a dog,

 I can jump like a frog,

 I can fly like a bird.

To be going to.

At school.

I’m going to count.

I’m going to read.

I’m going to write.

I’m going to speak.

Are you going to count?

Are you going to read?

Are you going to write?

Are you going to speak?

I’m going to read.

I’m not going to sleep.

I’m not going to write.

I’m not going to fight.

These – those.

Beautiful nature.

Look at these.

Look at those.

These are chicks.

Those are crows.

Look at these.

Look at those.

I like these.

You like those.

Personal pronouns.

I, you,

He, she, it,

We, you, they-

Полон дом у нас гостей!

Look at me. I can climb an apple -tree.

Look at him. He can swim.

Look at her. She can sweep the floor.

Look at us. We can dance.

Look at them. They like cherry jam.

There is – Is there?

Your birds.

There is a bird on the table.

There is a bird on the door.

There is a bird on the chair.

There is a bird on the floor.

  1. Where are the birds?
  2. On the table,

On the door,

On the chair,

On the floor.

Лексические рифмовки.



Soap is green or red, or white,

 Or blue, or black as inc.

 But when you wash it is turn white,

 It is so strange, I think.

Blue sea…

 Blue sea, green tree.

 Brown hand, yellow sand.

 Rose red, grey head.

 Snow white, black night.

The frog is green.

 The frog is green, green, green

 And so is the tree,

 One, two, three, one, two, three.

 Red, red, red the rose,

 Blue, blue, blue the dress.

 Grey, grey, grey the rat

 And so is the cat!

What is green?

Please, tell me, what is green?

 Grass is green, so long and clean.

 “What is red?”, asked little Fred.

 “The ball is red”, says his brother Ted.

 What is grey? Can you say?

 Yes, I can – the mouse is grey!

 What is white? I want to know.

 Milk is white and so is snow!

Blue is the sea.

 Blue is the sea,

 Green is the grass,

 White are the clouds

 As they slowly pass.

Black are the crows,

 Brown are the trees,

 Red are the sails

 Of a ship in the breeze.

I see green…

 I see green, I see yellow,

 I see that funny fellow.

 I see white, I see black,

 I see this and that and that.

I see pink, I see brown,

 I stand up and I sit down,

 I see red, I see blue,

 I see you and you and you!

I see…

 I see green, I see brown.

 I stand up and I sit down.

 I see red, I see blue,

 I see you and you, and you!

This is …

This is a big green frog,

 This is a big white dog.

 This is a big grey rat,

 This is a big black cat.

Take a little bit of yellow.

 Take a little bit of yellow

 And a little bit of red,

 Put it in the bowl

 And what have you got instead?

 We’ve got a colour we’ve never had before.

 What have we got?

 We’ve got orange!

Small as a peanut.

Small as a peanut

 Big as a giant

 We're all the same size

 When we turn off the light

 Red, black or orange

 Yellow or white

 We all look the same

 When we turn off the light

 So maybe the way

 To make everything right

 Is for God to just reach out

 And turn off the light!

Come unto these yellow sands.

Come unto these yellow sands,

 And then take hands:

 Curtsied when you have, and kissed

 The wild waves whist:

 Foot it featly here and there,

 And, sweet sprites, the burden bear.

 Hark, hark! Bow-wow;

 The watch dogs bark: bow-wow.

 Hark, hark! I hear

 The strain of strutting Chanticleer

 Cry Cockadiddle-do.

A pencil-box.

I have many pencils:

 Red and green and blue.

 I’ll draw a picture

 And give it to you!

I have many pencils.

I have many pencils,

 Red and green and blue.

 I shall draw a picture

 And give it to you!

 I have many pencils,

 My brother has a pen.

 We can draw on paper

 Funny little man.


Soap is green or red, or white,

 Or blue, or black as inc.

 But when you wash it is turn white,

 It is so strange, I think.

Blue sea…

 Blue sea, green tree.

 Brown hand, yellow sand.

 Rose red, grey head.

 Snow white, black night.

Red and yellow

White and blue

The gayest flowers

Are just for you.

Red, red, red, the rose

Blue, blue, blue the dress

Grey, grey, grey the cat

And so is the rаt

It’s fun to be this

It’s fine to be that

To leap like a lamb

To climb like a cat

To swim like a fish

To hop like a frog

To trot like a horse

To jump like a dog.

Времена года

The months.

 January brings the snow,

 Makes our feet and fingers glows.

 February brings the rains,

 Thaws the frozen lake again.

 March brings breezes sharp and chill,

 Shakes the dancing daffodil.

 April brings the primrose sweet,

 Scatters daisies at our feet.

 May brings flocks of pretty lambs,

 Sporting round their fleecy dams.

 June brings tulips, lilies, rose,

 Fills the children’s hands with posies.

 Hot July brings thunder-showers,

 Apricots, and gilly-flowers.

 August brings the sheaves of corn;

 Then the harvest home is borne.

 Warm September brings the fruit;

 Sportsmen then begin to shoot.

 Brown October brings the pheasant,

 Then to gather nuts is pleasant.

 Dull November brings the blast—

 Hark! the leaves are whirling fast.

 Cold December brings the sleet,

 Blazing fire, and Christmas treat.


It’s autumn.

 All the leaves are falling down,

 Falling down, falling down.

 Falling , falling to the ground

 It is autumn!

As they fall they twirl around,

 Twirl around, twirl around.

 Twirling, swirling to the ground.

 It is autumn.

Lots of colours touch the ground,

 Touch the ground, touch the ground.

 Red and yellow, green and brown.

 It is autumn!


 Warm September brings the fruit,

 Sportsmen then begin to shoot.

 October brings the pheasant,

 Then to gather nuts is pleasant.

 Dull November brings the blast,

 Then the leaves are wiring fast.

In September, last July.

 One fine October morning

 In September, last July

 The moon lay thick upon the ground,

 The snow shone in the sky.

 The flowers were singing gaily

 And the birds were in full bloom.

 I went down to the cellar

 To sweep the upstairs room.

Please remember.

 Please to remember

 The fifth of November,

 Gunpowder, treason, and plot

 I know no reason

 Why gunpowder and treason

 Should ever be forgot.


 Rain on the green grass,

 Rain on the tree.

 Rain on the house-top

 But not on me!

Rain, rain, go away!

 Come again another day!


 This is a season when fruit is sweet,

 This is a season when friends meet,

 This is a season when leaves fall down

 Red, orange, yellow, brown.

The song of seasons.

 Sing the song of seasons!

 Something bright in all.

 Flowers in the summer,

 Fires in the fall.


 Mushrooms, dear, don’t be afraid,

 Don’t just hide there in the shade.

 Come and stand in the sun

 So I pick you one by one.

Dance of the leaves.

 First they dance upon the trees,

 Then they float on the breeze.

 Then they gaily blow around,

 Now they’re sleeping on the ground.


 Yellow, red and green and brown,

 See, the little leaves come down.

 Dancing, dancing in the breeze,

 Falling, falling from the trees


 In winter-time

 When the days are chill,

 A robin sits on my window-sill.

 I putout bread

 For him to eat,

 And cake-crumbs too

 As a little treat.

 He picks them up

 So prettily,

 Then sings a “Thank you”

 Song for me.


 This is the season

 When mornings are dark,

 And birds do not sing

 In the forests and park.

This is the season

 When children ski

 And Father Frost brings

 The New Year Tree!

Winter months.

Chill December brings the sleet,

 Blazing fire and Christmas treat.

 January brings the snow,

 Makes our feet and fingers glow.

 February brings the rain,

 Thaws the frozen lake again.

On the ice.

 Slide, slide, the ice is strong.

 Quickly, quickly slide along!

 Slide along and don’t be slow,

 In the cold your face will glow!

The north wind blow.

 The north wind doth blow,

 And we shall have snow,

 And what will poor robin do then,

 Poor thing?

 He'll sit in a barn,

 And keep himself warm,

 And hide his head under his wing, poor thing.


 So softy came the snowflakes down

 That no one heard in all the town.

 And right-side up they landed too,

 As parachuting elves would do.

So when the morning came – surprise!

 The world lay white before your eyes.

 With cotton roof and hills a-blur

 And avenues of rabbit fur


 Snowflakes floating and drifting down,

 They cover ev’rything in our town.

 They float and drift, and drift and float,

 And then settle down on the ground.


 The snowflakes are falling

 By one’s and by two’s.

 There is snow on my coat

 And snow on my shoes.

There is snow on the plants

 And snow on the trees.

 And snowflakes all around me

 Like many white bees!

Snowman, run!

 Snow, snow, snowman grow.

 Oh, the sun – snowman, run!

A Snowman.

 I’m a little snowman white and fat.

 Here is my pipe and here is my hat.

 I’ve got buttons one, two, three.

 Will you count them all with me?

Don’t throw the snowballs at my hat

 If you do I’ll turn around

 And pick some snow up from the ground,

 Make a ball or maybe two

 And then throw snowballs back at you!


I’m a little snowman, short and fat.

 Here is my broomstick, here is my hat.

 When the jolly sunshine comes to stay

 Then I slowly melt away!

New Year

 A happy New Year!

 The day is so clear,

 The snow is so white,

 The sky is so bright, We shout with all our might:

 “A happy New Year!”

New Year

 Come, children, gather round my knee,

 Something is about to be.

 Tonight’s December thirty-first,

 Something is about to burst.

 Hark, it’s midnight, children dear,

 Huck, here comes another year!

New Year.

 New things to learn, new friends to meet.

 New songs to sing, new books to read.

 New things to see, new things to hear.

 New things to do in this New Year!

New Year Day

 New Year Day, happy day!

 We are all glad and very gay.

 We all dance and sing and say:

 “Welcome! Welcome! New Year Day!”

New Year Tree.

 Oh, New Year Tree, Oh, New Year Tree,

 Who we love to see you!

 We’ll make some trimmings just for you

 Of red and gold and green and blue.

 Oh, New Year Tree, Oh, New Year Tree,

 Who we love to see you!

Christmas Tree.

Oh, Christmas Tree, Oh, Christmas Tree

 You give us so much pleasure.

 You do not fade with winter snow.

 You bloom with lights when cold wind blow.

 Oh, Christmas Tree, Oh, Christmas Tree

 You give us so much pleasure.

Christmas is coming.

 Christmas is coming the goose are getting fat.

 Please, to put a penny

 In old man’s hat.

 If you haven’t got a penny,

 A ha’penny will do.

 If you haven’t got a ha’penny,

 Then God bless you.


 It’s getting near to Christmas

 So let’s help Santa pack!

 And all the toys for girls and boys

 Into his great big sack.

Soldiers are you ready?

 Then march round one, two, three!

 What lovely Christmas presents

 We know you’re going to be!


 I am a fairy doll on the Christmas tree.

 Boys and girls come and look at me!

 Look at me, see what I can do.

 Then all of you can do it too!

Christmas eve.

 “Oh! Oh! Oh! Look at the snow,

 Over the garden way.

 So deep and so white,

 It has fallen all night;

 We cannot go out to-day!”

Rain, Wind and Snow.

 Rain, rain, April rain!

 Bring the flowers back again,

 Yellow cowslip, violet blue,

 Butter-cups and daisies too.

Wind, wind! Autumn wind!

 He the leafy trees has thinned,

 Loudly hear him roar and shout;

 Bar the door and keep him out.

Snow, snow, pure white snow!

 O'er the fields thy covering throw.

 Cover up the seed so warm

 Through the winter safe from harm.

Rain, wind, snow, all three,

 Each in turn shall welcome be,

 Each and all in turn are sent

 On the earth with good intend.

My Wish

 A happy New Year for me,

 A happy New Year for you,

 A happy New Year for everyone!

 That’s what I wish – I do!It’s Snowing

 It’s snowing, It’s snowing.

 What a lot of snow!

 Let us make some snowballs

 We all like to throw.

 It’s snowing, it’s snowing.

 Let us sledge and ski!

 When I’m dashing downhill

 Clear the way for me!

Father Frost.

 Father Frost, bring many toys

 For little girls and little boys!

 In winter when fields are white.

 In winter, when the fields are white,

 I sing this song for your delight.

 In spring, when woods are getting green,

 I'll try and tell you what I mean.

 In summer, when the days are long,

 Perhaps you'll understand the song.

 In autumn, when the leaves are brown,

 Take a pen and ink, and write it down.

A good game.

 So we’ll have a good game with Dandy,

 Warm in the cosy house,

 And then when the twilight gathers,

 We’ll talk of old Santa Claus.

 We’ll sit by the flames together,

 And hear how they roar and sing,

 And picture the old man coming,

 And wonder what he will bring.

 "We never shall hear his footsteps,

 For the snow will hush their tread,

 But he’ll come to us just as ever,

 If the stockings are by the bed;

 And he’ll bring us the prettiest presents,

 Just as he used to do,

 For he never forgets the children

 As long as they trust him true!

Jingle bells

 Dashing through the snow,

 In a one-horse open sleigh,

 O’er fields we go, laughing all the way.

 Bells on bobtail ring, making spirit bright,

 What fun it is to ride and sing

 The sleighing song tonight!

Jingle bells, jingle bells,

 Jingle all the way.

 Oh, what fun it is to ride

 In a one-horse open sleigh!


 Skating, skating, skating, round and round we go

 Over frosty ice and through the frosty snow.

 Skating, skating, skating boys and girls so gay!

 They like to skate together on a winter day!

Стихи о книгах

Book look

Since book are friends,

They need much care.

When you’re reading  them,

Be good to them and fair.

Use book-marks, children,

To hold your place,

And don’t turn a book

Upon its clear face.

Remember, children, then:

Book are meant to read,

Not cut or colour them –

No, really never indeed!


What worlds of wonders are our books!

As one opens them and looks,

New  ideas and people rise

In our fancies and our eyes.

The room we sit in melts away,

And we find ourselves at play

With someone who, before the end,

May become our chosen friend.


If you scribble on your books,

How  disgustable  it looks!

Here a word, and there a scrawl,

Silly pictures over all!

Take a paper, or a slate,

If you  want to decorate!


A Dictionary’s where you can look things up

To see if they’re really there:

To see if what you breathe is Are,

If what you sit on is a Chair,

If what you comb is curly Hair,

If what you drink from is a Cup.

A Dictionary’s where you can look things up

To see if they’re really there.

Стихи о погоде

March Wind

March wind goes out to play,

He will have such today!

When the boys and girls come out,

He blows their caps and hats about.

A Summer day

Come my children, come away.

For the sun shines bright today;

Little children, come with me,

Birds and brooks and flowers see;

Get your hats and come away,

For it is a pleasant day.

Let us make a merry ring,

Talk and laugh, and dance and sing!

Quickly, quickly, come away,

For it is a pleasant day. 

Who has seen the wind?

Who has seen the wind?

Neither I nor you;

But when the leaves hang trembling

The wind is passing through.

Who has seen the wind?

Neither you nor I;

But when the trees bow down their heads

The wind is passing by.

Two Rainbows

There’s a rainbow in my garden;

Yes, indeed, it’s true:

Rose and orange, primrose, green,

Mauve and deepest blue.

Rainbow colours everywhere,

Where my  flowers  grow;

All from very tiny seeds,

Planted long ago.

There’s a rainbow in my garden;

See how the colours shine!

A rainbow in the sky soon fades,

The one that lasts is mine!

Bath time

Fiowers lift

Their faces high

For the rain to wash

And the sun to dry.

Autumn leaves

Autumn leaves fall down in showers,

Leaves of brown and gold and red.

They cover houses, grass, and flowers

Like a quilt upon a bed.

They spread a bright gay carpet

All up and down the street.

We skip and dance upon them

With merry twinkling feet.


On stormy days,

When the wind is high,

Tall trees are brooms

Sweeping the sky.

They swish their branches

In buckets of rain,

And swash and sweep

Blue again.

The run away snowman.

One winter day

When clouds hung low,

I made a snowman

In the snow.

He stayed with me

All next day.

The sun came out:

He ran away.



December comes with white snow

And cold winds begin to blow;

From the cold and starlit sky

Merry snowflakes fly and fly;

They fall softly in the night,

All are still, all are white.


 The windows are blue at night.

 But in the morning they are white.

 And snowflakes are falling

 Come out they are calling.


 Get out of bed and take your sled

 This cold and frosty day.

 The sun is bright, the snow is right

 For outdoor winter day.


Winter is over

Without any doubt,

Down the meadow

The blackthorn is out!

Swallows fly back

From their winter in Spain,

Little brown martins

Are with us again.

Far off in the distance

I’m sure I hear, too,

The herald of spring

With his first faint “Cuckoo!”

the month of august

The month of August

Is the month of fruit;

But remember, children,

My fruit is not so good.

Please, rememder,

To wail for September.


There are twelve months in the year

From January to December –

And the best month of all the twelve

Is the merry month of September.


The maple tree has turned to red,

the poplar leaves are gold.

The sky is sunny over head,

the wind is getting cold!

The robins all have gone away,

the grass is dry and brown.

Chrysanthemums are bright and gay.

October’s come to town!

The best of all.

December is the best of all.

Snowflakes dance, snowflakes fall.

People see the New Year in –

When December ends, it will begin.

Стихи о животных

My dream

I  love all kinds of animals,

Dogs and cats and rabbits.

I love all kinds of animals,

Despite their little habits.

If I had tons of money,

D’you know what I would  do?

I’d buy lots of animals

And have my own little zoo.

But they wouldn’t be in cages.

They’d be free to run around.

And there’s one thing they would feel,

And that is safe and sound.

Five little goats

Five little goats walked one day,

And each little goat had something to say.

The first one said, “What a fine day.”

The second one said, “Let’s run and play.”

The third one said, “It looks like rain.”

The fourth one said, “Oh no! Not again!”

The fifth one said, “There’s a drop on my head.”

So they all hurried home to their warm snug shed.

The less. . ., the more. . .

A wise old owl lived in an oak;

The more he saw, the less he spoke.

The less he spoke, the more he heard:

Why can’t we all be like that wise old bird?

Squirrel, squirrel

Squirrel, squirrel, in the park,

Your tail is like a question mark.

Your little nose is black and bright;

Your eyes are glimmering with light.

When you run, you run in jumps,

Up the trees, around the stumps,

Over the grass and clover, then

Scooting up the trees again.

Squirrel, squirrel, stop and see

What I brought along with me:

Something that is brown and sweet,

Something that you like to eat.

Squirrel, don’t you understand?

Here’s a peanut in my hand.

Three hens

When three hens go a-walking, they

Observe this order and array:

The first hen walks in from, and then

Behind her walks the second hen,

While, move they slow or move they fast,

You find the third hen walking last.

Where are the bees?

Here is the beehive.

Where are the bees?

Hiding inside where nobody sees.

Watch and you’ll see them

Come out of their hive –

One, two, three, four, five!

A cat

- Pussy-cat, pussy-cat,

Where have you been?

- I've been to London

To look at the Queen.

- Pussy-cat, pussy-cat,

What did you do there?

- I frightened a little mouse

Under her chair.

A mouse and a miller

There was an old woman

Who lived under a hill,

She put a mouse in a bag,

And send it to the mill.

The miller did swear

By point of his knife,

He never took toll

Of a mouse in his life.

О разном

Robin the Bobbin

Robin the Bobbin, the big-bellied Ben,

He ate more meat than fourscore men;

He ate a cow, he ate a calf,

He ate a butcher and a half,

He ate a church, he ate a steeple,

He ate a priest and all the people!

A cow and a calf, an ox and a half,

A church and a steeple, and all good people,

And yet he complained

That his stomach wasn't full.   


Humpty-Dumpty sat on the wall,

Humpty-Dumpty Had a great fall;

All the King's horses and all the King's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Eansy-Weensy spider

Eansy-Weensy spider

Went up the water spout.

Down came the rain

And washed the spider out.

Out came the sun

And dried up all the rain.

And Eensy-Weensy spider

Went up the spout again.

One, two, three, four, five,

Once I caught a fish alive,

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,

Then I let it go again.

Why did I let it go?

Because it bit my finger so.

Which finger did it bite?

This little finger on the right.


  1. Дьяченко Н.П. Стихи, рифмовки и песни как средство повышения эффективности урока английского языка./Н.П.Дьяченко// Педагогический вестник. – 2004. - №3.
  2. Лосева С.В. Английский в рифмах. – 2-е изд., переработанное и дополненное – М.:ТОО «Новина», 1995.
  3. Нехорошева А.В. Rhyme your English: Сборник стихов, рифмовок и песен на английском языке: Практическое пособие – М: АРКТИ, 2006.
  4. Пригоцкая И.Г. Стихи и рифмовки на уроках английского языка в V-VII классах// Иностранные языки в школе. – 1998. - №2.
  5. Степанова И.С. Мои первые шаги в чтении. М: Просвещение, 1990.
  6. Фурсенко С. В. Грамматика в стихах. СПр «КАРО» 2006.
  7. http://mypersonal-site.ucoz.ru/index/zarjadki_na_anglijskom_jazyke/
  8. http://www.english-cartoons.com/стихи-на-английском/

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